Archive for The Brotherhood of Light

Brotherhood of Light, Channeling* Blessed Children and Keepers of the Light

Blessed Children and Keepers of the Light

Athene Raefiel

We come to you today to share our perception with you of the years ahead as you approach a new way of being and becoming. For many of you this particular incarnation is a compelling story of many levels and layers of life and consciousness itself. You have lived many lives in one life and yet you are still creating the new life you have believed in and desired to design. You are indeed mulit-faceted and have shown yourself first hand how amazing each of you are.
Since time only exists in the realms of time we will address what the next four years of earth time hold metaphysically. Energy is moving so quickly now in your dimensional planes of form that you often wonder if you are on a merry- go- round that continues to spin faster and faster. This energetic movement is due to the diligence of those that have held, anchored and utilized the light forces of pure loving energy to assist mother earth as well as evolution itself.


Unfortunately, as you can see, many beings upon your planet failed to heed the emergence of light and still hold strongly to the belief that they control the destiny of Planet Earth and her species. This unfortunate reality has taken a massive toll on the Planet as a whole as the money god gets a makeover. The war for dominance of the souls of mankind is not yet over and though there are many who seek to know truth and justice for all, the is still a majority of power mongrels who seek to remain wealthy and in charge. 2009 will be the year that determines how this will play out. As we have said before, time is irrelevant to us but to you it is a whole of this incarnation, thereby needing your attention to detail in ways you have put aside because of survival needs.
The details are of course to seed the planet and her peoples with as much love and joy as you possibly can and to keep yourselves learning, growing, evolving and developing, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. So many of you are empaths and you find it hard to detach from the fear and sadness that pervade, yet it is imperative that you do so as you are the seeders of this lifetime.
The Crystalline children are being born and you will see them coming into full memory of the capacity to develop at the young ripe ages of two to nine years of age. They have chosen to not drink from the fountain of forgetfulness and to become fully enlightened and empowered as quickly as possible this turn of the wheel.
The Indigo children are still suffering and struggling to find their placement in a world of disturbance and disarray but this will all be changing over the next few years. It will be as if a miracle has occurred and suddenly they find themselves and their purpose in life leading them to fruition.
Interestingly the computer has allowed for the connection of so many like minded beings that the youngest of your kind will find new ways of developing their own gifts and knowledge so as to bring forth the ideas needed to create a new planet if necessary. Though you are always living in at least two dimensions consciously you will soon realize that you are living in many more with great frequency. Your desire will truly be to live in all the dimensions freely and unhindered by life around you, yet you will be compelled to continue to help others who are seeking and needing hope.
Many of the Galactic Brothers are and will be returning in 2009 for the duration of the great transformation occurring now through 2020. Many of you will discover your heritage through your space families and you will also meet with an array of different etheric beings now sharing the same planes of existence as you.
Life after death will become known as life between lives and much of what has been called mystique will become common knowledge. As you have heard before all beings are truly in tune with their intuitive nature, most just need to realize and develop it.
There will be a new transmigration of souls occurring over the next four years and you will discover that the experience known as walking in and walking out will become almost common. It is important to realize that such things happen to the masses when it is time for the mentality and purity of beingness to occur on a grand scale. The souls that will emerge during this great period along with the Crystalline children will indeed be older and wiser beings of great love and expression of compassion for the whole of life. They will not be known as avatars but will indeed be evolved within the greater scope of unconditional love and awareness than what has been the norm for many millenniums now. This is not the awakening; for the awakening has already occurred on many planes of existence; this is the result of the awakening and heralds a new era of enlightenment and love on planet earth.
Some say the new Earth has already emerged and this is what is being seeded right now. We see all life as a movement and music of symphony with many instruments put into play that bring about a variety of harmony and frequency that creates new and inspirational environments.
We could speak of the doom and gloom that pervades your planet currently but it not necessary for it is in currently only in the 3D and advertised everywhere there is media upon your planet.
Fear paralyzes light and truth. Fear is a tool of choice; a weapon if you like, used to manipulate the mass consciousness into believing there is no hope for salvation. The time for salvation is over and it is now the time for re-creation. As the shifts continue and the energy magnifies there are only so many magnetic powers that can be utilized to recreate a planet and species capable of living a life of freedom and love. When the spirit is broken the human remains fragmented. This fragmentation takes over the life structure and soon chaos is in charge. This is what has been happening to humans for a very long period of your Earth time. Yes it is indeed a time of major integration upon your planet and the species called humans that shall not only survive but the lead the world to place of Grace and Love.
What is it that you seek and how shall it occur within all the turmoil that surrounds you daily? That is what we have just explained, if you do not understand what was said, go back and re-read and study our words and thoughts, for commune with you telepathically. 2009 through 2012 will herald major adjustments on a global scale. The teachings of one God versus another must go. There can only be one source of light and love, there can only be one God. This is the source of energy from whence all other energy emanates and flows. Until all realize this to be true there will be battles and wars over truth.
Source of all light and life is what each of you are as energetic beings. When the body dies the energetic self moves on into a different dimensional frequency but does not die. Death only exists for a time not forever. Only life exists forever.
Fear is the only thing left that is holding the disease, ugliness, hatred and animosity in place. Fear is a natural aspect of each and every human but was designed to help not hinder in the progression of evolution and growth. Face your fears and they dissipate. Feed your fears and they dominate. You are in charge of how you participate with fear.
We are the Brotherhoods of Light that work in unity to assist all of our sisters and brethren within difficult and differing dimensions. Though we have been misinterpreted and misunderstood in the past we realize that the individual concept of truth is always developing and evolving, we would ask each of you to accept this realization as well.
We know that each of you is working hard to attract within the laws of attraction and we would advise you to look at cause and effect as well as karma and cycles to gauge your success. Too often you leave important factors out when deciding how and if you have success.
Intelligence, wisdom, love and truth are developed and when cared for properly produce long-standing security. They are the garden each of you has been tending to and from which each of you shall reap a wonderful blissful crop of abundance and wealth. The time ahead is indeed a time of newness and new metaphysical tools will be emerging as well as expansive awareness and information on the universal, cosmic and heavenly chakra systems. Numbers, dreams, tarot, clairvoyance, mysticism; all will be receiving an infusion of newness and energy in the next few years of your time and you will find the simplicity of spiritual development almost miraculously easy.
Take nothing for granted and realize that the lies that have been perpetuated of truth will begin to fall away not only from the eyes of the illuminated but also of those souls that have blinded by what has been perpetuated as truth so that they can be freed to see expansion of self and life as well.
So many will chose to leave during the soon to come transmigration of souls that you may wonder what happened to people you thought you knew well or thought would never before change.
On a planetary scale you will see sides taken by countries that want access to whatever any other country has and this will cause a world division for about three more years. This standoff will finally end around 2012, when a world consensus will arrive and most all world-governing bodies will welcome the concession to work as allies.
Great changes will be occurring over the next four to ten years. Changes that should bring a reign of love and goodness rather than terror to the many peoples of your planet. Be grateful that you are such a majestic part of this great play that has been orchestrated by you light beings and those of us in spirit you have been with and worked with for the past many millenniums.
We send our love and goodness and offer our guidance always.
The Brotherhood and Councils of Light


