Archive for The Hathors

The Hathors* The Holon of Ascension


The Holon of Ascension
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
January 28, 2009

You are about to enter into a highly volatile period, full of
extraordinary potential, yet fraught with hazards.

In March of last year we indicated that your earth’s magnetic
field was experiencing perturbations and a morphing, or
changing of its configuration. Your science has now
discovered that this is, in fact, a reality.

In its most simple terms, there is a breach in the
magnetosphere, which surrounds earth, protecting it from
solar winds. Such a breach is a naturally occurring cycle,
but the breadth and magnitude of this opening is quite large.
It is allowing, and will allow, large volumes of plasma from
the sun to enter. This will increase magnetic storms,
disruptions of telecommunications, disruptions in
bio-electric circuitry (such as human nervous systems), and
climate change. The results of this breach and the increased
charging of the magnetosphere will increase over the next
several years.

Our focus in this communication is not upon the negative
impacts of this breach, but upon the positive effects it
opens for those who are ready.

Your subtle energy body, which was known as the KA by ancient
Egyptians and called the etheric body by Yogis, is highly
sensitive to, and affected by, solar plasma. An increase in
the flow and quality of solar streams increases the vibratory
rate of the KA body. This is a very beneficial and auspicious
opportunity for those who are consciously participating in
their ascension process. Let us be precise by what we mean by
the term ascension, because it has many different
connotations and ways of being viewed.

By ascension we simply mean a movement upward in
consciousness. You do not “go” anywhere. You do not “leave”
anywhere. But your perspective, your perception, is radically
altered. You begin to see through the maya, or the illusion
of this world, which is created through the dance of
subatomic particles and into a configuration of what you call
matter. Through the ascension process you realize that you
are the creator of your experience of that which you call
“the world.” It does not mean that you leave this world, but
it does mean that you have transcended it–while still being
a part of it–for you see through the lens of perception that
life is a movie that you are projecting.

One could say that you are at a crossroads. As the solar
streams enter into your magnetosphere, the KA bodies of all
humans will increase in vibration. But for some, this will
lead to disturbances and dissolution, while for others it
will lead to ascension–a movement upward in consciousness.

This communication is specifically for those individuals who
have chosen the upward spiral. Your challenge in these times
is to allow the activation of your KA body to move you
upward, even as many around you seem to be spiraling
downward. It is, essentially, a question of vibration, joined
with expectation and belief. It is the union of these three
that births the creative impulse for a new destiny.

What do we mean by this?

It takes tremendous energy to transcend or transmute a
negative condition or a limitation that has been placed upon
one. You have been collectively hypnotized into a view of
reality that is fixed, confined, limiting, and nothing short
of imprisonment. When one sees through the lies and the
manipulations, the old world does not look the same and yet
the perception of the lies does not free one from them. They
have a life of their own and a tendency to continue. It takes
new energy–an increased vibratory rate–to overcome the
lethargy and inertia that are intrinsic to your cultural
limitations. This is the gift of the solar streams–the solar
plasma that is flowing and will flow in greater quantities
into your magnetosphere–for they will increase the vibratory
rate of your KA body.

But here is the “cross-hair”, shall we say, in “the sight” of
your destiny. For those of you who accept, or at least are
beginning to see through the lies of limitation that have
been imposed upon you and have made a choice to move upward
into the ascension process, this activation of the KA body is
a beautiful, exquisite miracle to behold, for your life will
be graced with the power to transcend your own limitations in
ways that have not been available to you before. It shall be
as if the cosmos itself is joining you in the dance of your

But for those who do not choose to live upward in
consciousness–who choose to remain imprisoned by the
limitations, who seek to blame others for their misfortune,
who choose to find scapegoats for their lack of happiness,
for those who insist upon living the old world of
conflict–this increased vibration of their KA body will not
be a blessing; it will be experienced as a curse. Because
they will have to work very hard to keep things the way they

The fabric of your old realities is being unwound at the same
time that new realities are being woven. This is, indeed, an
odd state. And what we wish to convey most clearly is that
you have the innate power and ability to weave new realities
for yourself, new freedoms of mind and spirit, regardless of
what is happening around you.

From our perspective, we see this situation escalating over
the next several years, and we would characterize it as a
dual state in which many of you will ascend, meaning moving
upward, while others will move into dissolution, a falling
apart. This is, essentially, based upon a personal choice.

This is a very important point, to us, and we wish to convey
it with as much clarity as possible. Each of you has the
response-ability to choose the thoughts and the creations you
desire. Some of you will choose freedom–because you cannot
stand being contained any longer–the lies are simply too
great a burden to perpetuate. Others of you will choose
imprisonment–for the fear of freedom and the responsibility
for personal choice is too much to bear.

This is a split in the road of evolution.

As your realities simultaneously dissolve and re-create
themselves, and by that we refer to the economic challenges
you are facing, and the ecological and social challenges you
are facing some of you may experience very difficult times.
But never lose sight of the fact that you are the creator of
your life, and you can re-create it at any moment, regardless
of the circumstances. Those who manipulate you do so through
fear and perpetuation of cultural limitations–the belief
that your life is dependent upon certain external factors.

