Archive for Energetic Synthesis

Stepping into the Unknown

Stepping into the Unknown

November 2009
by Lisa Renee

This month is the start of a brand new cosmic cycle that is signaling an evolutionary shift into completely unknown territories, one which will be an entirely new life experience for many of us.

During the past months especially since July, we have been teetering in between worlds resulting from a vast influx of multiple new “cosmic” frequencies and their reconnections to the axiatonal line system of our planet’s consciousness grid. This is changing the fabric of time and space as we know it. This “cosmic” time alignment sets the runway for what is about to transpire which is something that has never happened before in the history of our Universe.

What this means is that this shift in consciousness gives new direction to our lives and will also directly affect the world and the global view. A shift in consciousness is not something that only happens in our mental state, but simultaneously changes the external relationships we have in the world. It is a complete change of where we, as human beings, focus our state of consciousness and its perceived identity. This will impact individual identity and the human collective group identity in a much bigger way than we have experienced before.

This current event will reposition many of us into new relationships, residences, working collaborations, reconnections and cultivate another level of spiritual “family” alliances. The Galactic (or Monadic level) soul family is reintegrating itself into a collective group pattern to manifest the next level of the spiritual mission and its group divine blueprint. This means these introductions, reuniting these spiritual families is happening in larger patterns now as it is supported by the new architectural platform of the new energy cycle. These architectural platforms are the mainframe of the mass consciousness grids that influence and direct humanity as a group consciousness. This is the next evolutionary level happening now in November and ongoing.

We need our spiritual family to help manifest the next levels into the physical as the cosmic divine plan requires us to be embodied fully in order for it to be anchored on the Earth as a reality.

This turning point of the ascension cycle is leading us into the “Changing of the Guard” and this level of the paradigm shift is a group consciousness project. We will need to clearly understand our piece of the puzzle in order to play it out. (We will be magnetized to our rightful positions, and it is not to be forced through controlling underlying agendas) However, there is a requirement in order for this to manifest in this new phase of the Galactic Consciousness cycle.

To Embody or Not to Embody?

That is the biggest question to ask your inner self at this crucial point in the timeline change now. This time will aggressively push you to ask yourself what exactly is preventing you from being authentic to yourself and others? What has shaped into your physical reality based on your unconscious belief system? Which of these impulses had you making decisions that were out of alignment with your personal truth? What have you been hiding from yourself? You have to be incredibly clear in your purpose now, your inner truth, in order to best utilize these current energies as the springboard that will catapult your new platform into a tangible reality structure in your life.

These energies in November will catalyze you into a completely new level of “support” in this reality if you understand that it is your responsibility to be completely aligned and congruent to protect the inner truth as you know it.

This means you must be “Embodied” in what you “Know” to be True.

Within this new playing field there is only “knowing” and there is NO room for rationalization stemming from denial, or attempting to think your way into a mentally perceived resolution. The rubber hits the road and you are forced to walk your walk, ready to face the mysteries of the unknown standing before you.

This means we will be given external reality experiences to challenge our inner light integrity to be fully congruent with your core god self essence. The choices will be up to you and they will take courage to make. This will be the time of the “Reality Check” and the consequences will be dramatic.

To be congruent with your soul purpose “embodiment” is being in your “core” no matter what the external environment is doing or telling you to do. Your creative expression is matched to the degree you feel the flow of joy in the moment of its expression. As you become an observer, it will feel as an ease of flow within the harmony of its natural energetic and organic expression. However to get to the ease of flow, one has to completely let go without the ego attachment needing to control the outcome or result. Only preferences will allow the ease of flow while attachments will constrict or stop the flow. This necessitates holding the observer consciousness, one that can observe the events without imposing judgment or attachment.

We will need to master this state in order to experience the smoothest pathway of evolution, the ascension timeline. We will get our needs met (not necessarily our fixed attachments to material security) and be moved out of harm’s way if we learn to flow without fear and anxiety.

To Know Thyself

To be congruent with your soul purpose and to embody that intelligence directly requires self inquiry. To Know Thyself, is an adage that directly applies in this new energy cycle as it requires you do the inner work that will surface the contents of your inner being to your conscious awareness. It is only then you can choose to participate with that awareness, or not, and this is the piece that takes courage. Courage is to trust in the process and commit to reflect the core essence of your divinity as your first priority. If you can discipline yourself to manage this, your experience will be much smoother as you move forward.

Many times a person who aspires to achieve goodness in the world, is driven into actions that are completely incongruent to their core being and soul purpose. They are not directly choosing to be incongruent with their soul harmony from a conscious choice they are making. IT is simply a direct byproduct of not knowing what they do not know, yet, which means they have not delved deeper into themselves to have the exacting clarity on the contents of their own being. Many times they are only reactive to mental programs that control their behaviors in the external world.

If we strive to know the contents of our own being, then we will be able to have the responsibility to direct our personal power and become able to spiritualize our life choices. This is the “wisdom” piece that is required at this time for us to advance in this first wave of the changing guard. More waves will come, however there is a momentum to this energetic wave that will carry us if we are able to recognize it and take responsibility for our actions and personal energies.

