Archive for Master Kuthumi

Master Kuthumi* Union



My delightful friends, playmates and wondrous beings of Light, welcome to our realms of Light. I am Maha Chohan who comes to you. Ra Mu stands beside me as does Kuthumi. Jesus has also come to join us, to share in this truth and also the energies surrounding these words. For today we celebrate in joy and happiness the union of us all. I invite you to laugh with us, dance, be happy. Share with us. Let our energies merge. As they do you will not only feel uplifted, but happy also.

To feel happy, uplifted, joyful is not a gift. It is a choice. Your choice.

You can choose to be happy, peaceful, grateful for whatever you have. You can choose whether you wish to stay in the presence of those who would pull you down by their words, jealousies, energies. Like attracts like. Therefore you will truly feel when another’s energies are not flowing with your own. You will feel it.

Kuthumi has spoken of the new Light particles in your atmosphere. When we last met I spoke of the Golden Discs of Light. This day I tell you these Discs of Light not only raise your vibration, they link directly to your pineal gland in the brain.This small gland, known as the Master Gland in your body because it is the doorway – the point of union where the higher particles of Light merge and are dispersed through the Golden Rod of Light, which lies in front of the spinal column, flowing through firstly to the heart, now birthing into the Higher Heart.

You are birthing new energies within your very bodies. All is in unison.There are parts of your brain which have remained dormant – unused. Now they begin the awakening process as you birth the new energies of Light into your being, you also birth into a higher consciousness.

Oh my friends, laugh, be joyful. Celebrate these great joyous times with us. This time, this process is to be celebrated is it not? For who of those among you would choose to stay in darkness or even limited Light? Think of this my friends as you experience your anger, loss, confusion, and all levels of depression.


Think of what is there for you now. Not next month, next year, NOW. Anytime you choose you can immerse yourself in the Light and allow the confusion and sadness to fall away as you would release an overcoat. Ra Mu has helped you with this in his meditation Changing consciousness of Man. For this is how he chooses to guide you, to meet with you and free you.

So, it comes down to thought and choice in the birthing times you are experiencing. The new energies of Earth are already being created – birthed. It began with the financial illusion. This was the beginning. There were too many living falsely, beyond their means, being tempted by those few who sought control and power of many.This not part of the plan. What you experience now is relase of this power. But also great joy. You could not experience the great joy, and the remembrance of your soul while you were held in financial control.

I, Jesus come forward to you now in patient love, forgiveness and also happiness. When I was last on your Earth, I asked many to turn from their homes and follow me. Many did as your history books portray. Those who chose to follow were filled with an essence of love and joy they had not known. They had not allowed themselves to know this new feeling. They had become chained in a daily existence of answering to others in control. Toiling for little financial gain. I showed a new way, as I am now.

Let it be known

That I Jesus say to each of you, I am within you. My “essence” through the Father God resides in your hearts. You seek outside of you. The answer has always lain within your most sacred chamber, the heart.

I tell you look within.

Look within with the eyes of forgiveness, as I do when I look at you. Look with the eyes of acceptance, as I do when I look at you. Look within as a friend as I do, when I look at you. Look within with compassion as I do when I look at you.

My friend love yourself as I love you, as God loves you. For this is the seed of great joy, great love, more than you can know. Nourish that seed of love, feed it each day, by being kind to yourself, and spreading that love and kindness you feel out to others you meet each day.

This is the seed of your New Earth, of what you call “the second coming”. You are the second coming. I ask you to honor the Father God through this sacred seed of love and kindness to yourself and your neighbor.

I greet you now in Light as I speak to you. It is I, Kuthumi. We have gathered here, my brothers and I in union. The joy we feel is not only of those energies as we join together, but for you also. We see the great potential you have to create in love and peace, and in union also. As we work and help one another, so now must you. Aggression in all it’s ugly forms must be set aside – purposely.

I say purposely for you need to be on guard. The Light is your sword and love your shield. Use them. Use them to turn away from fear and aggression.


It is time to be more aware, to think of which energy you choose to use. Which energy you choose to manifest to yourself and to others. We here, Jesus, Maha Chohan, Ra Mu and I Kuthumi, the White Brotherhood, the Light Council which we represent, we call you now to arms – to fight for your future of Light of love. We assist with the Photon Belt energies and the Golden Solar Discs of Light, but you must now fight. Use your sword of Light and shield of love to all. The time is upon you now. If you doubt why we come or the words we speak look around you, what do you see?

I tell you it is time now. The prize is great. The return home, to Gods arms, containing more love and joy than you can imagine. I have asked you before, and I ask again now “What do you choose my friend?” The choice can only be yours. You must choose. I say to you that you will be unable to sit on the fence much longer. For you will be lost – in lower energies, in space. Complacency has no place in the New Earth.

The Lunar eclipse at this time will challenge many. Darker aspects of ourselves may emerge. If you are experiencing a darker aspect, through angry words or those of others, remember the seed Jesus gave you. Remember your Soul Light. Use your shield of love to protect you from others angry words. Remember.


Master Kuthumi* Open the Door of Light Within


Open the Door of Light Within.

I Greet you my friends in Light, in the love of God as I merge with your energy field. Take a moment to connect with me fully through the Creators ray of colors. Visualize a rainbow of color, as I meet you. Now see how you feel. Lighter. How you feel more connected to our higher realms. Be aware of the Peace energy as it permeates all of your bodies. Feel the peace and Light energies as they take you higher, and higher.

Now feel me, merge with my essence in the Magenta Light. Be with me here.
Let yourself fly to me .

Now as I have prepared you, be at peace, at one with all as I speak with you and prepare you for the journey you will make during this pivotal year of 2009

This day, the 11th, this year 2009 also completing the number 11, for 2 and 9 are 11, and this month beginning the 1st month – the beginning. I have told you of the number 11 being a Master number. This number signifies a time for man to connect to God, to open to higher consciousness, to remember all of your experience and learning – the memories contained in your Soul. It is a time to embrace the new energies, to open the door to your Soul Light through the Diamond Light, contained in your Higher Heart. It is time to merge, to feel, to acknowledge you are part of all – you are part of Oneness.

And so, on this Master day, meaning the acknowledgement and understanding of higher awareness, of the Light within you, prepare to step forward. However you must first acknowledge to your higher self, that you are willing to move forward. For you must take this first step fully, to release the chains of darkness that have shackled you to the past. To previous experience, warlike behavior, selfishness and control. Yes my friends, it is these chains we now break. You must leave these old ways behind. They cannot exist where you are going. They can only exist in darkness where love struggles to survive. All of you have experienced this darkness. It has been part of your polarity in your experiences of Earth incarnations.

Non of you is above another. To think you are is your ego self controlling your conscious mind. It is that some, through choice, hold more Light energy than others. Yet I say to you this does not make them greater, does not entitle them to rule over you by their words or attitude – no it does not. It does however, enable them to open to a great opportunity, to serve mankind through teaching, through example. You see? To show others, to guide them, to help them forward to teach others to embrace the Light of their own Soul. This is a great service, a great gift to another.

With all of this understanding, are you now ready to step forward to a higher level of awareness on this day? The outer energies of the planet, flowing through to your atmosphere, assist you in this great release. Yes my friend, it is a great release. For it is time for you to embrace your future, your own Divine Light. It is time to hold more Light within you, to build that Light until you radiate glorious Light in love, in peace, in oneness.

So what is this great release to begin this process? It is simple, it is not difficult. Spirituality has never been difficult. It is that some have chosen to make it so. And so I will simplify this great step for you.

You are connected to me on the Magenta Ray, for I and others will help you. See them join us now. Some of you will feel us merge into your energy fields.

The Master Lady Mary joins me now, and Lord Ra Mu stands to my left, the Lord Maha Chohan stands to my right. Do you feel them, do you feel the power and strength of our united Light energy.

