Archive for The Ascending Cosmic Pulse

The Ascending Cosmic Pulse* Jan2009~~ 2009 Collaboration ~~


The Ascending Cosmic Pulse

By Shala Mata

January 2009


~~ 2009 Collaboration ~~

Happy New Year


2009 dawned in an configuration of fluctuating frequencies, all vying to form a unified pattern or signature that will lay the foundation of “collaboration” over the coming months.  I contemplated the “energy of 2009” on my travel home after the holidays.  I kept hearing the word “collaboration” as the operative energy for the coming year.  Collaboration means to work in partnership, to bring together many different aspects or ideals of a project into balance or completion.


During the last few months of 2008, the energy around relationships in all forms was chaotic and dense.  The 8:8:8 , 11:11 & 12:12 offered opportunity to delve deep into our core, where we could transform and transmute much of the older vibrations that still held a resonance within our field.  The influx of light from the Central Sun during the Solstice created waves of light to accelerate and enlighten.  During 2008, we worked diligently to transmute lower or dense energies still circulating with ourselves.  We anchored more light, stretched our beliefs, and let go of old patterns and behaviors.  


2009 will offer grand opportunity for completion but equally offer great potential for manifestation.  Completion and manifestation merge beautifully as we continue to walk upon our path to ascension.  Endings give energy and space for the new the manifest.  The beginning of a New Year is always a fresh start, where we contemplate the part of our lives that flow the parts that require attention.


 As Lightworkers and Starseeds we seek harmony and balance within our heart, however as the illusion of our past is felt we often judge ourselves harshly and while we are in the “new” energy of 2009 many are feeling disconnected and adrift in this energy.  As the frequency and vibration of the Central Sun Light increases upon our beloved Mother Earth, so comes to the surface all things not in resonance with that vibration.  The drama of the collective was palpable, as the dense vibrations of fear rose to the surface. 


 We stepped into 2009 and once again left the old behind, as we have done so many times before.  But somehow, it didn’t feel new or did it?  We are walking between two worlds of energy at the moment, the ending of 2008 and the newness of 2009.  There is no separation between energy and we are all connected to each other and our beloved Mother Earth.


You may be questioning your role on the planet and your purpose.  This is also a re-calibration as the lower more dense energies leave and make space for a greater potential on all levels.  January is a time to nurture yourself.  Have a massage, hot bath, sauna, energy-healing session.  Read a great book, watch a great movie, and keep company with those that make you live, love, and laugh.





The numerology of 2009 offers us a great insight into the coming year.  2009 is an 11/2.  The basic understanding of the 2 year builds the foundation for possibilities of the 11 qualities to hold form.  Two relates to cooperation, collaboration while the eleven brings in the higher frequencies of intuition and vision, holds the energy of mastery and awakening, and will propel us further upon our ascension path.  Our reality is created by numeric codes; numbers in specific sequences create universal language for creation.  Sacred Geometry, the Golden Ratio, and the Fibonacci sequence are considered the architectural blueprint of our reality.


These numbers and sequences, similar to a computer program, digitally encode our consciousness and our DNA.  The grids within and around our beloved Mother Earth are also encoded with these numbers.  Certain sequences act as trigger points for activation and change.

Much as been written about 2009 and without question we can understand it will be year of challenges and change.  Of great awakening as more light penetrates our being, of letting go the fear, greed and control that has been our accepted reality.


The energy of collaboration is threading through the deepest densest parts of our collective during the month of January.  We will feel like we are at a crossroad for much of this month.  We are feeling with our hearts but our head feels confused.  There is a great pushing/pulling energy within as we house more of our soul light and collaborate with the energy of knowledge of our journey.

During the coming month we will feel a plethora of feelings as we transmute our own coded wake up calls and that of the collective.  We will be taking another initiation into our Mastery and as such must be diligent with our thoughts, words, actions, and reactions.  Everything we experience in our accepted reality is a Hologram, and can be altered or changed through the vibration of Love. 

We are be tutored by our 5th Dimensional teachers and star families to evolve our telepathic communication abilities, and bridge our 5D and 3D energy congruently.  The energy of 2009 will offer great magic and opportunity for healing and service.  There will be several cosmic transmission dates during the year that will amplify and accelerate the light and frequency upon the planet.

Our work will be to understand that every day is a new beginning within our lives and planet, not just the ceremonial end of the year.   New beginnings and opportunities exist within the moments between our planned goals and calendars.  Every morning is a new beginning as is every evening.  Every breath we take in creating new life with our cells. 