If we have huge blind spots that cripple us in expressing the core truth, then we will be corrected. If you have been engaging in destructive, addictive or unconscious behavior you will be corrected. Additionally, relative to the degree you have carried actions with consequences that impact others, such as healing groups and intentional communities – they will also be impacted and corrected. Correction is the rapid return of the imbalanced or mis-qualified energies to your field that results in a direct consequence to your action.

This is the Universal Law’s benevolence giving us the opportunity to become more in alignment to the process of our “embodied “divinity.

We will thank our lucky stars we are doing this now instead of later, as the amplification of polarity will only increase later. It is suggested we DO this inner work now, pay attention and not procrastinate.

Understand that the Natural Laws of the Physical Universe is such that it is our responsibility to direct energies, accountable to where we focus and place our attention and this will continue to be under scrutiny with the new cosmic energies. This is not coming from judgment by any stretch of imagination, only that congruency in what is being represented is a prerequisite to move through this next cycle easily. This natural “law” has not been as tough on us as it is now, as these energies are acting as a “taskmaster” forcing us to do the inner work. This is similar to a “Saturn Return” in our personal astrology chart. Which means that what is hidden or not in integrity with what is being represented will be increasingly apparent to whomever is the “watcher” and corrections will be made almost on the spot.

Note: We are going to need some tools to support us during this next cycle. The end of this newsletter includes guidelines to utilize as a practice to develop your personal energetic mastery.

Frequency of Unity Intelligence

Additionally, as one spiritually advances to be congruent and aligned into the monadic embodiment, the frequency of Unity (Love) emits as an intelligence field from the being. This means that the field of energetic intelligence, a consciousness field of “Unity” rearranges and reorganizes any discordant energetic pattern in the environment. This “consciousness technology” results when a physical being has embodied its monadic level of consciousness and is congruently aligned with its god purpose. It’s a byproduct of embodied divinity.

The more out of integrity a person, place or thing is with its natural harmonic core expression, the harder it will be for that person, place or thing to remain ‘hidden” in the façade it has created as the illusion of its perceived physical identity.

The New Energy of Unity, the Frequency of Unity is a frequency of “Truth” Vibration as directed by Source energy. No words are needed to express, as this is strictly an “embodiment” of truth presence. This level of love frequency can only be directed through a physical vehicle that has been largely freed (purified) of ego constraints and desires. The process of Inner Alchemy through polarity integration is what is necessary to purify the physical vehicle to the extent that finally the healed unified energy template of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness Form can embody. The physical vehicle can now be utilized as a channel of Unified Source energy, and the template (and its nervous system) is healed at a level it is finally able to direct this intelligence field.
Those that are now remembering to embody this love vibration are being asked to step up and hold the “New Energy” reality space and watch the old ego system around them self destruct. As you become aware of the intentional field of Unity coming through your body in service to the Divine, the channel of your being is flowing in congruence to the Energetic Reality of Love.

The Power of this Energetic Principle in Action is more Profoundly Transformative for our planet than anything else we could ever fabricate.

5 Pillars of Realizing Purpose

We are governed by Energetic Laws of Principle and Consciousness in this Multiverse. Here are 5 Pillars towards realizing your purpose and reinstating your divine blueprint towards Cosmic Consciousness. We are entering entirely new territory, new fields of reality and new purpose. Yet these are still the foundations to help us remember how to focus our consciousness and create a smooth transition for ourselves. Intend god-purity in our purpose and the light will show us the way.

• Law of Strength – Commit to your Soul evolution. State your Declaration of Intent to serve your Soul. “Your desire to know God is of a drowning man for want of air” Yogananda

• Universal Law of One – Begin to understand the Laws which govern our existence, and your Multidimensional Spiritual Anatomy as a God-being. “The Mysteries are Revealed to the human whose light is shining and he becomes the Knower”. Alice Bailey and DK.

• Law of Transformation – Be willing and open to change by surrendering to Divine Will. Clear fear belief systems (b.s.) and the negative ego expressions that influence you from the collective human unconscious mind. Affirm: I leave human order and choose divine order in all things.

• Law of Response- Give back your Go(o)dness to the world, Give your love, knowledge and blessings and expand your abundance through service. The soul’s true nature is of one, one with abundance, joy and fulfillment, found through purpose and service.

• Law of Verification – The Examined Life of a Light Heart- Live your Soul purpose by making it your lifestyle. I AM that I AM. Be Still and Know I Am God!

First Triad of Spiritual Awakening

How do we support harmony in our consciousness shift within these tumultuous energies? Most of us are undergoing the tests of personal mastery with how we direct our mental and emotional focus. This process is how we transcend the “personality ego program” which consists of the first three layers (3D) of our chakra/auric system. These are suggested guidelines on how best you may utilize your energy in directing the focus of your consciousness during these times:

Stay in the Now moment and maintain observer consciousness

Inquire and commit to serving the Way of your Soul and its purposes

Listen, learn the language of Soul and take action on the guidance of your Soul

Resolve all fear and emotional conflicts ( remember FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real)

Develop your Inner Connection to Soul that supercedes all reliance on the External Connections or Perceptions of Reality

Live a Life congruent to your soul purpose, and that it serves as an example to others.