Breath in our Energies as we lead you in peace and love.
Take a moment as your own energies are adjusted to a higher vibration
See us now, standing before you. Lady Mary moves to stand beside you. Feel her love,
Her essence.
On the outer rims of the Magenta Ray, gold and pink rays of Light begin to merge and flow to you, surrounding you in added love, strength and Soul remembrance.
Breathe and allow the energies to flow over you, and through you.
Connect to your Heart center as the energies penetrate and radiate out wider and wider from your heart center, your Soul.
Feel it. See it. Now you begin to feel your Soul Light. Is it not a wondrous feeling?
Take a moment to become Soul Light, to truly merge and be.
To experience once more this feeling, this energy – the Light of your Soul.
For your Soul rejoices, your Soul remembers. Now you remember in your totality.
The Lord Maha Chohan assists you in this step of Soul Remembrance, in his role of overseeing mankind’s transition to a Golden Age.
So now are you ready to release the past which you no longer need to carry? The burdens of doubt and fear which hold you in their grip of a negative reality.
Lady Mary is close now, we are with you at this most important doorway that you stand before.
As you look at the doorway see the Violet Flame. Though it burns brightly it will not harm you for the Violet Flame, part of the Trinity, is God’s gift to you. To help you release, to burn off old paradigms of negative behavior, hate, jealousies, fear. Dark deeds you may have done. It is time to let them go, release them for they weigh you down. They cannot accompany you to the higher realms. No, they cannot, they will only weigh you down.
And so I say to you, with all your will and intent let go – release them as you walk through the Violet Flame doorway –
Walk through now.
And you see, we are all still here with you. This is the first step. Remember you have released, let go.
None of this darkness can you call back – no. For any time you feel a fear, immerse yourself in your Soul Light
Feel it.
For it is the one essence that will lead you forward – fearless – in total love and peace. You have experienced this. You know how it feels. you have felt the power you have always had. You simply forgot about it.
Now we have awakened you on this wondrous day of your new year.
Your new path of Light now begins. Your new reality which you have chosen, you have created.
Was this so difficult? It was fear and the comfort of old ways which has held you back.
But now we celebrate, yes all of us here celebrate with you, for you have crossed the road, you have broken free of the chains of your past.
And so rejoice with us. Laugh, dance, feel the joy and Light, in your heart.
From this day forward, you will radiate more Light in your being.
Your new Earth is Light, much Light. Now you begin a new path, a new journey.
I, Lord Maha Chohan, have given a Code of Light to this one to celebrate this day and to help you remember in times of need that you have crossed the road to Light and you are not alone.
The color is Magenta, the higher vibrational color of Love – of all that is.
I Kuthumi now ask the Lady Mary, Lord Maha Chohan and Lord Ra Mu to step back.
As you gently reenter your physical body, our energies will remain with you for some time. Some will continue to feel our energies for two days. You will find your sleep will be deeper as the physical body receives heeling through our energies.

This will be a Master year, a year for you to step onto new paths of Light as you prepare for ascension. You are returning home my friends. Your long journey of experience on Earth is almost complete.

We walk with you, do not forget. Yet this is also a year of remembrance. Of remembering all that you are, all you have experienced, the duality of dark and Light. For how would you know Light had you not experienced darkness? See it as experience my friend, of learning wisdom.

There is a further part to be relayed in this vital first step. Rest for now. We will lead you in this next step when we meet once more through this one.

Our Blessings.
Our Love
Our Peace are with you

The Masters Kuthumi, Lady Mary, Lord Maha Chohan, Lord Ra Mu.





I greet you once more in love, unity and Oneness of al that is, and that which has been. As I come forward to you now, I bring with me the Will of God the Creator, and His Blessing of Light to you. Be still a moment and connect to the Light, feel it as it enters your energy field, and travels through your crown chakra, down through the Pineal gland, making it’s way down to further open and feed your Higher Heart, connected to your Soul. For it is here, at the core of your being that the connection, the sacred awareness of Mother, Father God essence resides within you.

This Divine energy, which pulsates and now demands acknowledgement, through your Soul, to connect back, to remember your true core, your beginning, where you were truly born. It is time my friends, in this magical year 2009, to remember. This year, translating to the number 11, a sacred number, which carries the vibrational energies for your spiritual development this year. Through the Light particles penetrating your being, activating your higher power centers, pulling you up higher in vibration, you will desire to understand more of your Soul knowledge – your purpose, your own unique path, your Soul and it’s journey of your past and what is to be.

Indeed the planetary energies this year are propelling mankind forward to his sacred home, to fully experience and be with the Creator energy. Many of you will begin to awaken, to seek new knowledge and understanding of your journey. It will be a year of connection to your Higher Heart energy, to feeling your way to the completion of each daily experience.

You are now in a time of connecting to this feeling center. It is what we and our cosmic brothers have been preparing you for over a number of years. The energies have intensified through your previous ten years. You have felt this. Outwardly all of you have seen change, in your personal worlds, your outer world, and in other lands. I have spoken of these changes many times in my teachings to assist you.

Now here you are at the beginning of a New Year, a new cycle, a powerful and a very significant crossroad. In my previous teaching I spoke of this very crossroad, now I explain further. As I have said, many are and will be questioning their role, their purpose, trying to understand all that is. Why, when, how, what for? I say to you that I have spoken much on all that you ask, as have other Light Beings. Yet still you persist in this old mentality of thinking. It is time now to connect to the heart center, the feeling center, the home of your soul. For your Soul does not think – no – it feels. And it is able to feel all, both the positive and negative emotions. I can tell you where there is too much negativity around you, the Soul will withdraw. This will leave you feeling empty – void of emotion and feelings. The Soul is not present you see, and so you are temporarily in a Soul vacuum until the Soul returns and awareness of feelings resume.

So it is that you are at a Soul crossroad. Where will you step? Will you remain as you are thinking – again the mind energy – that you will be safe as you are. You feel in the comfort zone with no desire to change so you choose to remain in the same ‘place.’

Or will you step across onto the new path which leads to experiencing a New Earth, a Divinity of pure joy and delight where unconditional love resides?

What do you choose? You have the power to refuse, though as more time passes it will require much more third dimensional energy to remain where you are now. The crossroad is before each of you. It is time to be still, to listen within. Really listen. Listen to your heart through your Higher Self. The old ways you have experienced through so many incarnations are crumbling. The ways of control through fear, greed and humiliation of another are eroding very quickly. In those who operate – even in the slightest manner – from any of these traits, the changes on Earth and in your lives will create even more fear as you vainly try to hold on to the old familiar energies. The new path is upon you. Stop, consider let go of old ways which no longer serve you.

And so, 2009 will also be a year of challenges. The Divine energy through the Light particles which penetrate your very being, awakening your Soul Light, will draw you upward to new heights of inner peace and joy. Many have not experienced the depth of pure joy available to you through the Light. It will depend on the degree of Light you have already integrated into your being, which will decide on how great your own challenges will be. Remember the Light is your protector and your weapon. There is no other weapon –no.

In times of despair, immerse yourself in the Light particles, you will be uplifted. In times of verbal attack from another, do not lower yourself to a third dimensional energy level, rather send them Light merged with love. Immerse them in that energy – and yourself. For only the Light has the power to dissolve all negativity, to transmute, to soften, to heal. Many act in negative manner through fear. So I remind you to use the power of the Light through any challenge presented to you to experience. Remember the power of the Light is your birthright.


As you proceed through your coming year, there are many signposts being sent to you through the Cosmic energies. However the greatest will be on the 9 th September 2009.