What you will discover in the ascension process is that these
external factors are actually projections from your own
deepest consciousness. They are flickers on a movie screen,
and you can change them in mind-bending quickness when you
change them from the source rather than the effect, and the
source is your very mind itself. The mystery of how this
occurs reveals itself to you in the ascension process, as
naturally as an orchid opening its blossoms. It is imbedded
in nature itself, and this knowledge is self-revealing as you
enter the path upward. We have said in previous
communications that one of the keys is what you call
appreciation or gratitude. These states of emotion are a
signature and an expression of the creative powers you
possess. What we mean by this will be clear to you as you
move into the ascension process.

In future communications we intend to discuss the
interdimensional physics of appreciation and how it affects
your external reality. But in this communication we wish to
give you a tool we feel will assist you in this period over
the next several years, as the solar streams enter the
magnetosphere and begin to stimulate your KA bodies.

There are a few fundamental points we wish to impart before
we give the technique.

The first fundamental is that you must have made the choice
to move upward in consciousness for this technique to work.
The intention by which you hold your KA imparts the outcome.

The second point is that you need to be in the emotional
state of appreciation when you do this method, because
appreciation is the signature for this kind of creation.

The third point is that this is based upon a connection
between the KA–your etheric body–and a higher aspect of
yourself, dimensionally speaking, that was known as the BA by
the ancient Egyptians. The BA resides in a place of
consciousness that is outside time and space, as you
construct it.

It’s entry point is at a place above the head where your
hands would meet were you to raise your hands together and
touch them above your head. This interdimensional aspect of
your self, the BA, is highly receptive to appreciation. And
it is from the BA that you receive the energetic that
strengthens the KA and prepares it for the influx of the
solar streams.

We call this method the Holon of Ascension. Like the two
previous Holons we have given, the Holon of Balance and the
Holon of Healing, it is based upon a specific geometric form.
Geometry compels energy and specific geometries compel energy
to flow in specific ways.

This particular Holon is based upon a disc. It is much like a
top, if you played with such toys as a child. You place
yourself inside this disc. The top of the disc corresponds
with the location of the BA, where your two hands would touch
were you to extend them above your head. The lower part of
the disc is the base of your spine if you were to sit
cross-legged. If you do this standing or sitting in a chair,
then your feet would be at the base of the disc. The center
line that goes through the top of the head, through your
body, and through the perineum is the central axis of the

In your imagination, you spin the disc around the central
axis. For most people the natural direction would be to spin
it to the right, but it can be to the left–which ever feels
right to you is the correct direction. The size or diameter
of the disc is immaterial. You can make it as large or as
small as you wish. The color of the disc also does not
matter, but if you are a visual person, then we suggest
experimenting with making the disc white. This movement of
the disc in the imaginal world… the world of your
imagination…creates a vortex.

Once you start the disc to spin, your attention goes to the
BA above your head and you send appreciation to the BA–the
feeling of appreciation. There will be response of some kind
from the celestial soul, the BA.

At this point you move your awareness to the base of your
spine, to the root chakra, as this is the ground that pulls
the celestial energy into the KA body. Then, for the next
five to ten minutes, you simply reside inside the disc,
allowing it to spin with your awareness at your BA and at the
base of your spine. There will be a flow of energy from the
BA into the physical body and down to the base of the spine.
At times it will be a very light sensation. At other times it
will be like a laser light or a column of fire or a stream.
It may take many forms.

And as this energy descends from the BA into the base of the
spine, it radiates into the KA body, energizing it. You can
do this as many times as you wish. We suggest at least once a
day. There is a caution: if you practice this too often, or
for too long a period of time, you can experience a healing
reaction. This is caused by the celestial energies flowing
from the KA into the physical organs of the body and causing
them to release negativity, toxins and other negative
material that constrains their life force. As the KA body
becomes more energized over a period of time, it will be able
to incorporate the solarized particles from the solar stream
and this will greatly accelerate your ascension. This is the
basic method. And as we suggested, once a day, five to ten
minutes is all that is required, so long as your intention is
clearly to move upward in consciousness.

We now wish to turn our attention to planetary service and to
an energetic release we are calling The Great Triad.

The first weekend of April (April 3-5, 2009) we are
calling a gathering in Seattle, Washington in which we will
utilize the Holon we have just discussed and in connection
with the three sound temples that we established physically
in New Mexico, Costa Rica and Nepal. The union of these three
shall be for the purpose of increasing the light of

Before this event, some time in mid-March, we will release
another posting, another Planetary Message, with instructions
for those who are not able to join us physically in Seattle.
These instructions will allow those persons who cannot join
us physically, to join us energetically and participate in
this action of planetary service.

From the standpoint of the Egyptian mythos and initiatory
knowledge, your civilization is in the Initiation of the
Anmit, which is essentially a passage from the pursuit of
power, into love, and the higher realizations that come from
the higher chakras. It is a struggle between those who wish
to perpetuate a world of conflict, as a stage whereby they
can attain and sustain power, and those who wish to live a
life of cooperation–understanding that all life is

The purpose of this gathering shall be two-fold: to impart a
greater mastery of the Holon we have discussed and how to
utilize the solar streams for personal ascension; and to
release into the earth’s emotional atmosphere a spiritual
illumination that will benefit all life and add to the side
of the scale that leads to cooperation over conflict.