Commit to a daily practice ( meditation, connection, clearing)

Live by the Law of Love ( Law of One)

Use Consistency in Practice of Technique (Meditate or work with Spiritual Tools to Build your Spiritual Muscle)

And If you just do not know what else to do:

(service to others)

These are amazing times we are sharing as we step into the unknown. We are in this adventure together and until next….Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path!

Love, Lisa
© 2009, Lisa Renee


E n e r g e t i c S y n t h e s i s* April 2009 The Still Point


The Still Point

April 2009
by Lisa Renee

For many months now we have been plunging deeply into every facet of our being in order to complete so many different layers of our old identity structure. As the Galactic frequencies poured through our planet reaching an apex during Mid December we experienced many subsequent explosions. These explosions were accumulating the impetus of energies that would be the needed for the impending catalytic breakthrough that would thrust us out through the glass ceiling.

This was such a pressurized time, as it was happening just when we thought we could not handle one more thing without spiraling out into a major crisis. Yet miraculously still more layers fell off and unraveled before our eyes. For some of us it felt unrelenting. Organizations, affiliations and collaborations we may have had collapsed like a flat tire with no air, with absolutely no energetic momentum available to continue. In the mid collapse of these connections it could be sensed like existing in the middle of a dead zone. Nothing felt up or down or center, there was no direction – just a space of suspended nothing-ness. This is the characteristic of experiencing the “frequency split” between the consciousness dimensional perceptions. Progress on certain projects stopped dead in their tracks as obstacles sprouted up for no apparent logical or linear reason creating a wall of disconnection. We knew we had to withdraw ourselves completely no matter what the situation appeared to be leaving us “at stake”. This has been like existing in a “bardo” type of state, somewhere in between dimensions, as similarly in between our old experience of life and death. This is the space where most of us are existing right now, so please just relax and allow. It is coming.

Systematically we have been stripped layer by layer like an onion getting to its center, bringing us further into the core of our “Still Point”. (the Still Point is the connection to the core essence of our God Being) The Still Point is the “Center of All Union” and is similar to reference as an umbilicus that connects us into the Cosmic Mother-Father God Source. This is akin to the comprehension that this phase of human development is the first energetic connection to our true parents, our God Parent. We are in the beginning phase (first waves) of the major reconfiguration of this 5D “umbilicus” within our lightbody template. This means the energetic architecture of our core manifestation template, our lightbody is (again) going to change dramatically. How we connect to God Source, our actual ability to experience this connection to Source will change dramatically.

Annual 5D Upgrade Begins

This is the 2009 planetary upgrade theme which is starting now to manifest in the personal light bodies of the Galactic Ascension Wayshower group. As the planetary grid is being reconfigured through our group human “body” it changes the way the energies interface with the planetary lightbody, and simultaneously our own human lightbody construction undergoes major shifts and changes. Additionally this event will expand into a critical mass in the fields picking up much more momentum in the masses all year long. This Planetary Ascension Wave will crest towards mid May picking up another collective group of human beings that will begin to undergo their awakening process.

The “Still Point” is within the area in between the rib cage underneath the breast bone. This upgrade is changing the configuration of the 3rd Chakra (solar plexus), its mental body functions and its relationship to the 5th Chakra (throat center) and it’s Lightbody. We are now reaching into the deeper levels of our “inner sanctum” by focusing our consciousness on our core. This inner sanctum is our still point and is a higher function of the human lightbody consciousness technology. This is the next progression of the planetary ascension cycle. This is resulting from the last phase we have just experienced as the “Blank Slate”, as literally this phase was about wiping our consciousness clean.

In waves, we are reaching this new state of emptiness as in achieving a blank slate of consciousness. (see last month’s news) There is no Identity Past or Identity Future recorded in your cellular or energetic matrix. The “blank slate” is also a reference point to the new energetic platform that is beginning to support our segway into the new consciousness reality. As we were being emptied out at these profound levels it was a requirement in the lightbody repair sequence in order to reconnect us back into the corrected umbilicus of our God Parent-Source. This begins now.

The Guardians are preparing us to be aware of this 2009 year lightbody upgrade. This month is a beginning primer to understand the 5D lightbody architecture of the “false navel” or “false umbilicus” and its impact to the mental body. The first waves of our Starseed family on the Ascension timeline are starting to embody this lightbody rehabilitation for humanity.

The Mental Bodies

First it is helpful to understand the functioning nature of our mental bodies. What we are coming to understand is the nature of the consciousness impulses governing personal ego will and “divine will” are actually constructs that exist as a part of our holographic lightbody intelligence. The consciousness intelligence that exists at the 3rd layer (the solar plexus) is the part of the personality program that controls the conscious mind matrix of the ego. This area of our lightbody houses the control program of the current embodied “identity” that the human being actually experiences as a self. The control program is part of the incarnation blueprint and will have influences such as magnetic imprints (astrological configurations) that control how the consciousness perceives through its own lens, such as, its personal likes or dislikes. This is similar to a “train track” that keeps the consciousness of the being moving forward in the lifestream with some kind of directional impulse. This is chosen before birth and is considered as a part of your 3D birth agreement and it is the blueprint of your physical consciousness.