2009 will be an expression of our self-love and our ability to flow within our lives.  Our goals and plans are important and vital intentions; however, the energy of 2009 will be felt with magic and excitement when we simply flow with the energy of our life – the life giving energy our soul offers with each breath we take.

During the month of January, many streams of conscious light will braid together creating the unprecedented level of vibration and light upon the planet.  Many are feeling disconnected, withdrawn, and unsettled.  Our physical bodies are still playing catch up with all the transmuting done in November and December.  Muscle aches and pain, depression, feeling exhausted, sleep disturbances, emotionally aloof, headaches, nausea, neck pain. 

There is a tremendous feeling of uncertainty or anxiety as we step through January.  Being tired and wanting to rest is a common physical response as our nervous system finds a new balance.  Give yourself this opportunity when needed.  Focusing your attention on the light within your heart and expanding to fill your entire field is another helpful way to navigate this energy.


It is also important to understand that the plants, oceans, mountains, rivers, animals are also feeling anxious and will require support.  We can help each by each telepathically directing light to each group or area.  Often when a higher frequency comes to the planet, those that aren’t able to differentiate the light can become unbalances and make choices from fear.  Telephathically sending love and support to our beloved devic and elemental kingdoms will be greatly appreciated.



Image courtesy of Jean Luc Bozzoli –


Many threads of potential exist in what is known as our future.  Time is not linear by circular, our past, present and future spin concurrently through the circle or illusion of time.  New formats and sequences of events yet to birth are revealed.  There are many predictions at the beginning of each year, based on the potential energy at a given point.  Our thoughts, words, and actions feed the potential energy of manifestation.  We will refine this process with conscious thought and action during 2009.





Each month the New Moon and Full moon offer tremendous support and amplify or light our opportunities.  The first New Moon and Full Moon of the year anchor the alchemical energy we will surf upon through out the year.


Jan 10 & 11th Full Moon.  This full moon is filled with emotion and insight as our subconscious reveals its mystery.  How are we feeling about ourselves in this moment in time?  Emotions are running high. Knowledge and service are amplified.


Jan 11- 31st Mercury Retrograde.  A time for completion of unfinished business and an opportunity to patiently examine what is coming up for expression. 


Jan 25/26th – New Moon Solar Eclipse.  Eclipses amplify the sun and moon and their relationship to us.  This first eclipse will emphasize healing and service to others.  A strong signal to a new age.



During the month of January as our harmonic signature continues to tune to the new energy of 2009, our cosmic blueprint reveals more of our soul’s intention.  Begin to ask the deep soulful question “what do I truly want” in every measure of your life.  Allow the energy and wisdom that is your soul to answer. 


Don’t be upset if feelings or old thoughts are being felt.  We are birthing or emerging into a new hologram and our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are requiring a time of integration and re-calibration.  Our endocrine and nervous systems are being downloaded with codes that will support our immune systems and over physical well-being.  This will take a few weeks, being kind, gentle and allowing will go along way in the well being department.


Keep shining your gorgeous Light

Live, Love and Laugh.


Love Shala


Upcoming Events with Shala


Meditation Links:


I am hosting a monthly meditation to connect and work with our beloved Whales and Dolphins. In December I also recorded a Solstice meditation.  The recent meditations have been recorded and the December links will allow you to listen and participate now.  The schedule for January is as follows:


Sunday Jan 18th at 11:00 am PST –  Conference line 712-432-3900 – Access Code 9735255
 For Download as MP3 file.  For Download as MP3 file.

A Day with Shala

Belgium – May 16/09    Details to be announced

London, Eng  May 23/09                      

A one day workshop with Shala, where she will share information and tools on navigating the current earth and galactic energies, working with our whales & dolphins and supporting the physical body.

The Ascending Cosmic Pulse



The Ascending Cosmic Pulse:~~Our Alchemical Mid-Point Transformation~~

I have just returned from Europe where I had the profound pleasure to attend the Munich workshop hosted by David & Gudrun Miller. .  I presented a lecture on our relationship with the Whales, Dolphins, and Animal Kingdom on our beloved Mother Earth.  I met so many beautiful starseeds and lightworkers and made more heart connections that I thought possible.  We often say and hear the phrase “we are all connected,” and in truth I use this phrase myself quite often.  However, when groups of beautiful open hearts come together – the feeling of family and being connected takes on a more personal and profound meaning.