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Copyright 2009 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
You may share this Hathor message and my comments with others
in any media you wish so long as you do not alter its contents
in any way, do not charge for it and include this copyright notice.

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Tom’s Observations Regarding the Holon of Ascension

View Tom’s observations online:

On March 24, 2008, The Hathors released a planetary message
entitled Earth’s Magnetic Field, in which they said that the
earth’s magnetic field was going through a perturbation and
morphing (see the Hathor Archives for original posting).

In December 2008, NASA announced that the Themis
Project had detected a massive breach in the earth’s magnetic
field, and that in the near future this would allow large
amounts of solar plasma to enter the earth’s magnetosphere.
The magnetosphere protects earth from solar storms and the
solar wind (plasma). But with the breach, scientists predict
an increase in magnetic storms over the next few years. Such
storms often impact telecommunications, which should prove to
be “interesting” for a culture increasingly dependent upon
such forms of communication (including the internet). To see
the NASA report yourself, just go to– and type
the word Themis in the search window. When that page comes
up, you can click on Mission News.

I personally breathe a sign of relief when science validates
something the Hathors have given, and I must say it seems to
happen with remarkable frequency.

There are several things I find of interest in this current
message. The most prominent is the statement by the Hathors
that the increase of plasma in the magnetosphere will
increase the vibratory rate of the KA body.

With this type of information, we are, of course, leaving
science far behind us and entering a world of perception I
personally call, “woo-woo.” By woo-woo, I mean non-ordinary
perception (especially of the psychic variety). Personally, I
think it is possible to accommodate both logic and woo-woo,
as long as we keep our wits about us and the edges between
them crisp. Thus whenever possible, I like to draw a clear
line in the sand between what is science and what is woo-woo.
And we are definitely over the line with this latest message.

The KA

The KA body was known and utilized by ancient Egyptian
alchemists. It is sometimes called the etheric twin and
sometimes the spiritual double. It has the same size and
shape as your physical body (called the Khat by the ancient
Egyptians), but it is an energy-body. It is not made of flesh
and blood, but is, instead, well, made up of energy, or
mostly energy. If the KA has any mass at all, it would seem
to have very little. I have been experimenting with the KA in
meditative states for over two decades now, and it seems to
possess a host of interesting abilities. Some of these
abilities are due to its inherent nature, in that it appears
to obey the laws of quantum mechanics and not Newtonian
physics. This opens a door to a fascinating array of
non-ordinary phenomena.


According to the ancient Egyptian alchemical knowledge (as I
interpret and understand it), the KA is crucial to the process
of ascension. As the Hathors make clear in their message,
ascension is about a movement upward in consciousness–an
expansion of awareness. It is not about leaving the world or
going anywhere. When one is in the process of ascension one is
both living in, and transcending the world at the same time.

Ascension vs. Dissolution

Another point I found of importance is the idea that we are
entering a period of both potential ascension and/or potential
dissolution simultaneously. The strain of moving beyond our
culturally imprinted limitations can often be downright
exhausting for many of us. And the news is increasingly full of
stories about people who have flipped out, to use a good sixties
term. Today as I write this, I read an account of a man and wife
who both lost their jobs and, as a result, decided to kill
themselves and their five children.

I fear that such mental instability will be on the rise, and
the Hathors urge us to realize that we have both the innate
ability and the response-ability to live upward (ascension),
even if those around us are breaking apart (dissolution).

The Holon of Ascension

The fundamental tool or inner technology the Hathors are
offering us in this message is a specific type of Holon that
strengthens the KA to withstand the mounting energetic
pressures and to assist us through the ascension process.

For those who are new to the idea of Holons, I would strongly
suggest you go to our website click on the messages dealing with
both the Holon of Balance and the Holon of Healing. These two
geometric forms are highly beneficial and quite easy to utilize.

The Holon of Ascension is a little more complicated affair
than the other two Holons given by the Hathors. This is
because it coordinates the creation of an imagined geometry,
in tandem with an emotional state (appreciation), and the
direction of an energetic flow within the KA.

As the saying goes–a picture is worth a thousand words–so
the first thing I would like to share with you is a little
drawing of the geometry and a point-by-point description of
the process.

The Geometry

Do realize that I am retarded when it comes to artistic ability,
so do your best to transcend my personal limitations when it
comes to drawing things.

Nevertheless, you will note in the diagram below that there is
a human figure (you) sitting inside a disc. You will see two
dotted lines that go up from the shoulders to a point above the
head (the BA point). The dotted lines represent your arms if you
were to extend your hands above your head. Where your hands
would touch is the location of the BA point. This is also,
you will note, the top of the disc.