If the consciousness is primarily stationed in this part of the Lightbody, (the first through 3rd layers) the being will only have the capacity to experience itself as a physical form identity. It cannot “know” of anything else. When a being does not focus on its spiritual potential the 3rd layer of this intelligence field remains underdeveloped and it remains in a similar space and size contained within the aura. Another way to say this is, the intelligence accessed at this level is very limited and will be perceived only within a linear progression of time. Within this linear understanding the being will apply its personal will to “get what it thinks it needs” in order to survive in the environment it perceives. This is defined as applying “personal will” and is a 3rd dimensional field of intelligence.

The intelligence that exists in the 5th layer is a part of the soul consciousness field that begins to recognize itself in its higher archetypal (group) mind. It is the beginning consciousness state of experiencing the soul impulses of “divine will”. (Not my will – but thy will God) The impulses from the 5th layer start to be experienced beyond the limits of the 3rd dimensional mental blueprint. The impulses are “felt” from the consciousness as coming from within the physical body. This soul intelligence is a “feeling intelligence” and yet still has aspects of being a mental principal. The impulses are directed by Soul intelligence and therefore will seek out more harmonious states of being by guiding non karmic generating actions. When the being has surrendered to divine will, the 3rd layer of the solar plexus expands greatly and links with the 5th layer. The 3rd layer of the particle intelligence that was the solar plexus body is then recoded to a higher octave of intelligence and expanded. Then the consciousness becomes capable to “speak as divine will” and learns how to apply divine will to action and speech. (This is being the Will to Good, or the Will to God) The mental body is then greatly expanded within the aura, and more divine intelligence fields and spiritual links are potentially accessed.

The False Umbilicus

We are becoming made aware that a distortion existing in the human mental body (at the holographic architecture level) has limited our ability to experience the actual ”feeling” of god consciousness. This false umbilicus is an implanted distortion existing in the 3rd layer of the mental (solar plexus) lightbody that blocks the consciousness from experiencing its 5D divine intelligence and spiritual connection. This umbilicus was mainly responsible for repeated incarnations and keeping human consciousness recycling itself on the astral plane of reality. In this last cycle of 26,556 years, as a human being was going through physical death, the consciousness would go to the blocked “umbilicus” connection in the lightbody and follow the cord leading to the “white light tunnel”. Since we were not trained to understand what happens after the physical death of the body, no one told us that we arrive in the spiritual plane at the level our belief system (and vibrational consciousness) takes us. So this means most all of us went back into the astral plane repeatedly. We were not aware of our choice, our freedom and that we could choose another reality. So we had to return back into the 3D earth plane repeating much of the same karmic games of trauma, illness and degeneration. Over generations the karmic build up was so immense, that disease and other dysfunctions were produced from these accumulated aberrant energies. These aberrant energies then started to break down the genetics and therefore the lightbody (manifestation template) of the human being.

This cycle of karmic regression of the human species has included repeated incarnations in this 3D realm and the recycling of the consciousness through the 4D realm, the Astral plane. This reincarnational recycling is ending. A large part of the holographic architecture repair in our human lightbody and within the planetary lightbody includes a healing of this distortion and a reconnection back into the true “umbilicus” of our lightbody. We are being reconnected back into our Source, Our God Parent by reweaving the umbilicus back into its proper position at the Still Point. This is the Guardian Project beginning now and ongoing for 2009.

Divine Partnerships

A brief update was given about the new relationships forming during this timeline. New alliances and love relationships are forming and have a larger purpose about aligning big planetary projects that are underway in this Galactic Consciousness Cycle. This is about laying the foundation of the “Changing of the Guard” which is happening now. It is a joining of the “Genetic Equals” to combine masculine and feminine energetic principals in order to manifest new technologies, inventions, philosophies, grid repair and the list goes on. The power of the intelligence fields of the Male “Rod” and Female “Staff” are getting ready to combine. Additionally these are powerfully intimate and loving connections that will be like a dream come true to many of us that have been alone on our spiritual journey for a long time. (Note: If you are still working genetic pathcutting physical issues, this will come for you when your body has stabilized itself. Most of us must be isolated in our own frequency and that of our evolution guides when doing heavy internal holographic repair work. Hang in there! )

The Real and the Imposter

At this time as we are reconfiguring into the new energetic architecture reality you may come across some very curious patterns in your life. Be aware of this in the coming months. The old polarity programs in the matrix existed in “negative forms” or opposite polarity projections as a necessity to materialize physical form or other manifestations. As we are moving through this phase in the reality matrix a curious phenomena is occurring.

You may come across an appearance of two distinct choices that bear a certain contrast between them. You will wonder why nothing has been happening, and all the sudden spontaneously, you have one or more choices to contend with all conflicting with each other. You may think “Wow it is like Feast or Famine! Now what?” What is happening is something I refer to as the “Almost” (double) or the Real and the Imposter. Generally this means that you will be swayed by the practicality of what something “looks like” externally versus what something “feels like” internally. On the outside one of these choices will appear to be “perfect” like something you may have wanted or needed very much. On closer examination you will feel something is “missing”. You can feel it’s “off”, but you may not be able to pinpoint what it is. Because no-thing has been showing up lately (in the blank slate!) and you desperately want to move forward it will be very, very tempting. It is like it is the “Almost” version of what you were wanting to happen in your life, and you wonder if the Universe sent you this and are you are supposed to trust and accept it. Is it a gift? Is it a lesson? Is it a test of the spiritual emergency broadcast system?