On this day the infinity of Cosmic Light particles will be very strong, invoking the deepest spiritual connection for all. It will be a magnificent time. A time for all to drink their full of the Light particles to complete the transformation of the DNA through your very cells. Water will be the carrier. We call it a Cosmic Birth, a birth of Divine Light within through Christ consciousness and unconditional love. We await this great day of celebration and birthing. I Kuthumi will speak more of this as this day in your time grows closer.

In preparation I give you two further dates of integration in Divinity. The first will be on the 11th day of January 2009. Again you will notice the sacred numerology of the number 11. This is the first Cosmic doorway of preparation to further integrating your Soul Light – the first doorway into the new creation of acceptance.

The second power dates I give you are the months of June and July. Both are significant for your Divine development. June being another time of important preparation and integration, for in July another doorway of connection opens. You see, you must be prepared energetically to enable you to withstand the new energies.

There is a third date near the end of this magnificent year which is the eleventh day of November 2009 – again the vibration of the number 11, which contains much Divine power. This date is a doorway to uphold you in Divine strength and peace through the new Cosmic birth.

Of course, since this is a pivotal year in your Soul awakening, many other dates will also hold significant energies to empower you in infinite Light energies. As always I will guide you through each step, along with my brothers and sisters of the Great White Brotherhood. We come to you, a few at a time, so our own Light does not blind you. As in all things you must be prepared to experience great Light and high vibrational energies. So my friends, you begin to see why I say you are at a crossroad. Your shield and your armour are contained in your Soul Light. The more Light you carry, the brighter and stronger your Soul Light.


Now you will recall at the beginning of the previous year, 2008, I gave you warning of what was to come, particularly with your financial systems. (put link here) You are now experiencing this. I can tell you that the world’s financial upheaval is not yet complete. You are still experiencing the illusion of money. There is an air of false financial expectation being created. I say illusion because that is how those in control of your financial markets are holding you through fear. They still seek to control you through this creation of money and of course borrowing.

I say to you to simplify your lives. Release this fear of financial lack which is overpowering many. Simplify your lives. This will be a challenge for many throughout this year. Look to what you need and what you want. There is a vast difference. I urge you to simplify your lives.

I wish to say to all of you that you are now entering mew times, a new path of awareness and experiences. As I have said you are experiencing great transformational times. I wish to remind you and I urge all to listen – to truly listen – that this is a time to group together. To help one another, to work together in tending the soil to grow your food. To form communities in new ways of living together, of helping one another in unconditional love.

It will be important to help one another emotionally as some will find these further transitional times easier than others. It is not a time to return to the ego self and to think of yourself as greater than another – no. It is a time to work together, sharing your knowledge and compassion with others freely.

We have spoken often of Oneness, of your connection to Oneness. I say to you, how can you experience this great Oneness if you cannot work together, if you cannot live together? Understand this does not need to be in one large house, no, houses can be separate, yet aligned to another with simple needs and unconditional love. This is before you.

And so, you are at a crossroad of choice. I ask, what do you choose to create for your future?

I leave you in love and healing energies as you prepare for the cycle of your New Year.

Master Kuthumi


Master Kuthumi* A Sacred Key to the Golden Bridge


A Sacred Key to the Golden Bridge

My greetings of love and peace as I enter your energy fields. Today the Lord Buddha stands beside me, honoring all life forms in Unity of Oneness. Indeed, is this not what we all believe and share – Unity in Oneness? Why is it so difficult to greet a stranger? We wonder when you will realize the attitude of separation.
Everywhere we  observe this created separation.  In your families, in your work place, in your towns and countries. You think of others as separate, and so you feel them as separate. It is then you create the separation from others. You create a “them” and “us” mentality. Even those on their path of Light succumb to separation through their thoughts and actions. They begin to believe and feel that they are better than another. That they are more experienced, have more knowledge, and so create separation.

I say to you, that the idea of separation must be overcome if you truly wish to become a spiritual Master. For until you overcome all ego self, you are not eligible to use the title of Master.

This is a title gained through higher learning, obtaining wisdom and overcoming the ego self. Of giving unconditional love freely to all. And there is that word – unconditional. How many among you can truly say you love unconditionally? Where you simply love and give in joy, in bliss – no matter what? How many among you?

I have spoken about your heart energy, and the two ‘parts’ of the heart center.  The third dimensional heart and the higher heart containing the Diamond Light of God, Source. Now in your time, you are being called to activate the Diamond Light you all hold within. Some ask how? How do I do that? Where do I begin Master?

You may expect a long complicated reply.Yet the answer is very simple. you must begin to feel, to operate through your heart center. Come out of your head, out of your mind which often dissects your thoughts, actions and overshadows your heart feelings. At first you may have to make this a conscious action. To catch yourself as your mind begins to analyze a persons words, or a situation you are experiencing. And further, if it is a negative and painful situation you are experiencing, all the more reason to  feel how you will react, to connect to your heart. For who among you can cast the first stone? Who among you is a true Master? You are still in the process of learning to overcome your past – and I speak of many past lifetimes, memories of which are held in your Soul memory. You are learning to cross the Golden Bridge to what you call Heaven.

My friend, the Golden Bridge is not like your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is not a fairy tale, a dream. Do you not see it is within you?
The Golden Bridge is contained in your Higher Heart.

Let me repeat this for it is a Sacred Key to enable you to live in the kingdom of Heaven – the Golden Bridge is contained in your higher heart. You do not need to analyze, to wonder, to allow your ego self to pull you from this ‘gold’ within, to prevent you from experiencing the joy and love that is your birth right. It is time now! We realize it is sometimes difficult to turn a tide of third dimensional experience and behavioral reactions of situations. To change childhood conditioning. It requires you to consciously form a new way of reacting, of being, a new ‘habit.’ Yet I say to you, if this is your desire, if you wish to change your reactional behavior and begin to cross the Golden Bridge, then begin – so be it!

For when you begin to change your reactions, your thoughts to love, to compassion, to seeing another from your higher heart of Light and love, then a miracle occurs – you begin to feel, you begin to merge with God’s energy field.



You start to feel good inside of you, you feel more compassion, you begin to realize the person in front of you doesn’t know any better. You realize that this is where they are in their own evolutionary path. At this point you are presented with a choice. You can accept they know no better and mentally send them love, or you can meet them by going down to your own third dimensional negative behavior. You will choose from what you have already learned.

The electro-magnetic fields around you have already changed and are continuing to change. Your very DNA structure is changing because of this. This is a fact my friend, proven by scientists. For many years you have longed for Heaven. You longed to experience it. Now you have the choice. Now you are able to experience Heaven on Earth.

If you find what I say difficult to believe – that this can be so, then I say to you – begin, try it!  Begin.

If it is difficult to consciously connect to your heart, then simply place your hand on your heart. This will create a subtle energy shift in your mind, flowing out to your energy field, like turning on a switch to your Diamond Heart. You see, all is energy. Everything is energy. You learn through experience, through what you do, and how you react. Each of you are living in times of change. It is all around you. You chose to incarnate at this time on Earth, to assist in this change, in the evolution of mankind. You have been guided and assisted every step of the way, by myself working through this one, and many other beings of Light.

Our core message, though varying in the presentation, has always contained the same message – that of transformation from third dimensional behavior, to the Christ dimensional energy – one of Light, of love and compassion.

Each of you have a fragment of God contained in the Diamond Light within your heart. You are now being asked to activate that Diamond of Light – to cross the Golden Bridge to Heaven, to create a New Earth, a new way of being. Today I give you the Sacred Key to do so, to fulfill your destiny.

Master Kuthumi.