[ To view image: ]

In this diagram, the figure is sitting cross-legged, which
means that your rump will be at the bottom of the disc.
Please note that there is no requirement to sit cross-legged
when doing this. If sitting in a chair is more comfortable, then
the base of the disc would be at your feet. This would also be
true if you chose to do the Holon standing up.

The size of the disc is personal preference. You can have a
short stubby one or an elongated, elegant one. Personally, I
make the radius of my disc about 25 feet in diameter, giving
it a total diameter of 50 feet across. I also imagine it to
be a luminescent white color, but there is no need to make it
any particular color, or even to see it in your mind at all.
Just sense this disc in whatever ways feel natural to you.
Looking at the disc from above or from below, it would, of
course, appear as a circle.

After you establish the disc in your imagination, start to
spin it around the central axis (which passes through the
crown at the top of your head, through the center of your
body and out the perineum–a point midway between your
genitals and your anus). I usually spin mine in a clockwise
direction and change it from time to time for variety sake.
Most people, according to the Hathors, will naturally spin it
clockwise. But spin the disc in the direction that feels
right to you. This spinning motion sets up an energetic
vortex in the subtle realms and facilitates the movement of
celestial energies from the BA into the KA.

Once you have a sense that the imagined disc is spinning, you
are ready for the next step.

Move your attention to the BA point (above your head at the
top of the disc). Direct feelings of appreciation or
gratitude to the BA, as this opens the gate for the flow of
celestial energies. It is the actual feeling of appreciation
or gratitude, not the thought of appreciation that activates
the flow from the BA.

As you continue to send appreciation/gratitude to the BA, you
will sense a downward movement of energy from the BA in
response. It could take a few moments for this response to
occur or longer, if you are new to sensing subtle energies.
But eventually you will feel a response from the BA to your
directed appreciation. When this occurs, move your attention
to the base of the spine.

Energy follows awareness. As you move your awareness to the
base of your spine, the flow of celestial energy from the BA
will move down to the root chakra where it is grounded into
the KA. At this point, all you do is to rest inside the
spinning disc while keeping your awareness at the BA point
above your head and the root chakra at the base of your
spine. Allow yourself to sense and feel the movement of
celestial energy into your root and from there out into your
KA body. When your mind wanders, just bring your attention
back to the spinning disc and the connection between the BA
and your root. If your attention wanders off too long, the
flow of energy will stop. If this happens, just re-send
feelings of appreciation up to the BA, as you did when you
started. As the flow starts up again, keep your attention on
the BA, your root, and the spinning disc.

The Flow

As the flow of celestial energy from the BA to the root chakra
proceeds, it is important to realize that it is this flow that
is feeding the KA body. The root chakra is used to anchor the
energy, but the energy, itself, moves in various forms
throughout the KA strengthening, revitalizing and raising the
vibratory rate of the KA body.

My personal experience of this flow from the BA into the root
chakra takes many different forms at different times,
depending upon–I think–the state of my own energy system
and my mood at the time I actually do the meditation.

Sometimes the flow is very gentle, barely perceptible. At
other times it is like an intense laser beam of light pulsing
energy from the BA into my root and then throughout my entire
KA body. Sometimes it takes the form of a swirling pillar of
etheric fire that funnels down from my BA into the root and
pulses energy and light throughout the KA from the column of
fire itself. And at times, it is a stream of liquid-gold
light that moves down from the BA. In all cases, there are
distinct physical sensations of intensification, but in
varying degrees. I suspect that each person practicing this
will have his or her own variations of experience.

I do find, incredibly, that five to ten minutes, as the
Hathors suggest, is all that is needed to charge my KA body.
And there are, at times, wonderful experiences of the
celestial energy over-flowing from the KA into my physical
body (the KHAT). When this happens, I feel that life force is
being imparted to my physical organs.

I have also experimented with extending the meditation time
up to twenty-minutes as of this writing, and I can report
that I sometimes experience a cleansing reaction about
fifteen minutes into it–just as the Hathors discussed. This
isn’t always the case, but often enough that I feel I should
mention it. I imagine that this type of reaction would occur
at different times for different people based upon many
factors, so I am not implying, in any way, that you will
experience a cleansing reaction during the meditation if you
extend it beyond ten minutes–just reporting that I sometimes

Such reactions are a result of spiritual and/or physical
detoxification, since, in this model of energy, certain types
of thoughts and emotions have toxic qualities. And if the
incoming high-vibratory energy of the BA is brought into the
KA body long enough, it will cause the body to begin releasing
these types of toxic elements. Such releases are not
dangerous, but they can be difficult to contend with since
they could include such things as nausea, headaches, other
bodily aches, and a sudden unexpected flood of mental and/or
emotional garbage.

My suggestion to those undertaking this remarkable Holon is
to find your comfort zone. Start with five minutes. See what
happens. Then slowly increase the time.

For you overachievers and obsessive-types (me included),
remember that this Holon is not a marathon. Doing more does
not necessarily give you greater results. The goal is to
charge the KA body, not fry its ass. So be temperate.
Moderation is not the same as mediocrity in this case. As you
continue to work with the Holon, you will find your natural
comfort zone emerging. Perhaps it will be more than ten
minutes, or perhaps less. Whatever it is, entering into this
meditation once a day will bring you highly beneficial

Using Music

I have experimented with this Holon both in silence and while
listening to psychoacoustic music designed to deepen altered
states. There are times when I honestly prefer to do the
meditation in pure silence, without any auditory input.