Because of the shifting of the negative form projections we will be experiencing some surreal events around this particular phenomena. Pay attention to the “feeling” this evokes inside you, this is critical in the opening of allowing the right alignments to occur. You are not missing an opportunity if the circumstance does not “feel” totally aligned. Wait. Pause. Allow. Stay true to your center, your core vibrational truth and do not compromise what you know to be your truth resonance.

This may happen with potential new relationship partners, career options, any big life circumstance. Go inside and feel inside. Do not accept anything less than truth in your heart. You may want to revisit the energy scan technique from the August 2007 newsletter as a refresher.

Suggested exercise: Basic Energy Scan

Prepare with your 12 D Shielding process.

Now call to mind a White Ball of Energy and visualize or intend this White Ball of your consciousness to rest in your 3rd Eye, your sixth Chakra. Breathe and focus on the White Ball in your 3rd eye, focus on your sensation of it. With your mind focused on the White Ball Symbol, program the White Ball with the command “I intend this White Ball Symbol to be in Alignment, Wholeness and Purity with my Highest Soul Purpose”

Now exhale and move the White Ball Symbol down from your 3rd eye and into your Heart center or 4th Chakra. Breathe naturally while you connect with the symbol and sense this aspect of your conscious energy field residing in your heart.

Now call to mind a person, place, event or object that you are intending to scan. Visualize or intend that the object of your scan is standing in front of you or within your view.

Focusing on your heart center, exhale a small white cord to connect to the object of the scan and then send out your White Ball Symbol through the cord to overlay the object of your energy scan.

As you inhale into your heart, allow yourself to receive some impressions of the object’s energy signature, as well as pay attention to what color your White Ball Symbol starts to turn.

You may start to “feel” a range of perceptual emotion around the object.
Does it feel in alignment with you? Notice the White Ball Symbol and look at its color. If it remains white it is in alignment with you.Depending on its shape or shade of gray to dark, will be its level of purity to your being.

Practice with this technique and it will become entrained in your neurological system. You will be able to begin to read basic energy signatures very quickly. This will give you another level of energy discernment when presented with choice or decision. As you become more advanced you will start to see the color wave spectrum of the object and it will discern what frequency and dimension this “information” or energy is sourcing from.

I hope this has provided you with some insight and tools to better align to your personal truth and inner discernment. Be fearless in shining your Truth in the world!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One!

Love, Lisa

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Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide and Quantum Therapist. She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet’s Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.

Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of 12th Dimensional beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. She is also a writer whose work can be found monthly in the world-renowned publication “Planet Lightworker Magazine.”

© 2009 Lisa Renee E n e r g e t i c S y n t h e s i s


Energetic Synthesis* March 2009 The Blank Slate


Es News- March 2009

The Blank Slate



Dear Family,

We are at an Entry Point of the Ascension Timeline that is sliding us onto a new platform of energetic architecture that is beginning to support our new consciousness reality. This is a phase of our development where we are experiencing ourselves and our orientation to the world in a completely different way. Our emotion, our perception, our physical senses, our feeling response to the external stimuli in our daily reality, is in many cases, not registering any familiar reaction or charge. Many of us now are experiencing no direction, no desire, no ambition, no sensation of movement or momentum, the complete experience IS in the moment. If the observing “watcher” does begin to focus on a past memory or future event, the energy for holding that image drains quickly and the focus is returned immediately back into the perfect stillness that exists within the exacting moment. There is no space for anything that is not aligned and allocated for expression in the divine timing held as within your being. We are being re-educated continually to be brought back into the pristine quality of the perfect now “focus”.


It can be a surreal experience, as the now “observer” does sense the physical body, does sense the external events, yet is existing from another place entirely, a place of total silence and stillness. It can be felt as being One with your physical self, and yet as if your physical self is at another level of intelligence that is being operated from another dimensional consciousness of yourself. Prior to this Galactic Activation cycle, we were still more subject to wearing our body as a full identity mask, as some “thing” we perceived we are. This identification with our body “suit” has changed dramatically, it can surprise you when you look in the mirror (or see a picture of your image) and attempt to figure out who that IS reflecting back! It can be compared to the metaphor of “You just do not Know what You do not Know” until you actually have the “experience” of knowing it as a reality of the self. Now we can talk to our body, talk to our organs, as if it is “us” and not “us” in simultaneous time.


No Value Assigned to 3D


We are starting to exist in Total Being-ness, noting that the external influence present with the amplified density and gravitational pull of the 3D polarity matrix do not register or elicit an assigned value. Many things we have feared would happen in our past, have come to us be confronted and now as we have faced them, we really could care less. Whatever!  The things that used to really bother us seem like a lifetime ago. Somehow we have realized what is, just IS and that has given us greater acceptance and strength to encounter solutions to what may have seemed daunting to us at one time.  We have built a core energy inside that has become an incredible foundational strength of our embodied spirit. Many of us can quantifiably feel the core strength inside of us that we have never felt before, even when faced with external events that appear quite challenging. This strength amplifies our faith in ourselves and our acceptance to be God’s will in action. As We Let Go, We Let God.