Master Kuthumi- Fourth Energy Boost


Master Kuthumi- Fourth Energy Boost 

     I am Master Kuthumi and it gives me great pleasure to be the spokes person for the ascended

masters and bringing forth the news of the fourth boost of energy that is due to anchor into the

Earth, the love crystals and the receptive people of the Earth on the 17th November 2008. This is

an extremely special time as we are seeing the abundant energy of the ascended masters

increasing by four times the vibration that we originally experienced on the first anchoring of the

abundant energy on the 5th September, 2008. The energy from the ascended masters if you

choose to connect with it now is of a high, intense and powerful vibration and will and can have a

great transformational effect on your reality and being when embodied. Now we are able to see

and experience the true power of love as it anchors into the Earth and the lives of many. The

energy of love of course, causes a cleansing and healing process which is a major factor of the

energy boosts that are coming forth from the inner planes and the Ascended Masters. Love has

the power to resolve all negative situations or problems in a most astonishing way that combines

and results in the will of the Creator being anchored onto the Earth and into the lives of many.


     I am Master Kuthumi  


Kuthumi & Kumaras on Healing Service to Gaia* Conscious Channel

Kuthumi & Kumaras on Healing Service to Gaia| Ronna Prince| Conscious Channel

October 27, 2008

“Your physical being carries Living Soul Keys which has the potential to heal the earth”


The Healers Service Credo

 Question: What is the purpose of my trip to South Africa? In answering this question, Master Kuthumi is answering the General Question, what is my purpose on Earth? The following excerpts from a private reading contain seeds of Wisdom that pertain to all of our journeys. Kuthumi addresses how we can use the POWER of our consciousness to heal ourselves and the earth, he offers the Healers Service Credo, and he talks about Eternal Balance.


Sanat and Venus Kumara chime in to provide a brief overview of the difference between “pristine darkness” and “conscious darkness” and suggest why fearing and working to annihilate the dark, is a mis-perception.


The I AM Presence of Master Kuthumi suggests that your purpose on this journey is multi-faceted. Healing is about consciousness. One often begins at the self, and then expands healing energies to ever-widening circles until the Truth of being in Service becomes apparent and clear. You are a healer of many, not only in your practice as a medical professional, but as a world server. In order to serve at the level that you are being called, one must have Experienced, at some time in your vast soul history, the energies of persecution, of racial subjugation from both sides and of many other things. We have stated before that your soul is very wise. Every experience of this lifetime, in the Now, leads you to this moment in time, to this journey of the Heart and the Dark Creative Inner Womb so that you may clear blocks in the second chakra, not only for yourself but for the Many.


What does this mean?, you are asking. We will affirm that in Intention, one has the ability to heal by the Presence of your high self and soul. In Intention, as a server of Light, you may walk the same places of earth and heal discordant patterns that have been locked in the earth grids for centuries. Now, we understand that this may seem strange or even improbable – but we must appeal to your knowledge and wisdom as a physician of the subtle energy system of the human body. If you were, for example, to consider the earth as a living body, and you would see where dis-ease is present, you may notice that there are symptoms of illness stemming from the bladder and kidney meridians. This may manifest as dysfunction in the creative life center of Earth, in the continent of Africa. Not only is there likely to be an imbalance in the entire autonomous nervous system, but there will also be the psycho-emotional aspect of deeply ingrained fear, lack of decision making capability and diminished moral character.


The suppression of the indigenous peoples of South Africa and the extended race conflicts have much to do with the blocks in the earth meridians which were greatly amplified in the 1500s when the invading Europeans created imbalance in the earth’s bladder and kidney meridians. The cultural clashes created great disharmony. Further deepening the energies of discord into the earth are the continuing deep earth mining practices in South Africa which have been done without regard to the sanctity of earth, without gratitude and with the destruction of many human lives.


All of these things are related as well as the entire panoply of disease and population devastation on the African continent. As healers, we begin with the Intention to Serve. We proceed with Knowledge-Wisdom. And we facilitate healing with Love. As you, (X person) who has lived and walked in many mansions in Africa, walk upon the Earth meridians – you are the equivalent of an acupuncture needle. Your physical presence, (which of course consists of your entire energetic and ensouled being) is an instrument of the Divine – we often refer to incarnate souls as the Transducers of Divine Energy. Your physical being carries Living Soul Keys which have the potential to heal the earth.


By walking in Intention of your sacred purpose in Africa, you are the release point of much cultural and racial suffering – “How can that be”, you ask? “I am only there for a short period – why is this task not given to some indigenous people, to someone who will have a greater and longer term impact?” It is precisely because you have the Intention and Knowledge-Wisdom of your greater purpose that you are being called to Serve. You have lived several critical lifetimes in Africa so that you know, to the depths of your being, the origin of the suffering, -so that when you walk upon the sacred healing places of the earth, by Intention you Serve. All people of Africa are called also, for in intention and love, great things have been accomplished by few.


The work is not complicated at all.


All you need do is to state from the Heart, with feeling and Intention:


The Healers Service Credo


In Service to the Earth: my Presence sends healing to the places that are blocked.

In Service to Humanity I affirm: I acknowledge and I forgive all aggressions, all cruelty and all ignorance.

In Service to Planetary Evolution: I acknowledge that Love is restored to the areas of the second chakra of Africa (or any other area you are called to assist in healing).

I offer my service from my heart, and my eternal soul,

for I have lived and died here, and here I return to Serve.

I am a living testimony to the endurance of the soul, the fortitude of the Spirit and the potential, now actualized, to emancipate what no longer serves the greatest good,

so that all may move forward in the spiral of ascension.

I am here to restore light to the second chakra of Earth

(or any other chakra you are working on).

I am here to Heal.

I come here to Love.


In the name of Divine Service, so be it and so it is.


What occurred on Earth in order for you Now to be called to Heal her Holy Body?


(We are now joined by Sanat and Venus Kumara) Indeed, over 2.5 million years ago, the Earth was considered a forsaken planet in the cosmos. There was an over-abundance of darkness and interference and a lack of interest on the part of the cosmic hierarchy to rehabilitate the planet to Love and Light. Being involved in creation, my Beloved Venus and I went before the Ain Soph Aur Council (Limitless Light) and asked for an assignment of re-creating Light from conscious darkness. You see, this is a very different activity than that of creating from pristine darkness. The pristine darkness is the center of creation from whence all things manifest. This is the sacred womb, the dark earth from which springs new life. Conscious darkness is that place where incarnate and spirit beings have made a choice to associate with less-than-light and manipulative forces of negativity. When incarnate beings allow themselves, through lack of awareness of their creation abilities, to be manipulated by “unseen” forces, without the counter-balancing of dedicated lightworkers holding open the field of Truth, great demonic energies become manifest in lower dimensions. Great imbalances occur which impact the energetic fabric of all beings.


We will tell you that the Infinite Creator creates from both Light and Dark. There is the mystery of creation, the Dark feminine womb, and there is the brilliance of creation, the Light of the Sun. All things are created in balance – even creation is created in balance. Do you understand this? Light-dark, male-female, yin-yang, yes-no. And to further complicate this we will tell you that the duality energies are an illusion!! For transcending the duality is the Trinity – symbolized by the Triskele. What is the Trinity of Light-dark? It is Love. What is the trinity of male-female? It is Love. What is the trinity of yin-yang? It is Love. What is the trinity of yes-no? It is also, Love. It is not “maybe”. It is Love. All things may be restored to Love through the balance of Light and Dark. Even conscious darkness may be restored to Light.


How does one balance light and darkness you ask? Not by seeking only the light! Not by fearing the dark! Not by putting your own limiting conditions on what you will and will not be open to do, to be, or to experience! Not at all.


One balances light and dark precisely by utilizing the great gift of the Infinite Creator of All:

Unconditional Love.


What have you been told our fellow Servers of the Way? That Love heals all things. What is darkness? It has many manifestations, but ultimately, our dear ones,


Darkness is the lack of light, the absence of love and the acceptance of fear.

That is all.

No more. No less.


So then how does one balance? By creating more fear, more lack and more absence? Not at all. You know:


Balancing light and dark is to Serve in the Way of Love.