It is nice to feel the energies moving within the KA and
psychically hear the internal sounds they generate without
outside “interference.” At other times, I find listening to
psychoacoustic music very supportive, and it often intensifies
the experience. For me it is a matter of mood. Do I want silence
or do I want to ride the waves of psychoacoustic sound to
amplify the experience? If you choose to experiment with music,
I suggest you listen to something that makes you feel relaxed
and turns your awareness inward.

Since I know many people will ask me what my preference is,
here it is. If I choose music, I like listening to “Lightship”
or “Infinite Pool” while engaging this Holon. They intensify
the experience the most. I have also found “Wave Form” and “Wave
Form II” to be supportive of the experience in a more gentle

Final Thoughts

If the Hathors are correct that increased plasma activity in the
magnetosphere will charge and activate our KA bodies, then we
are in for a heck of a ride in the coming years. Despite the
immense challenges facing us on so many fronts, this time is
also an immense opportunity–an opportunity for unprecedented
spiritual evolution. I stand facing the future with both
trepidation and a sense of excitement, the likes of which I have
never seen before. May your chosen path through these times lead
you upward, and may your days be filled with a great light, a
great life and great laughter.

Tom Kenyon

Note: The Hathors will be giving an adjunct message sometime
around the second week of March with instructions for those
who wish to participate in The Great Triad from a distance.
If you received this email directly from us, you will
automatically receive the email notification in March.

If you received this message from some one else, and wish to
receive the second email, go to our website and subscribe:

We do not share names and addresses with any one else.

Copyright 2009 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
You may share this Hathor message and my comments with others
in any media you wish so long as you do not alter its contents
in any way, do not charge for it and include this copyright notice.

Music links:

The Hathors Aug 8, 2008* Earth’s Magnetic Field

“Earth’s Magnetic Field” 
By The Hathors, thru Tom Kenyon 
Aug 8, 2008, 18:06 

Let us give you an overview of the current planetary situation as we view it. 
The magnetic field of earth is involved in a perturbation or morphing. This is taking place interdimensionally, and the net effect is incremental surges in amplitude or strength of the magnetic field.  This morphing of earth’s magnetic field is like a wave that rises and falls very quickly, and the oscillations are minute, but distinct. This is having a very strange effect upon human consciousness, specifically your biological experience. Many people are experiencing an increase of exhaustion and weariness. (As we have mentioned in previous communications, these symptoms are also caused by movements of energies from deep space as they pass through your galaxy and your solar system.) 
But this (perturbation) is of a different category. This is caused by the magnetic field itself, which is responding to the deep energies from space. It is a response of the molten core of your earth itself; and the magnetic field is having a conversation with the cosmos, if you wish to think of it in this metaphorical way. Now, your science does not view things in this manner, but from our perspective the magnetic field is having a conversation with these cosmic visitors, the energies from deep space, which are, by nature, catalysts for spiritual evolution. 
Another set of symptoms directly related to the perturbations of your magnetic field are distinct changes in how you hold short term memory—because memory is a function of the magnetics of your own nervous system and that of earth. Your brain processes information through the minute gravitational and non-gravitational fields of it’s own structure and it is affected directly by fluctuations in the earth’s magnetic field. And so you can expect an increase in short term memory anomalies. You may find yourself speaking a sentence and suddenly the words do not come to you or you mix up the words from their normal syntax. While in some cases this is the sign of a brain disorder, you will find this happening within the general populace at an increasing rate. Escalations in collective short-term memory glitches will lead humanity to a most novel situation. This situation is an opportunity or a curse, depending on how you work with it. 
The opportunity is to see through the mental matrix of your own creation. What we mean by this is when your mind is unable to continue its story line in the ways it is used to, you have an opportunity to glimpse the realities behind the curtain (of perception). You are the ones who have created the curtain, and you have done this to keep yourselves separated from things you do not wish to see or experience directly, or in some cases what others do not wish you to see or experience directly. We refer here to the unseen manipulators of your collective reality—those who hold the economic and political reins of power. 
We have said before that there are forces on your planet that actively resist the impulse for spiritual evolution. They are invested in continuing their lies through the misappropriation of information in order to control you. Their job is getting more difficult. 
Their job is getting more difficult because the perturbation of the magnetic field creates gaps in the creation of mental realities projected by the human mind. They—meaning those who wish to control and manipulate you—have vast resources at their command, and they are employing every one of them. But they cannot control the magnetic field of the earth! And for this, you should give thanks. 
The impulse that is affecting the magnetic field of the earth comes from far beyond their locus of influence. It is our expectation, based upon our understanding of hyper-dimensional physics, that the perturbations of your magnetic field are going to increase over the next several years. Those of you who are sensitive energetically are the ones feeling this most intensely at the present moment, but we suspect that in the next two to three years most people will be affected by this in a way they are consciously aware of, even if they do not know why. 
We have a couple of suggestions for dealing with the situation. 
Our first suggestion is the easiest. It involves understanding your connection to the core of the earth itself. As an energetic being, in addition to your flesh and blood, you can form a conscious energetic relationship with the core of the earth. 
This understanding, or orientation, is that you are immersed in and surrounded by, earth’s magnetic field. By going into mental resonance with the core of the earth (the generator of earth’s magnetic field), you become energetically stabilized. The earth, as a conscious being, can reveal herself to you in ways that are difficult to describe because your culture does not have a language for this. And you have been manipulated and controlled to insure that you do not have an awareness of this, for it could be one of your greatest strengths. 
By entering into resonance with the core of the earth you become more conscious of the earth as a living conscious being. Through this link, you receive a type of energetic-solidity—even in the midst of earth’s increasing chaos. 
The odd thing about it, however, is that when you bring yourself to your senses, so to speak, you are less controllable, less “manipulatable” by those forces that control the thought stream of humanity through mis-information, manipulation and mind-control. 
In other words, forming a direct conscious relationship with the earth’s core bypasses many of the affects of what we call life-negative technologies. 
If you wish to do something in addition to entering into mental resonance with the core of the earth, we suggest using your pranic tube, a subtle energetic channel that runs from above your head, through the center of your body, and into the earth. This tube, this channel, can be extended deep into the earth, down into the very core itself, and also above the head deep into space. In this method you are not dealing with extending the channel beyond the top of the head. Instead, you only extend the channel into the core of the earth. 
But the essential thing is not so much the sending of this channel into the earth. The essential thing is to understand that you are in resonance with the core of the earth simply by knowing it. This will impart a sense of stability even in the midst of increasing chaos. It will awaken your senses. It will bring you into greater conscious relationship to earth. And, we must caution you that it will also de-hypnotize you—make you less controllable. And you will see through the lies around you more clearly! 
The second suggestion involves developing a conscious relationship to the core of the galaxy. 
Essentially, understand that you can be in resonance with the core of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is a black hole, and that in similar ways to being in resonance with the core of the earth, you can become stabilized in relationship to the galaxy. 
If you are capable of this, simply hearing this described to you will activate the knowingness of how to do it. It is not a complex affair. It is quite simple, but requires the understanding that a part of you is not limited by the time and space coordinates of your physical body. 
It requires an understanding that consciousness can extend instantaneously, anywhere in time and space, and by extending your consciousness to the galactic core, you are stabilized in relationship to the galaxy. 
The ideal is to be in relationship to earth’s core and the core of the galaxy simultaneously. 
Then you will be able to ride the waves of energy from deep space with a greater degree of mastery. 
But, again, we caution you that this will make you less controllable, harder to hypnotize, and then you may have the very odd experience of waking up while many around you are still asleep. What you do with this awareness is, of course, your choice and your response-ability. 
The Hathors March 24, 2008 
A few clarifying thoughts from Tom 
For those unfamiliar with the pranic tube here is a brief description: 
The pranic tube is a subtle energetic-channel that is tube-like and runs from the crown, at the top of the head, through the center of the body and passes through the perineum into the earth. The perineum is a point mid-way between your genitals and your anus. 
If you touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your second finger, you will see a circle that is the approximate size of your pranic tube. In some esoteric traditions, the pranic tube is called the Central Pillar or Central Column. 
Some lineages of Tibetan Buddhist yogis and yoginis work with a very thin channel, about the size of a human hair, that runs through the center of the pranic tube. This energy pathway is known as the Secret Channel and it is used in certain esoteric yogic practices to affect the subtle energetics within the yogi’s or yogini’s body—the idea being that such practices lead to a quicker unfolding of spiritual illumination or enlightenment. 
Generally speaking, the pranic tube runs a few feet into the earth (unless one is really un-grounded) and up above the head a few feet as well. Since the pranic tube is a subtle energetic, it does not follow the laws of Newtonian physics, but instead resides within the constraints of Quantum Mechanics. Thus, it is possible to extend the pranic tube very far into the earth, into the very core of the planet and/or far out into space. 
For those readers who find such concepts outlandish, I suggest you read a short article I wrote entitled Thoughts and Observations of the Channel. 
If it helps, think of the pranic tube as an imaginary device. Then you don’t have to determine whether such a thing is really possible or not. You can explore the effects of the pranic tube on its own terms. 
The pranic tube is affected by thought and intention. All it takes to extend the channel into the earth or into the cosmos is the intention for it to do so. If you are new at this, you may just have a thought that it is happening. As you work with it more, you will eventually have the distinct impression that it extends or contracts according to your intention. 
In the method suggested by the Hathors in this planetary message, use of the pranic tube is for those who want to do something in addition to just going into mental resonance with the earth. Some people are resonators and some are activators. Some people are both. Going into resonance with something other than you (i.e. the earth’s core) is essentially an act of passivity. Some people do this well while some people need to do something. For those who want to do something while going into resonance, the pranic tube is an excellent device. So choose the method that works for you. 
The important thing—however you do it—is to enter into mental resonance with the core of the earth and if you can manage it, the galactic core as well. 
© 2008 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved. 
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address. 
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The Hathors : Human psychological response to the planetary and interdimensional changes!