Along with no value being assigned to the 3D structures, we have absolutely no interest in contributing or collaborating with that old matrix either, it feels as dead as dead can be. We are holding LIFE codes (Living Light Matrix) and we are not able to hold or be in death code (Anti-Life Matrix) any longer.


(Some of our Family holding the Light Code are the Mapmakers and are sent into the old 3D structures to hold God witness and contribute to the structure’s energetic collapse. i.e. corporations, etc. If this is You, almost always you will find yourself in an old decrepit structure yet somehow you are able to infuse your Light Code in the environment, or inspire the surrounding employees in order to influence and support their expanding consciousness. As power struggles and chaos may ensue, as the anti life and life force have conflict, you are developing the strength of your personal God Power to hold the Light in any circumstance. This is almost always a part of our God Consciousness Training so do not be discouraged. You are here to master the 3D Matrix and understand the energetic dynamic behind the forms. The 12 D Light Vortex and Codes are extremely powerful to bring into these environments, open a field and just watch what happens! )


We have come a long, long way to be able to hold stillness at this level of the external chaos of change within a collapsing structure. This is the core essence of the role we have agreed to for this planet – To Be the Living Light holders and the Agents of Transformation, the collective Phoenix that rises from the Ashes. There is much emotional freedom in reaching this level when the 3D attachments have been pulled out of your Living Light Matrix, your holographic light body. We are progressively, in waves, being released from these energetic structures of attachment in order to reach a new state of consciousness, as with achieving a “Blank Slate“. There is no Identity Past or Identity Future recorded in your cellular or energetic matrix. You have a memory tape you can access but there is no feeling sensation to recalling it.  This is the End of all Time as we have known it , as many prophets over the cycle have attempted to memorialize and describe.


A question of self inquiry may arise about whether you have reached a new state of neutrality or emotional numbness. This is a most profound sign of the state of emptiness that signifies we have reached the time of the “Blank Slate“. There is simply nothingness and emptiness within the silent spaces between the stillness of being.


Yet, we may feel stymied during this time as we are existing in between these worlds and as the structure collapses we are confronted with tasks we must navigate that require new solutions. The solution is to embody our Full Presence and dissolve resistances with perfect neutrality.  We are still practicing how we apply that state of presence to a variety of these 3D issues. How do we bring the Light of Consciousness to bear upon the Contemporary World, one that is further descending into a more exaggerated distortion of itself??


As we become more congruent with our inner spirit, as our daily actions and thoughts reflect our spirit, we become a walking example of inner sustainability connected to the source. At this point of our evolution we do not need to externally siphon energies from people, places or things.  Our cultivated mental discipline and emotional focus is to be subservient to God’s will, the ability to surrender and to be in engaged non-attachment, allows the strength of God to Illuminate the way. As you allow more and more of your divinity to be embodied it is the degree relative to maintain the Full Presence of witness consciousness. 


With levity I admit in the most intense meditative moments of this vast emptiness of being, my mind thought to check my pulse and put a mirror in front of my mouth to make sure I was still breathing! This is the deepest experience of “void” we have ever reached, and yet this is the space where it is the stillness existing before the birth of a new creation just before it is being expelled. (As The Outbreath of God)


This experience of the “Blank Slate” is being anchored within the first waves of those on the Galactic Activation cycle and will extend outward to encircle more and more of our “Ascension Wayshower” families in the coming months.


Note: This is also relative to how you will experience your own emotional body sensations and is a direct result of the Astral Body reconfiguration planetary project. This is a primary planetary and human healing project that began aggressively in 2008 to prepare for the global magnetic field changes and is still underway. As we heal the planet’s Light body field (as in planetary grid work) we heal our collective and personal field. This is exciting as we have reached a critical mass in the Astral Body healing and those of us ready to embody the new configuration are doing so now. Since our human 2D desire body had so many addictive embedded distortions, with this upgrade, many of us feel so “desire-less” right now as our addictive matrix in the emotional body has been removed.


This is the state reached that is transcendent of the old incarnation blueprint, from the nothingness into the zero point we can emerge beyond polarity to test our new creations. This is the first time a non- polarity energetic architecture for creation has been this close to this level of physical density. This Blank Slate is the Gift of God, a Consciousness Palette of which Unlimited Potentialities with Gods Crayon can be Colored. It is so as it is freed of the confines of the duality matrix which contain anti life force as the necessary elemental base of alchemical form manifestation. The density of this 3D reality was elementally comprised and physically manifested of Anti-Life force, a form which is finite, deteriorates and eventually dies. Biological Ascension is about resurrecting the Anti Life Force Form into the Living Light Code of the Eternal Living Light of God. This is one of the group projects of the Starseeded consciousness on the Earth.


The Conflict of Consciousness – Anti Life and Eternal Life

As the Galactic Frequencies are continually opening up many dimensional doorways, it has begun a systematic layered reconnection to the Galactic Time Continuums or Galactic Dimensions. Those of us working with the energetic architecture of dismantling the old and building the new energy reality systems have been mediating some incredibly intense polarities between the Anti Life and Life Force to synthesize. Many of our Galactic Activators have begun to find the still point which allows the ability to shift into the transparency that exists when we are the Full Embodied Presence, and realize in many cases we are the rehabilitation force that releases these beings from their enslavement matrix. This means we are returning these energies/entities back into the Living Source Light or to the Time Space Continuum of their Origination.