It means that you accept the darkness without pushing against it. And by entering into it, in Love, you alchemically manifest Light into the darkest of all places. This is the Reality of Unconditional Love: conscious darkness has no power in the Presence of Unconditional Love. Absolutely no power.


The ascended masters invite you to open to a new level of being, that of conscious relationship, where suffering and struggle no longer need to be part of the contract – where contracts in fact, serve no purpose –for all healing and balancing takes place in the energy of Love. When one soul looks into the eyes of another and says: I understand, I remember, I forgive – great gifts open into your Reality. And above all, when one can say;


“I love you, for all that you have ever been and will be,

to the depths of inner light,

I understand, for I have been with you in many mansions.”


our dear soul in Light, one heals the World.

 We bless you on your journey and thank you, in gratitude, for your service to humanity and to Gaia, the ensouled planetary Being, who is healing her second chakra with a rainbow of light:


 Kuthumi, the Kumaras and Many Masters

 © Ronna Prince 2008 All Rights Reserved.





Kuthumi* A New Leader

A New Leader


There is talk of the “veil” that separates us here on the earth plain and you “Kuthumi” and others on the “otherside” being slowly broken, letting  more light through, can you touch on this for us, please.

I greet you in the peace and Divinity of the Source. This is an excellent question.

The “veil” was quite thick during your previous century. There were few who could travel through it to our realms. You see the “veil” as it has become known, is very much tied to the level of higher awareness which an individual has attained. This is the reason why only a few in previous years could travel through it to attain the higher knowledge and to contact with us here. There were  many brave souls who incarnated to lead the way so all could attain higher awareness.

You see, when man is faced with something he does not understand, he feels fear and becomes afraid.

You could say when in this state of being, of emotion, he is operating from the third dimension – the heavy matter of the physical. This is why I call the souls who first spoke of our messages  to you, very brave. For they were going against the lower understanding of the masses you see.

Let us move forward now to the turn of a new century, the year 2000. At this time on your planet many souls had awakened, had questioned, and had begun walking a new path in their life. At a deep level, which was their soul level, they knew, without question, that this new path of Light, of peace, of love was the way for them. Some became clairvoyant, others healers, some teachers of higher learning, others wrote wonderful books to enable those souls who were shy to attain the higher learning. The knowledge we here have always known. The knowledge your seers, monks, gurus, and true workers of Light have always known. The knowledge you are now being called upon to remember.

As more and more souls became awakened by their souls, they were able to experience and live in more Light energy – the God energy, some say Source energy.  This Light could be felt and seen with the spiritual third eye, often in a meditative state. This became a soul food which fed the lower bodies, the emotional, mental and physical.

Because more Light was being radiated and pulled down to your planet by individuals, it radiated out to others, not yet awakened. The Light helped the Earth, nature, and all living energy forms. The Light continued to expand, to grow. Reaching out to those souls not yet aware of the benefits of the Light energy. Further, through this expansion of Light, fueled by the many Light workers, the ‘veil’ began to get thinner – through the Light energy you see. So many were now hearing us, learning new ways, learning to release the old paradigms of behavior and man made belief systems.

Systems used solely to hold man in a bondage of ignorance and pain through a belief of lack in many areas of his existence.

This also created a bondage born from fear. Fear to be an individual, fear to speak your truth, fear to live from the heart because your very livelihood would be taken from you if you dared to speak against those who perceived they held power over you. My friend, I tell you with joy in my heart this way of life is ending. It is YOU who have chosen to give those few your power.

Your very numbers are your strength and your path forward to a new way, to a new age, to a new Earth, indeed, a new reality. For those of the Light are joining together now, forming groups, growing in number.  Soon they will demand their true heritage from the Light. The chains of bondage, long held in your history of previous lives, will be broken. And you will be free. The Light will set you free. Your own truth, love and need to live in peace, without any form of control will set you free.

And so the ‘veil’ now at this time, is very thin indeed. Soon it will be gone. Your transformation will be complete. You may ask ” what will happen when the veil is gone?”

As I said, you will live in peace and love. Negative emotions and thoughts will cease, for negativity cannot thrive in the pure love of the Light.

You will not wish to be negative in thought or deed. For this is the old way. It cannot exist in the Light. You will be able to see us, all beings of Light here. There will no longer be any separation. There will be no need for any form of control – of anyone or anything. Those few who stubbornly choose to hold onto negative behavior will pass over, to grow and learn in another dimension. For their physical bodies will not be able to survive  the high vibration  of Light on your planet. This Light is being built from our side with what you call the Photon Belt energy which your planet is now entering into. Time and time again you have and are being told “do not fear.” No, simply attain understanding. Understand what is happening and why.  Why indeed?

Because you are now ready to return to the core of your very existence from where you began. Home to God, to Source. For this you are now being prepared as I have explained briefly in this teaching. My friend, we welcome you in love and joy.

We now ask you to allow yourself to feel  these emotions fully.

To step away from your old paradigms. To fully take back your power. 

Your financial markets are collapsing. Why do you think this is? I tell you it is all part of your new freedom, your new Earth, the revolution of mankind to the Light. It is a breaking down of the physical power which those few who control your financial systems have used to control you for many, many years. 

You need to now release their power over you. Join together, in Light, and create your new Golden Age of peace and love – together.

Master Kuthumi


A Saint-Germain and Kuthumi Channel: “Master Creators in the Making”

By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

If you would like to share this message with a friend, Click here.

Dear Friends,

When you dare to blend with your Soul in this lifetime, you express the Truth About You. You acknowledge that You Are God, also, and that you are willing to live your life that way. Neither a statement of false pride, nor spiritual superiority – it is the simple, earnest recognition that you are the Source and author of your own life. It is a declaration of your mastery, and a marvelous leap forward in your awareness.

When you take this step, you recognize that you are an individualized focus of Self consciousness within the greater life of the God Source – uniquely you, but God, also.

Resolving this paradox in your mind is a sign of mastery. You now understand that all of God’s power is vested within you. And because of this, you know that you can create realities, love them, and experience them fully – just as God does.

This IS mastery.

Acknowledging Your Mastery

But what happens when you recognize your mastery for the first time – when you finally see that everything you’ve ever experienced is your own creation? The joys and sorrows are yours alone. The highs and lows, you have brought upon yourself. No one else can be blamed.

Do you hurriedly rush to make things better? Do you retrace every line you’ve ever penciled or change every brushstroke you’ve ever laid down on the canvas of your life?

No. You don’t. These works are finished.

As a master, you accept them for what they are – expressions of the knowledge and expertise you had at the time they were created. You love them, and you move on.

You take up a fresh canvas, and you draw or paint again, but this time with a newfound awareness of the creator that you are.

Conscious Creation

For many people, accepting themselves as a master creator is unsettling.

After all, it is one thing to create unconsciously – generating one portrait of yourself after another without acknowledging that you are the artist. This way, it is easy to pretend that the flaws you see in these images are the result of someone else’s handiwork, and then blame them for it. But this is delusional thinking.

It is quite another thing to create consciously.

When you are a conscious creator, you know that you are the artist. You know that you pick the medium and choose the tools for expressing your Self. And you are aware that you alone determine whether your creations, and your creating, will inspire you or not.

Yes. Accepting that you are the master creator of your own reality can be quite unsettling, even when you willingly step into this awareness on your own.

Fear of Creating

Ironically, when you first step into awareness of your mastery, you are often afraid to create again.

The responsibility just seems too much to handle. You may still remember what it was like to create unconsciously, and to not have enjoyed what you created. This is what is inhibiting you now.

If you are an artist, you might begin to feel uncomfortable with your tools. Your brushes might seem less familiar, and the colors you used in the past might be distasteful to you now. The empty canvas, rather than inviting your expression, turns you away. It is blank and void – a place where nothing can be known and nothing discovered. And the more you dwell upon your dilemma, the more blocked you feel.