Hathors July 20, 2008
Paros Island, Greece

We wish to discuss several aspects of human psychological
response to the planetary and interdimensional changes that are
now taking place. Sensitive individuals are the most prone to
these types of responses, yet they are also showing up for those
who are spiritually unaware and primarily focused upon material reality.

What we are describing is a global sense of hopelessness,
bordering on despair for some individuals; a sense that there is
nothing that one can do to change the course of events. For some
this leads to a type of depression, a lack of motivation; and
that which gave life meaning, purpose and joy, now seems empty.

For others it is a sense of being extremely disconnected from
their lives, as if they are watching a movie. They go through
the motions of living a life, but their hearts are not in it.
For others who are consciously connected to the web of life, the
loss of species, the destruction of the eco-system is especially
difficult to contend with. For those who are focused primarily
upon their material reality, the 3-D life they live, these times
are increasingly anxiety provoking for the financial concerns
that we predicted some time ago are now upon you, and they will
only worsen.

In addition, the evolutionary and catalytic waves from deep
space that we have mentioned before continue to escalate. Those
who attempt to control you through economics, politics and
religion are finding it increasingly difficult, yet they are
strengthening their efforts, and some individuals aware of these
tensions feel caught in the middle.

For, indeed, from the standpoint of time and space, you are
caught in the middle. You are caught in the middle of the
tensions between evolution and devolution, spiritually speaking.
You are at the center-point of time and space. This is an
energetically intense place to be and from the standpoint of the
soul, or the spark of consciousness that you are — your
interdimensional reality, or however you wish to describe this
to yourself — these are potent, powerful times.

From our standpoint there is nothing that an individual can do
to prevent the dissolution of that which needs to be dissolved.
The planetary changes are upon you. If you are able to take
collective and individual action, some of the more intense forms
of destructive change can be mitigated or lessened. But some of
them cannot be stopped, or to be more accurate, we would say
that it is improbable.

Your opportunity as a soul — as a spiritual being living a
human life — is to navigate through these changes in ways
that strengthen you and lift you upward, even as those around
you seem to spiral into negativity, despair and acting out of
their self-destructiveness. As you look to the human collective
and see the self-destructiveness, the stubbornness to change,
the tendency to stupidity, look also to yourself for these seeds
are within you as well.

We have given previously our views of what your near future will
unfold, and we shall not describe them again. You can look to
the archives if you are interested. What we feel most important
to convey at this time is how you must find the spiritual
courage to rise up, as many around you seem to be falling. And
by falling we mean specifically moving into lower states of
spiritual quality.

How do you navigate your life through a sea that is filled with
fear, hostility, paranoia, constraint, lies, and manipulation?

The journey of an Initiate, which is the path of living upward
in consciousness, regardless of the spiritual lineage or ways of
describing it, is quite simply the passage through the eye of a
needle, or the eye of the storm.

Let us use the metaphor of hurricanes or cyclones — for
they shall be increasing in number and intensity. If you are at
the edge of the storm you are exposed to the destructive power
of the wind and water. But if you are in the eye of the storm,
it is, paradoxically, calm. You can see the edge of the storm in
a circle at the far horizon, but in the center, all is still and calm.

This center point of the storm is what you must find in
yourself, from our perspective. This is the path of the
Initiate, the spiritual master. There is no one who can teach
you this. There is no one who can save you from the storms that
are upon you, and by this we mean both the external storms of
your weather, your politics and your economics, as well as earth
changes, but we also mean the internal storms, your
psychological and emotional conflicts, as you live in the midst
of a world that is dissolving into a new world that has not yet
become. There is little solid ground here and such states of
recognition are anxiety provoking for most humans.

Most of you have not learned how to dance with chaos in a
gracious manner, but don’t be concerned about this. For soon you
shall have many dance lessons and opportunities to be at peace
with the partner of chaos, the swirling uncertainty.

In these times it will be easier to surrender to the downward
spiral than live upward. And yet, living upward in consciousness
is why you are here in this time — from our perspective.

There is a battle taking place on earth for your very spirit,
your heart and mind. We have talked before about the nature of
this manipulation and so we need not discuss it here. Again, we
refer you to the archives if you are so interested. The
essential point we wish to make here is that this is a time to
rise upward in yourself, to take the high spiritual ground, to
find in yourself the spiritual courage to not succumb to the
downward spiral, to find a way to live upward in yourself even
in the midst of increasing chaos, difficulties and seeming disasters.

We say seeming disasters because interdimensionally the
events that take place in your life, such as catastrophes,
storms, famine, loss of jobs, and so on, are multi-dimensional
in nature. Certainly from the localized space of your being that
is locked into time and space, your embodied self, these events
are very difficult to deal with, and are catastrophes of varying
degrees. But from the standpoint of your interdimensional self
— your soul, the spark of consciousness, however you wish
to describe it — these events are opportunities for
immense growth and acceleration of spiritual evolution.