The epicenter of the seed conflict between the Anti Life and Eternal Life forces began at the 11D Galactic timelines of Human History eons ago. As these timelines reconnect to the cellular memory matrix of our planet in this density these archetypal patterns and creational myths begin to exhibit themselves in physical matter.  This is being more physicalized now in humanity at this time as this is the playing field for reconciliation and is the final cycle of resolution in this density.  The physical Stargate area on our planet is centered in the United Kingdom and the Stonehenge area. However the impact and effects of this energetic memory matrix is sweeping the planet and amplifying the effect upon some of those in the consciousness space.

What you may notice is that whatever setting this “archetypal patterning” is playing out within, you will be able to identify the existing conflict as that which is threatening the “old” structure of anti-life forces. Therefore you may note the exaggerated surreal effect of a level of consciousness seemingly “fighting for its life” in the last gasps of its death blow. These power struggles are amplified in an extreme level of resistance and so it is important you find transparency or neutrality as best you can in these situations.  You cannot engage in a battle, even when being attacked, and so what is most effective is to learn to be a “Defender of the Truth” and to be a “Commander of your Space” in the Authority of Gods Light. ( We suggest Psychic Self Defense Audio Courses and ES Community membership to have access to all guided audio libraries and tools to learn how to command your space and spiritually clear yourself, see the website for details or email us)

There are those beings existing in reality bubbles to which can be compared to as being vampiric, parasitic and existing within the old context of the anti-life force of the 3D reality. These reality bubbles are like containers, they exist at every level and can be corporations, organizations, communities, entities and individual interpersonal relationships. Beyond this density the same principal of energy exists and applies at many other levels of the Inter-dimensional planes. One that is not inner sustained from in Gods light will need to gather, absorb or steal energy (by direct manipulation, or by hidden ritual or sacrifice) from another in order to manifest their personal will or agenda. This is the Anti Life Force principle and it is parasitic in nature. The Life Force Principle (12 D or Cosmic Christ Principle) is sustained in the authority of God’s Light and does not need to extract, manipulate or parasitize another in order to exist or to manifest its creational desires. 

So what we are witnessing now in so many life situations is that “final conflict” pattern between that which is moving to evolve into a fully sustainable and God empowered model versus the sacrificial model or energetic parasitism. (This was highlighted in the January newsletter as our ongoing theme of planetary repair as we leave the Redeemer consciousness (being the sacrifice) to become the Revealer of God Consciousness.) This energetic pattern is observed across the board in power struggles existing from dueling corporations with old competition models, to guru and disciple relationships gone awry, to metaphysical leaders and group modalities, to energetic attacking of those that represent that New Energetic Reality of Empowered Sustainability. This has been a long history on this planet of persecution or crucifixion of the Christ or Eternal Life force principle.

The first step is to be aware of these dynamics playing out around you and to not engage with dramas or take them personal. Build your own personal platinum 12 D shield and then learn to expand it to create group pillars, at community levels, planetary levels and so forth. Your body is a God Technology that can impact larger planetary fields by stabilizing disharmonic environments or surface grids. Consciously utilize your 12 D sphere of influence to command your space in the sovereign freedom of God’s Living Light. (The suggested affirmation: I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!)

Meeting the Timeline with a Task at Hand


In regard to meeting the timeline of an appointed task or project: The time and space for your appointed task will appear in the exact moment the space and energy is divinely created to apply to the exchange of that task. When it comes into your immediate view from a natural progression of meeting the timeline, it has entered your energetic field and consciousness perception. At this point is when an action or choice may be required and will happen in a natural unforced state of being. Even if the task is not something entirely pleasant you will feel the opening for it to be completed in that moment, which means it will be the most effortless time to apply your energy to complete the task. When the space has been made for it, is when it is the easiest to complete with a minimal of obstacles or “sticky” energies. Obstacles can be exacerbated when you push for an outcome to soothe your mind, or another person playing the opposite side of the game will push resistance energies to play their “part” of the exchange. The person felt your resistance and energetic pushing and then promptly “pushed” you back in response. Most people exist as identity archetypes, and when their identity is threatened they will subvert and strangulate the energy out of a situation in order to reassert their identity role. If you aware this is how the game works, you can more fully be aware to it and cooperate with nonresistance to the energies. This is cultivating more transparency to be ultimately invisible to resistances, and with the 12 D codes progressing onto this planet, this state of transparency will become easier to achieve.


 Going into the future with your mind, pushing or insisting energies, or using fear energies to manipulate outcomes will descend you into a pocket of unbearable density or discord. This is instant karma (cause and effect) and the “backlash” is extremely uncomfortable. Cooperate with the energies as they appear in the moment and you will have much greater ease.


Divine Collaboration and Partnerships


Recently it has been noted that within this new energetic platform of the “blank slate” that there is a new paradigm template of collaboration and divine unions emerging.  This is a part of the new relationship architecture and is observed as patterns being created “unilaterally” as the multiple dimensional layers are collapsing. (As a part of the Ascension we are collapsing the dimensional planes, the timelines into the singularity point of One) Unilaterally means these templates have only one side or surface; without a reverse side or inside, as a Möbius strip.