Does this sound familiar? Do you know this feeling?

What will you do? Perhaps you are not the master you imagined yourself to be.

If you continue down this path, then before you know it, you will convince yourself that you are unable to create.

“I’ve neither the tools, the medium, nor the talent for the task. So why bother? Perhaps the right thing to do is walk away. No one will notice, anyway.”

And so, you do.

This type of resignation is sad, and wholly unnecessary.

There is another way. And we are going to tell you the story of someone who found it.


You may be familiar with Michelangelo. He was well known in his time, and even more so now, for his exquisite sculpting of the human figure in marble. He was a master of his art and craft at a very early age, and he knew it.

In the early 1500s, Michelangelo was asked by the Pope to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Rome, a project that took him four years to complete. Not much older than 30 years, he was worried and apprehensive. He told the Pope from the beginning that he would prefer not to accept the commission.

Michelangelo knew he was a master sculptor, but he did not really consider himself a painter. Of course, he had trained as a painter in his youth, and still sketched almost daily, but his confidence with brush and pigment was not the same as it was with hammer and chisel.

Michelangelo was also concerned about the motives behind the request. He suspected that his rivals had encouraged the Pope’s invitation in order to see him fail. After all, the scale of the task was tremendous – and it was to be carried out using tools and a medium (color upon wet plaster) that were not his favorites.

Despite his misgivings and self doubt, Michelangelo accepted the commission. What resulted is one of the finest works in the history of Western art.

Of course, there were many obstacles to overcome along the way: Designing a scaffold from which to stand while painting high above the floor; developing a plaster that resists molds and fungus; establishing a color scheme that can be seen far below the ceiling; and most importantly, creating brushes and brushstrokes that convey the drama and pageantry of his Biblical themes.

This he did with consummate mastery.

You Are a Master of Self Awareness

Like Michelangelo, you have attained a high level of mastery. You are a master of Self awareness. Self awareness is knowing that You Are God, also. Self mastery means that you live your life that way.

Self mastery also means that you understand the nature of creation and recognize your partnership with God in this. You know that creations arise from the beliefs you hold in your conscious (or unconscious) mind; and that the God Source, the Greater You, re-assembles Itself around those desires to bring you what you have asked to experience.

You are free to experience the reality of your creations in any way you choose. But when you have mastered Self awareness, the thoughts in your mind are guided by the Love in your heart, so that you have a consistent experience of Divinity in all that you create.

The Master Before the Canvas

Like Michelangelo, there are times when you may feel challenged by the creative potential you possess – by the scope and magnitude of what you are capable as a conscious creator. Perhaps now, with your newfound awareness of mastery, you feel thrust into unfamiliar territory. Into realms of unknown or untried potential.

You find yourself standing before something vaster and grander than you have encountered before. But this is a natural occurrence. Major advances in awareness are often accompanied by new and unusual opportunities, so don’t be afraid.

Yes, you may feel like an artist without his or her familiar tools. But know that you have the possibility to create something completely different now – something that combines your knowledge, skills, and mastery in a new medium of creation.

What confuses you is the feeling of something unusual.

Until now, you have created your life with familiar tools – with recurring thought patterns and habits of misidentification. Your efforts have generated masterful results. Perhaps not ones you are happy with now, but masterful ones, nonetheless.

But all this is changing. Now that you remember Who You Really Are, please don’t be so hard on yourself. Allow yourself time to readjust to this shift in your awareness, until you can find a place from which to create again with confidence.

Being Still, Going Within

So, what do you do with this opportunity to create again in an entirely new way?

Ask yourselves, what did Michelangelo do when he was handed a brush, instead of a chisel, and told to paint instead of fashion in stone?

Was he desperate? Did he panic?

Did he think, “Nothing is familiar, so there is nothing I can do. I must no longer be a master.”

Of course not.

Instead, he took inventory of his mastery. He realized that his ability resided in his knowledge, not in his tools, and that his creativity could be expressed in many ways – using multiple skills, not just one.

His mastery did not disappear with the absence of the marble he loved to carve. He could still envision form and symmetry as before. His grasp of perspective had not changed. And his appreciation of color and shading was intact. Nothing had changed.

He was a master creator.

He was able to adapt his knowledge to the change in his circumstances, embrace the more expansive medium that was offered him, and create again with renewed inspiration.

He was a master creator. And so are you.

Inspiration in the New World

When you have accepted your mastery, and realize that your creative ability transcends anything you may have experienced before, then you will no longer fear creating again.

Instead, you will hold a vision of your Divinity and make it your own, breathing deeply into it and calling it to life. You will fill your brush with color, trace a line, and begin a course a movement across the canvas that is uniquely yours.

You will stop comparing yourself with anything you have been before, or once desired to be. You will cross the threshold of Inner Knowing and observe that you are giving birth to new expressions of Who You Really Are.

You will feel relieved at the mental level because you know that you are guided by your intuition, and not your expectations. And you will feel relieved at the emotional level because you are free of self-judgment and criticism.

You will realize that you have entered a New World – a world of flow and ease, where freedom of expression is yours by birthright.

And when your creation stands before you, whole and complete, you will marvel at what you have done. You will look at the New You with the eyes of innocence – with the eyes of Love – almost not recognizing that it was you who gave it life and inspiration.

You may even ask, “Was it me who created this wonder?”

And the answer you will give yourself is, “Yes.”

For indeed, you are a master creator.

I am Saint-Germain. And I thank Kuthumi for his presence this day.


Master Kuthumi Audio: Integration

I greet you on the rays of light that surround you, that penetrate your atmosphere and the very air you breathe. Indeed at the very core of your being is light. And it is this light and oneness that I come to you at this time. I speak today on the subject of integration.

Previously, I have spoken on the transformational times that many of you are experiencing. The transformation is appearing on many levels, on relationships, on finances, on your own integrity, what you feel is right in any situation, your work. There are many, many levels of transformational energies that you are working through at this time. And it is that for the new energies to present, to manifest on the earth, the transformation must precede that. And it is these times that you are experiencing. You are in the process of integrating new energy, new light.

It is indeed the emotions which hold you back.


In your past, when the new ways, energies, the transformation, the changes, when they were first spoken of, by myself and other beings of light, many doubt it. Many did not want to listen. Many chose to turn away. But I tell you now that your well-being, your very core and the well-being of your planet are in the midst of integrating new energies, which has previously been spoken of. Therefore, those who have previously chose to turn away and ignore, can no longer ignore. And those who still turn away will be drawn to face the reality in your coming months as more changes manifest on your planet as you are required to integrate more of the new energies.

You are all beings of light. Some of you have wondered, how can I be a being of light? I am a physical body. You have looked and you have reasoned with your lower bodies. Those of you who have thought this, the light that you are integrating, the particles are raising your vibrations. This is one way we are assisting you, one of the many ways. For man needs help in this process. If left on his own with no assistance, it will take many, many more of your years to progress. I have said many times that the main lesson which man needed to overcome was contained in the emotional body. It is indeed the emotions which hold you back. It is fear which interferes with many of your emotions and pulled you back even further. Your emotional body must be integrated into the new light for you to advance, for you to proceed. I speak of all mankind.



Let us break this down into simple steps. How can you integrate the light when you cannot see it and when you cannot hear and neither can you smell it. You cannot hear it but you can feel it. Yes, my friend, you can feel it. And this is an essential core to the integration. May I suggest to each of you that each day you choose to become more aware of your feelings in any situation. Whether you are at your place of employment, whether you are speaking to someone you do not know or whether you are speaking to someone very close to you. Your action, what you choose to do in any situation. Take a moment, for it is only a moment of your time. Take that moment to realize, to feel what your higher self is telling you.