The Brotherhood of Light : The Energies of 2008

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel
Friday, 13 June, 2008

Greetings, dear readers, from the Brotherhood of Light. We are delighted, as ever, to be sharing energies and love with you once again. More than anything else please know that you are loved, beyond measure, by the Divine Source of All That Is. We remind you that, no matter what is happening, all is as it should be. What an incredible time to be alive! What amazing things are happening as people become awakened and aware! No matter what strain and strife may be going on in your life, take heart, for it is only lesson. All drama is lesson. The lessons form your game plan, and the game of life is speeding you toward many resolutions. We have been giving you guidance as to how to simplify your lives, take good care of your bodies, and make positive change happen as you begin to create a brighter future for your planet.

Ah, you may be thinking, what planet are we looking at? (Chuckles.) So much war, poverty and disease still rampant, so many people in dire need of the basic essentials of life, and so many species quickly disappearing as the global temperature rises. We ask you not to focus just on the negative aspects of what is occurring. Look to the massive changes that will sweep the earth in the remaining five years of the Millennium Shift. Look for a new honesty, a show of new integrity, as all of your political problems shift under new guidance. Even more than that, the energies of 2008 will cause personal shifts on many levels. Remember, please, that these lessons are intensifying at all levels, from the individual to the global. Do you see how financial problems in one country are affecting all countries?

From now on, any imbalance in resources will be felt around the world!