Francis,Sunita,Kathryn, Klarika, Kate, Shala, Linda & Lesley – Munich 2008. Image ©Shala Mata


These connections stir something within; a feeling of “I know you and have known you forever” – even though in this incarnation we have just met.  These re-connections spark an alchemical transformation deep within our cells – an excitement, a sense of child-like wonder and a feeling of well-being.  Alchemy is one of those delicious words that conjure up images of medieval mystery with lead being transmuted into shimmering gold.


From a higher perspective, alchemy has always been the path of spiritual purification and transformation, through the raising of consciousness.  On the strictly physical level, alchemists created a process to convert or transform base metals into gold.  On a spiritual level, alchemists worked diligently to purify themselves by transmuting the “base” parts of the self, into the shimmering gold of enlightenment and mastery.


Even though the lead appeared to be a completely unrelated element to gold, it held deep within the knowing and memory of gold.  The heating up and increased spin of lead’s atoms, along with the intention, observation and transmutation manifested the gold.  The relationship while not apparent, was indeed in existence and a positive outcome was always the intention of alchemy, despite the intense process that was to occur.


Imagine the excitement when lead was transformed into shimmering radiant gold!  The same excitement we feel when we reconnect or remember each other, or when we visit a place that holds such a strong energy we “know” we have a relationship with it.  I have had a deep connection to Italy for years, even though I have no “physical” connection to it.  It just excites me and brings me joy.  While staying in the small village of Rigi-Kaltbad in the Swiss Alps, I was physically & spiritually uplifted.  The mountain spirits welcomed me and I remembered a deep connection to this place – this brought me such joy, despite the somewhat difficult travel to get there.  


Our process over the past several years on our spiritual path has been alchemical, where we have working diligently to transmute and transform our lower or more dense energy forms.  During the past several weeks, it seems like “everyone’s” stuff is up.  Everywhere it seems people are going through the “spin cycle” of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual experience.


Image courtesy & copyright of Bruce Harman http://harmanvisions. com


June is going to be a month of transmuting an even deeper level of our lower vibrations into the shimmering light of our soul.  We will be merging or dancing more freely with our Divine Masculine and Feminine energy in harmonic balance.   


On June 8 2004, we experienced the Venus Transit.  This rare occurrence was a pivotal event, allowing another great leap in our personal and planetary consciousness. Waves of harmonic codes of light began washing over our beloved Mother Earth, the journey deep into our hearts beginning in earnest.  This event was a doorway for further understanding and expression of the “twin ray” within each of us.  I reviewed the article I published in June 2004 here is an excerpt:


“Venus is the planet known for Lovers and the Divine Feminine”  During the transit Venus will drift across the face of the Sun as it dances between the Sun and Earth.  This is rare occurrence, the last transit being 1874/1882.  The Venus Transit is just as significant as the Harmonic Concordance of Nov/03, the Grand-Cross Alignment of Aug/99, and the Harmonic Convergence of Aug/87.  Each of these events dramatically increased the frequency and vibration of our planet.” 


It is hard to believe that four years has passed since the beginning of the transit, yet each of us can look back and see the dramatic changes that have occurred both personally and collectively during this time. 


Fast forward to June 2008.  During this month, Venus will be at her exact mid-point between the June 2004 transit and her next transit of June 6th 2012.  This mid-point brings another surge of transformational galactic energy flowing to our beloved Mother Earth, and positions us for another grand leap in our ascension journey and evolution.


Each month of 2008 has been intense – no question.  May in particular brought the potent Wesak new & full moons, and an opportunity to rethink our “energy relationship.”  May felt lighter in many ways and yet all around we could witness or experience deep levels of emotion coming to the surface.  During the last two weeks of May, there was a lot of “stuff” being processed by everyone.  Fear, anger, impatience, body pain, sleeplessness, feeling disconnected, fatigue, uncertainty, plans suddenly changing, brain fog, old heath issues back for review.  These coupled with the global events taking place, the earthquake in China, the cyclone in Myanmar, the war, the weather, the economy, gas prices, and food shortages – no question we are dealing with a tremendous wave of change.


When we are contemplating receiving something “new” – we must make space.  Over the past weekend, some new furniture was delivered to my home.  I spent the day making space, moving things around, cleaning, I felt a deep need to streamline and get rid of anything unnecessary.  I was busy playing catch-up from being away yet this feeling was so potent – I simply had to drop everything and clean, de-clutter, strip, remove and generally make my space feel “new.” 