Your higher self is very active in these times of integration. The more light you absorb, the more you activate your higher self. This is what is called enlightenment. As you fill yourself with more light, you activate more of your higher self. This creates the transformational change in mankind.

When you take that moment to listen within and it is but a moment, your higher self will tell you.


But I am getting ahead of myself. I began by suggesting that you begin with steps. And the first step that I will give you is the step of feeling. It is a very simple step. And it takes but a moment for you see, when you speak harshly or when you do something wrong in your actions, indeed even on your mental body when you are consumed with angry thoughts, you feel very heavy. Your entire body feels very heavy. You did not feel happy, you see, because you are in lower energies.

What I am suggesting is break that pattern for a moment and recognize how you are feeling. The mere fact that your body is feeling very heavy, that you are not very happy, will tell you that you are not on the correct path. This is not the way. This will not bring you what you seek which is peace, joy, love, you see.

When you take that moment to listen within and it is but a moment, your higher self will tell you. It will link the thought in your conscious mind. This is not right and so, we will hope that this will activate you to choose to come back to the correct path, to release your angry thoughts, to give to others what you hope to receive yourself. And that may be a simple gesture or a kind word throughout your day. And so the first step I gave you is feeling. Begin to take note the second of your time, connect to your feeling, does it feel right? Or does it feel well? For when you are doing that which feels well within you, that brings you the spark of wellness, leading to joy. And because you know your actions, your thoughts are correct.

I give you this step today, at this time because your feelings will become more profound as you enter your coming months, as you end your current year. Many of you will notice this. For anything that is not sitting well, anything that is required to be released, as part of your enlightenment, as part of your raising of vibrations, anything that does not sit well, will be brought to your attention, to be dealt with, to be worked through, for you to create correct action, you see?

And this is all part of the integration of the light. It is working through, it is releasing. And as you integrate more light, which indeed is in your atmosphere, in the very air you breathe. This is why many of you are having chaos in your lives. The universe is calling you as never before. You are being asked to address any unfinished issues that you are holding within for you see, you have all been told that you are beings of light. But this light must be integrated.

To be integrated, the negativity must be released. The old paradigms of behavior must be released. The old ways of thinking must be released, you see? The old saying, an eye for an eye, no longer holds true. No, for if you hold to this saying, it will bind you in the depths of your past. It also must be released. For now you are required to forgive, to move forward. I have given many exercises to assist you with this, through my words, through my website. I have given many exercises to assist you. But it is not difficult. The light will help you for the light activates your heart centre, you see? So there you have assistance.

There are many, many light beings available to you also. The angelic realm have also stepped forward, even more so than before, to guide you, to assist you. As you move forward in your years, more light and more of the penetration, a stronger light, will enter your atmosphere. You see, it must come through gently. It cannot come through in its full entirety or you will not be able to cope with that. But you know, in your coming years, there will be more light. Therefore your vibrations will be raised again.

Embrace love for yourself, embrace love for your past and as I have said before, your greatest weapon for your enemies is love.


For those of you who continue to turn away will have a difficult time. Because they are choosing to resist so strongly and there will be great conflicts of energies and of emotions filtering out to the daily lives. This in turn will affect their organs in their physical bodies. This will affect their nervous system also. Many will return home due to this. So it is a time of integration. And we find it strange that man has wanted integration for so long has been bound to his past also. And yet the doorway is here, the light is shining on all of you and yet we see hesitation, we see doubt.

My friends, at this time, I remind you, that these light particles will activate your higher heart and the love that it contains. They activate your higher selves, your true selves. Since you came into creation, your true selves contain much love. So I urge you do not let fear, do not let doubt overcome you. Embrace love for yourself, embrace love for your past and as I have said before, your greatest weapon for your enemies is love. Simply love them, send them love. It is your greatest weapon and it has always been. And it has remained so. There are no secrets. You are all part of the one, though you remain an individual, you are all part of the one.

Now, are there questions?

Chee: Master, when you talk about the integration, do you also mean the integration of both the light and dark side?

Kuthumi: I mean the integration of the light particles, the integration of light, integrating more love. I am not speaking of integrating the dark side. No. I am speaking more of moving away from the dark side, moving to light. There has been a need for you mankind to know the light, to experience this. Or how would you know light from dark if you have had no experience of this?

But now, through the integration, it is that you must move away from the dark and embrace the light and all that it entails. It is experience. It is knowledge, you see? The time of your duality is coming to its completion. And what is duality? Duality is opposites, is it not? And when you have duality, you have experience of both facades, the good and the negative, the light and the dark and so you have the duality, the experience of that, you see, on whatever levels. If you do not have the experience of duality, then you cannot truly know the light, or indeed the dark. Does this answer your question?

Chee: Because there are some teachings that say that both the light and the dark are within ourselves, so I am just wondering if the integration you talk about includes the integration of this too?

Kuthumi: Well, you are correct in what you are saying because you are indeed integrating the dark into the light. You could perceive the experiences that man has had for many thousands of years as a form of darkness, for you have now in control and violent times and greed and all of the lower, darker energies, you see? It has been necessary to experience these, you have chosen to experience these during the separation from the light. And so for many lifetimes, you have gone through and experience this. Now, in the integration, you integrate into love, into light. So in a way, you could say that you are integrating though the integrating is more on leaving behind.

Chee: Allow me to ask further. In the future, will we only experience the love and the light and so no more darkness?

Kuthumi: Yes, that is correct. That is what man is moving towards. This is what is termed as your golden age, your evolution, the great evolution of mankind. And what I have spoken of at this time, is giving you a step in assisting you with that integration. You are beginning the integration.

Chee: So does that also mean in the future, we will no longer have the need for the lesson for the dark side?

Kuthumi: That is correct. That is correct. And there are those who still hold on to those lower energies through fear. It is fear, they fear the unknown. And I say to them, why do you fear love?

Chee: And so if we have chosen to experience the darkness in the past, why is it that we have decided to end the lesson at this time?

Kuthumi: Because there are many beings of the light that have been watching your planet and your progression. And it is that in recent times, and I am speaking hundreds of years, there have been cycles going round and round, containing much negative emotions and energies. And it was deemed that man needed help to raise his vibrations to return home for it was time.

To answer your question more fully, it is necessary to go back to the beginning, to the separation from the source and the experiences that you have chosen, and I have spoken a little of that already. But now in your evolution for the planet of mankind, it is time to raise your vibrations to end the cycle of darkness and also the cycle of control. It is part of your evolution. We have come to assist you in that.

Chee: Is this something that we have decided on our own or is it something of a higher vibration has decided for us or is it perhaps both?

Kuthumi: It is that numbers on the planet, the billions of souls on your planet, there have been sufficient numbers who are now choosing peace, who are now choosing a ray of light to enter their lives, a ray of peace, a ray of love. You see, there have been sufficient numbers. We and I speak of all of the light beings, the councils, the source, all of the emissaries of light, both of your planet and other planetary systems, we have to wait until numbers were sufficient.

This is due to the choice you speak of. We cannot intervene sooner, for the numbers were not there, who were calling out, whose thoughts were of peace, of love and are questioning why. We have to wait until the numbers were sufficient. The numbers now are more than sufficient. This is why so many are coming to the light and service and work, in many, many varied ways. You are assisting each other in this evolution of man and of your planet. As I have said, there are those fewer in numbers now who try to hold on, to control but I can tell you that the number of souls who are absorbing light, looking to the great one, who are in love and peace and joy, they outnumber a great deal than those who would choose to stay on lower levels. Do you see?

It is a vast subject and there are many, many things I could say. It is a great subject but I hope that in this brief explanation that I have given you an understanding.

Chee: Yes, thank you master.