It is not the situation that you find yourself in that binds
you, it is how you view it that imprisons or frees you.

And so in whatever situations you may find yourself in the
coming years, we say to you there are many doorways to freedom
in consciousness. Some of these doorways will involve
interacting with those around you in new ways — stepping
out of the box of perception you have been sold.

Some of these doorways will be finding a common ground with
those whom you might call your enemies. Some of these doors are
personal and are simply the space of a new relationship between
you and your interdimensional realities. Some of these doors
will lead you into interaction with the problems of this earth,
of humanity, discovering new ways to solve problems that are
outside the constraints of your current thinking, and some of
these doors will lead you beyond earth, into other spiritual
realities. The doors you choose lead you into new destinies.

If you continue to use the doors that have been given to you by
your culture through their lies and manipulation, you will
participate in a vast catastrophe. But we wish you to understand
clearly a phenomenon of creation. The doors you open will lead
you to a destiny that is unique, even if many around you enter
through other doorways. In other words, do not buy into
the mass hypnosis of what door you should open and enter through.

What we mean by the door of mass hypnosis is that those who wish
to control you through economics, politics and religion, do so
through subtle and not so subtle suggestion. It is not for us to
say to you which doors you should open, for that is your task as
a spiritual master, but what we can say to you is the obvious.

Each door leads to a unique destination, or destiny, and you can
choose doors that lead you into joy and happiness, even as
others are choosing doors that lead them to despair and sadness.
Again, it is not the situation that binds you; it is your
perception of it.

Let us get a little more concrete here. Let us say that you have
lost your job, the source of your income. This is a very
challenging and anxiety-provoking situation. Panic is one of the
doors that are available to you. Blame is another door that is
always available. Curiosity as to what might open next is also a
door that is available to you. If you choose the door of
curiosity, you open yourself to new possibilities. You will then
have not shut your consciousness down into the lower vibrations
of panic, anger and blame. They may surface from time to time,
but if you keep your focus upon curiosity regarding what chaos
will bring you next, you can discover new solutions to your
problems in a much quicker way.

There is a tendency for human consciousness to repeat old
patterns; this is based upon expectation, which is a form of
memory rooted in the illusion of time, as you perceive it. It is
possible to cut through your perception of time and accelerate
to solutions to problems faster than would normally take place,
but this is done through the door of consciousness that only you
can open. It is done through both personal intent and action.

We realize that there are many levels of understanding on the
part of those who read these words. The challenge for us is to
communicate something that will be practical for all of those
reading this. Some of you already know exactly what we are
speaking to, and know that there are doors within you that you
can open that will lead you to higher destinies, fast
resolutions to problems without getting bogged down like many of
those around you. Some of you think and feel that you do not
have the right for happiness or freedom of mind and heart, while
others are suffering and imprisoned. But we say to you that the
greater service you can render to your follow humanity, is to
free yourself from the imprisonment of limited consciousness,
for then you can interact with others in new ways, and through
those interactions new doors can reveal themselves.

And so when you find yourself disheartened, disillusioned,
disconnected, and with no desire for your life, realize that you
have simply wandered through one of the doors of your own
consciousness, and that there are forces who celebrate your
apathy, for then you are more easily controlled. In these
moments of recognition that you are in a lower vibratory
expression of your potential, seize the moment, step out of that
doorway into another.

Now, the difficulties that some of you may be experiencing may
seemingly preclude any choice in your outer reality, but we say
to you that the power of choice resides within you, regardless
of the conditions you find yourself in. In the most difficult
moments, when all doors seem closed to you, when there are no
options seemingly available, we have a simple suggestion. It may
sound trite and too simple, but it is simply a leverage point.
For all that is required to change a situation is a small
movement in consciousness, and then as you build upon this
movement, vast powers within you are released. But until you
have movement within you, of some kind, nothing can change.

And so this is our suggestion for how to create a small movement
within you when everything else has failed. Even in the midst of
personal torment, external difficulties, whatever presents
itself to you as the difficulty, find something to appreciate.

It might be as simple as that you can breathe, or if your breath
is constrained, when you can take a breath, you appreciate the
breath. Or it could be appreciating a color in the sky or
something that made you laugh. What is important here is that
when all options are closed, if you find something to feel
appreciation for, no matter how small, you have created a small
movement in consciousness, and with that movement great things
can unfold.

We sense that some of you will ride through these storms that
are upon you, the winds of change, more gracefully than others.
But even you, who consider yourselves to be spiritually evolved,
may be challenged from time to time as the old world dissolves
into something new. And we sense that some of you will be caught
in the grips of the chaotic times, and it is our hope that you
will recall this simple suggestion, and remember to find
something to appreciate, and with that movement in consciousness
you will find new doors to open.

We hold in our hearts, our minds, a vision of great new
realities for you and your human family. May it be so. May you
make it so.

Hathors July 20, 2008 Paros Island, Greece

For those readers who would like to read the Archives section of
previous Hathor messages, go to:
You will be taken to a background page I wrote about channeling,
and at the top of the page you will see an options tab for
viewing messages by date and topic.