Here is the information on a Mobius strip pattern:


We are at the threshold of new creations to be built upon the new energetic architecture that is transcendent of the old 3D polarity structures, those which had included the projection of its “negative form”. The negative form was a byproduct of the old polarity/duality matrix where the exact opposite (or negative) of a blueprint’s creation was projected into the antiparticle layers and created an antiparticle double. This negative form siphoned energy and dispersed the planetary kundalini energies becoming extremely distorted, fragmented and absorbed into our Astral (emotional body) layers. The negative form and antiparticle double has been and is parasitized by many forces without our known consent.


In order for the anti-life force “system” to be energized and manifested within the old 3D architecture this projection of its negative was a necessary part of the elemental form manifestation. Our human physical body is an elemental vehicle and is comprised of the elementals of the planet. This created a lot of genetic damage to the original divine crystal blueprint and the physical body as it manifested accumulated frozen karmic crystals and miasma. This is where human behavioral dysfunction, distortion and disease became manifested realities and cut off the higher DNA potentials. This also contributed to the many distortions existing in the pairs of opposite polarity, such as it exists in the gender (male/female) principle. This further separated the male and female consciousness experience making divine union rare and almost impossible to achieve. Something huge is happening in this arena around relationships now. With this new unilateral architecture it appears that many of us will begin to phase in our Galactic friends and non karmic relationships (ones with no negative form projection) to collaborate and have partnerships with! Many of us are greatly looking forward to this!

Brief Gridkeeper Update

In mid February, a beginning Galactic memory layer of the primarily Lemurian/Mu timelines began to intersect in the 12th Stargate on the Island of Kauai. This is a huge occasion as this is the first levels of our 12 D hub connectors (that many of us have been holding space for and building the strength of within the container) which brings a huge flux and larger field of the 12 D frequencies into our planetary grid.  This Stargate when opened into its Galactic SG levels is the connector to the Great Central Sun, which is an extension of our Sun that is controlled through the 4D Gates in Giza. This 12D Galactic Gate opening overrides the controls in the 4D — Astral planetary level system, meaning that those in the 4D planes which had methods of controlling the sun’s relationship to the earth ( such is the memory of pole shift and other trajectory field manipulations) are stabilized and unable to be operational at the 4D Giza Stargate. Honestly with levity I can now say, No wonder some of the resistance crew have been acting up and are as mad as hornets!  This is a major loss of territory for them.

We also have been informed that inner earth timelines through Mount Shasta have also opened a new bandwidth of exchange between earth surface dwellers and inner earth dwellers. Apparently our human Lemurian Ancestors had taken refuge within these layers (opening into and though Mount Shasta) and are beginning to contact more of us on the surface to heal the Lemurian Holocaust Trauma memories. This Lemurian History was also the original seed memory of the schism between the masculine and feminine (created a monadic rift and reversals of the consciousness)  which energetically and archetypally contributed to the other holocaust episodes in the experiences of human consciousness throughout the evolutionary cycle.  Much of this new intersection of support involves the recoding of the Divine Feminine Principle in its 7th  Ray Violet Flame Emanation, which seems to be a project that mostly the souls in Female Bodies are anchoring through embodiment of the Violet Flame at this time. Also, this feels to be a mutual collaboration as the human being is the physicalized singularity point of bringing this timeline into a healing completion between our Cosmic Consciousness and that which has resided in a space referred to as the Inner Hub Worlds. (The Inner Earth) This ought to be quite intriguing in its manifestation.  Our ES friend, fellow Gridkeeper and Guardian, Suzanna Kennedy, (the facilitator of sacred union and reality crafting) who lives on Kauai has been directed to hold the space for this project. This is just the beginning so we shall see how it unravels as it continues into the summer months. 

Additionally the Alpha Centauri’s have began a connector/communicator link through us within the expanding planetary 3D Stargate System as these Galactic Levels come in and activate. An introduction dialogue with this planetary system being very similar to the earth’s system was made today. Our planet has a treaty or agreement exchange for support for 3D human beings that require a transitional gateway of acclimation and re-education. The 3D Gate being an area of the old Atlantian continent, Bermuda Islands area, has stabilized a galactic opening of the SG system. Some of the Galactic Emissary’s have this role in assisting these exchanges as a contingency or alternative route access for those beings not mentally or emotionally prepared to handle the impacts of the vibrational choices being made now during the Ascension Cycle. It was nice to see contingency plans and alternative routes set up for those that are not consciously participating with their personal evolution process.

Incredible support is coming in ways not previously imagined. Additionally we will emerge into March feeling much easier, as we will begin to feel supported in this greater peace/ease becoming available The 12 D frequency code is more available. (Then on to the 13th Stargate alignment!) 

That is all we have room for with this news installment, please be sure to join us on our monthly call on March 18th at 6pm PST time as I always share the latest planetary grid updates with our ES Community!

In deep love and gratitude for our Galactic Families!

Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and God Path! We are here as One.


With love, Lisa


© 2009, Lisa Renee

 Energetic Synthesis