Lynette will be in Singapore from 1 – 6 July. Highlights will be the channelled course for Transformation and Enlightenment, Level 2 from July 3-6. On July 2 Master will channel “Attaining Presence for 2012.” through Lynette. A Masters and Angels healing meditation is on July 1, followed by your Q & A. More info: or


A message from Kuthumi :Healing Yourself Through Your Higher Self

a message from  Kuthumi channeled by  Michelle Eloff
Tuesday, 4 March, 2003  at Johannesburg  (posted 22 June, 2008)


I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee endless blessings of love.  Greetings, beloved ones. 

Allow your energy to become sensitive to the beings that are around you and allow your heart to open to healing and messages that are to be shared with you today. 

Greetings be with you this day, brothers and sisters of light. It is with great joy that we gather here today.  Allow the energy that is moving through you at this time to focus in your crown centre, for this is the centre that connects you with the universal white light, allowing the energy to move through you, activating, cleansing, clearing, charging, and once again connecting and grounding you through your base centre with the mother Earth. Allow the universal white light to clear all fogginess and all tension within your head area.  Feel any aches within your head dissipate. Allow your jaw to relax. Allow any stuffiness around your nasal area to clear. Allow your inner vision to be cleared. 

Each one of you has with you your master or your spirit guide standing behind you.  Some of you may feel a tingling within your head area or a ringing within your ears, or you may just simply feel at peace, comfortable. Become aware of this presence, which stands with you. Allow your old feelings of recognising this presence guide you. Each one of you is unique and individual so each one of you shall experience this differently. 

Today your guide shall assist you in making a direct link with your Higher Self. For the following eleven days, you need to work closely with your Higher Self, for your Higher Self shall be working directly with you on all levels – whether it be physical healing, emotional, mental or spiritual healing. Any healing that needs to take place shall be assisted through your own Higher Self and your master. 

Your master has now placed his/her hands upon your head and is feeding each one of you an electric blue light. This electric blue light is going in through your crown centre, down the back of your skull through your medulla oblongata, down your spine, connecting with your base centre. You are each being reminded of your blueprint and those of you who feel that you need to become in touch with a part of you, this is now being activated for you.    Whether you have been walking this path for many years, or whether it is new to you, this memory shall come to you for this is what you shall need to focus upon in your immediate future, but you need the healing in order to work with this energy. 

Now allow the electric blue light to be fed through each vertebra of the spine, and as it is fed through, it forms electric blue coils throughout your body and around your body in an anti-clockwise direction.   Allow this energy to spin.  As this energy is working through your body, so it is connecting with those parts within you, which need the healing.  While this is happening, bring your attention back to your crown centre and once again feel the presence of your master or guide. 

You shall be given a name and this is the name of your guide or master and this is whom you shall be working with along with your Higher Self for the following eleven days. So wherever you need assistance or guidance you shall call upon this being to assist you with whatever it is that is required. The name may be very simple for you shall be given a name that is familiar to you – that you are comfortable with – so take whatever comes to you. It need not be a fancy name or a name that is difficult to pronounce.  Allow it to come to you.   Now repeat this name to yourself four times and place it within your heart. 

Now take your focus to your inner eye, and with your inner eye, see standing before you your Higher Self – that glorious being whom you are. See the beauty and the love that stands before you.  This is your Higher Self.  Look into your eyes and see the unconditional love, compassion, the peace, and the joy of recognition. This is you. 

Now see your Higher Self sitting before you and take your Higher Self’s hands and hold them tightly. Your Higher Self shall now speak to you and give you guidance as to what it is you need in your present moment to assist you. It may be one word or it may be a symbol.  It may be a sentence.  Be open to the message that is sent to you, for this shall assist you.  Open your heart and allow the energy to flow from your Higher Self to you. Do not doubt your messages – place your messages within your heart. 

Allow the flow of energy from your heart centre to that of your Higher Self to remain connected. See the energy moving backwards and forwards smoothly and continuously.   Now bring your focus back to the electric blue light that is working through your body.   You shall now be shown where it is within your body that healing is needed at this time.   Remember this healing may be on any level.   It shall be shown to you in the form of a red spot upon your body. Sense whether this is physical or whether it is emotional, or mental, or whether it is a spiritual healing that is required. Allow your Higher Self to feed unconditional love into this area. Your master is doing the same, placing their hands upon the pain.  For all dis-ease on any level is created by some form of pain, so know now that it is safe for you to release this pain, for you no longer need it. 

You are able to assist yourself with this healing. Your master is with you to assist you, so know that you do not need to do this alone.  You are never alone when you are experiencing anything upon your path.  We are always with you.  You are never, ever, alone.  There is no reason for you to carry this pain within your bodies. 

Your master is now filling your base with universal white light. Each day, visualise the universal white light entering that part of you that requires healing, and allow your Higher Self to feed the universal love to this part of you. 

Allow yourself each day to communicate with your Higher Self and with your master or your guide or whomever it is you feel at one with whom you feel can assist you with your process, your healing, and your evolvement. This is very real, brothers and sisters. 

You need to consciously acknowledge those beings who are assisting you at this time for it is important that you begin to ground this energy within yourselves and realise that what you are working with is not a fantasy. It is not something that is created from your imagination.  It is very real.  Because you cannot physically see us or there is no tangible proof that we are about does not mean that we do not exist.  What is real for you in what you can touch and what you can see is often illusion.  Realise the truth of this.  For most of that which is real for you – the chair that you sit upon, and the bed that you lie upon – are three-dimensional illusions.  They are created by man, and because it is created by man you accept it as part of your reality.  But now we say to you it is time to go beyond that, to see beyond that and begin to see with your hearts; begin to see with your inner eyes what is truly around you, what is truly assisting you at this time, for the time shall come when you shall realise that the material things around you cannot heal you or fulfil your soul.  We love you all so dearly. 

When you begin to see beyond your three-dimensional reality, you will begin to see true love, the purity of love, for you are all in so much need of this. We are here to offer this to you.  By allowing yourselves to be healed, you allow yourselves to be loved, for lack of love causes pain. Any part of you that is not being loved is in pain. It creates a disease, it creates discomfort, and it creates illness.  It is a negative energy within your body for it is not being nurtured with love. 

This electric blue light will remain with you for the following eleven days, working through your body, releasing imbalances.  Allow yourself to work through the processes that you shall be releasing, and know that you have us with you and that you have your Higher Self with you, too.

Call upon your master or guide by their name.  Look into the eyes of your Higher Self and feel the presence of love before you, within you, surrounding you, embracing you and supporting you. Each one of you is now filled with the universal white light which is expanding, holding you, your master, your Higher Self in a bubble of white light.   Allow the white light to move through your body, balancing each of your energy bodies and chakras, allowing you to feel whole, bringing back harmonious balance within your body, activating all of your energy centres. 

Be gentle with yourselves.  Hold yourself in love as we hold you in the love.  When you look into your eyes each day, see the love.  Do not see your faults; do not see the imperfections.  See all of that which is right with you. Allow yourself to focus upon the rights and the beauties within you for then you are not feeding the imbalances or the negativities, which lie within you. For as you see yourself, so will others begin to see you if that is all you focus upon. So begin to see yourself as you wish yourself to be, for you are that. Remember – your physical vehicles are not permanent.  It is what is inside that is permanent.  Your soul- that light that shines is who you are, and that is what you need to show the world. 

We bless you all with much love. We bless you all with the strength and courage to see your healing processes come to completion. Know that you are always divinely protected and guided and know that you are very much loved. Know this, brothers and sisters: feel it within your hearts. Trust the invisible arms that hold you, for when in times of strife you look to your feet and see but only one set of footprints – these are not yours; these are ours – for we are holding you.  Know that we are only but a thought away.   Peace be with you all. 

I am Kuthumi and I greet and bless you in love.  ADONAI.