The making space for the “new” is the alchemical event of this month.  Whether you feel the need to clean and let go of things or emotions it is all the same preparation.  June opens the door to receiving more of our “twin ray” essence.  By this, I mean the deep centered “heart” energy of love for self.  I know many are seeking or yearning to meet their twin ray or soul mate.  This is an important experience; however, the receiving of our “twin ray” essence moves us deeper into our hearts and the merging or our divine masculine and feminine selves.  Within our hearts are vast seas of stars, planets, galaxies, cosmic light and creation – merging more deeply with our heart, opens the portal or pathway to a deeper awareness and connection to ALL THAT IS.


Image courtesy & copyright Bruce Harman http://www.harmanvisions.  Com


During the first two weeks of June, beautiful codes of shimmering galactic light will merge deeply within our hearts and we will have an opportunity to broadcast these codes as “heartwaves’ over the coming months.  June marks the mid-point of 2008 and the Venus Transit.  It also holds the Solstice and as always the powerful New and Full Moon. 


The energy opportunity of this month is the foundation for the powerful shift coming in August 2008.  The 08/08/08 will be another auspicious timing on our beloved planet, along with another in the fall of 2008.  More on those over the coming months.


There is a momentum building for this next step or phase to occur.  Deep inside there is an excitement that we have been feeling over the past few months, even though we are processing deep levels of emotional and mental energy.  The feeling of excitement or anticipation may be fleeting but it is there, and this month gives that seed or feeling a warm healthy soil to germinate and grow.  It is an energy that feels childlike in many ways, and may even feel foreign in the beginning.  While in Switzerland I had a profound sense of this and it was quite surprising.


From the time I was a teenager, I knew without question that I did not want to have children.  It was an easy decision and one I have never regretted or questioned.  I must admit that I did not feel the warm feelings that many men or women do when in the presence of a child, that feeling would come when I would see a cat, dog, a bird – any animal.  I have wonderful nieces and nephews that I love dearly with whom I am very close – but in general, children were not my thing.


While having dinner with new soul friends in Rigi- Kaltbad, I met the most charming children. Samuel & Roseanna.  Roseanna touched my heart immediately and I felt such a strong love and connection with her.  I did not speak her language yet here I was playing and having such fun.  My friends who know me well were surprised – this is not the type of behavior they have seen with Shala.  These two children opened my heart and brought in a light and excitement that felt like being with a large pod of dolphins.  Everyone knows how I feel about whales and dolphins, and this feeling was comparable – I will thrilled and overwhelmed in my heart.


Shala with Samuel & Roseanna – May 2008.  Image ©Shala Mata



Celestial Line Up

June 2008


Always during a time of great leaps in consciousness, there are potent celestial alignments that support and encourage a shift.  June is certainly no exception – there is a tremendous amount of planetary activity occurring during the coming weeks.


Mercury went retrograde May 26th and will go direct June 19th.  Mercury retrograde is always a powerful time to review our thoughts, ideas, concepts, and communication.  Old stuff often comes to the surface – it is time of staying centered and as non-reactionary as possible


New Moon – June 3/08 – Each New Moon this year is pivotal – this one in particular highlights Venus, Mercury & Gemini.   Here that childlike energy and love will be strongest, let the fun and excitement begin.


Full Moon – June 18/08 – Let there be light in the deepest closets of our life.  What is found will be the experiences to review over the coming weeks.  The perspective we hold as the review unfolds will play a pivotal role and how smoothly we transform.


Solstice – June 21/08 – One of my favorite alignments of the year.  Here in the Northern Hemisphere we welcome summer, in the Southern Hemisphere winter.  Solstice means “stand still of the sun”.  The Sun rises and sets at the same place on the horizon for three days – appearing to “stand still. “  The three-day Solstice window is powerful and always individual.  With the other planetary alignments, this Solstice will move us into new energies and new directions.  Be prepared and open for change – but hold on to the childlike excitement.


For many June will seem like an initiation or pilgrimage into the heart.  Both are true and both hold deep meaning and opportunity for advancing upon our ascension path.  In January 2008, I mentioned that the first six months of 2008 would be intense work and the last six months would hold tremendous opportunities for growth and new beginnings.  Here we go – we are entering a magical time.  Stay in your heart and enjoy the ride.


Love and Deep Blessings,



©Shala Mata 2008


The Ascending Cosmic Pulse

By Shala Mata

June 01, 2008

~~Our Alchemical Mid-Point Transformation~~