Why? Because you are all globally connected, and you are all beginning to feel that connection. You are beginning to feel the new energies coming in, for now they are requiring your physical bodies to shed all the 3D density you no longer need. As we have said in prior Circle of Grace work, the Millennium Shift is an energetic shift. That is why it is so important to clear at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We have defined those PEMS layers as comprising your dense etheric body. You have been accustomed to living through your physical core, and discerning reality through your limited 3D physical senses. Now you are shifting along with your planet, from 3D to 4D to 5D. As your senses expand into the nonphysical dimensions beyond 3D, you will begin to feel your aura more and more. At first, what you will feel most are the etheric blockages that you carry! Yes, those imbalances, or areas of excess etheric pressure, will need to be identified and cleared so that all of your PEMS layers can gracefully weather the energetic shifts that are getting increasingly “heavier”.

We covered the symptomology of the shift changes in a prior article (Sedona Journal, September 2003, Pre-Ascensionitis). Along with all of those physical changes, the new energies are causing you to heighten your spiritual vibration in a new way. Simply put, you are truly beginning to feel your nonphysical energies shift when presented with (or in the presence of) a person with a lower vibration. Dear ones, know that lying reduces your vibration, as does negative criticism and unwanted judgments. The doing of these “negative things” will become tangible to you, and painful. On the other hand, doing something good, helping another who is in need, tithing something back to the universe through a good deed or gift, all of these things will feel great! Remember to let good deeds go with quiet grace, and do not look for recognition. If your ego is involved, negative karma is released instead of positive. Yes, karma is energy, too! You will soon learn to identify the flavor of that level of energy creation.

Why have we been teaching the Circle of Grace clearing process? To help lighten your bodies and brighten your path! Also, connecting with us through the Healing Prayer will give you tangible proof that we exist, and therefore proof that you are connected to All That Is. When we say, “God is within you,” we mean it literally! Rather than turning to God when things go wrong, we offer to meet with you on a more regular basis (chuckles). Use our prayer every morning, change the words “healing session” to whatever you wish. Take us shopping, and we will guide you to what you are seeking. Take us with you to the dentist, the doctor, and ask us to help make all go smoothly. Give us permission to be with you, and we will co-create with you whatever future goals you wish to manifest. Look for synchronicity to replace coincidence in your life. As a reminder, we give you the prayer here and hope to hear from you soon! The first two lines are generic, and yours to change to fit your belief system. We ask that you keep the last two lines as they are written.

Dear Lord, Father/Mother God, Creator of All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be,
please join me in this healing session.
Dear Ascended Masters, guides and angels, please join me in this healing session.
Dear Brothers, the Brotherhood of Light, please join me in this healing session.
Dear Higher Self, please join me to guide and lead this healing session.

Say the words of the prayer out loud, for the vibration of your voice gives us permission to join you in your physical space. We surround you in a “sacred space” of 4-5D energies, and as we help you to clear at all PEMS levels, we also work with your higher mind at the conceptual level. Remember to keep your jaw joints loose and open so that your nervous system can release pressure, no matter what type of meditation you favor. As you progress chronologically though the last five years of the shift, you will feel each rise in energy more clearly. As you become more sensitive to your energetic layers you will become more attuned to your energy flows, your energy needs and your energetic blockages.

In prior text, we urged you to release old things that you no longer need. Why? Not just to tidy up or clear out a drawer here and there – all of those old, unused things carry energy that is no longer appropriate for your living space. They therefore block the clear energy flows in your home. Every material release will give you a physical sense of release as well! Pay attention to Feng Shui, for those principles truly apply now. You will feel the changes you make around you, for they will lighten and brighten the flow of energy in your home, which you will learn to feel with your senses and therefore your body. All is connected, dear ones, and you cannot achieve self-realization by only working on your emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.

Your physical body, too, requires extra care because the shifting process requires energy. Below your level of conscious awareness, your body is constantly recalibrating to and integrating the higher incoming energies. That’s hard work! Pure food and water, resting often, these are common-sense ways to take care of yourself that should by now be a priority. Yes, a daily practice is the best remedy for all that ails you! Whether you prefer an hour meditation or a half-hour walk, please, tend to your body’s needs. Listen to what it tells you, or your etheric imbalances will grow and begin to “weigh you down”. Indeed, our answer to most of your questions is, “Get clear!” Once you clear and balance your physical vehicle, all of your efforts will become effortless (chuckles).

We have a new request for you: before you call us in for your healing session, please drink a full glass of water. Yes, many people with ample water around them are suffering from dehydration, which can cause dizziness, confusion, migraines, increased heart rate and breathing. Dehydration and salt depletion often go hand-in-hand, with symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, excess sweating, lethargy, cramps, and a pallid complexion. Is it not amazing that the lack of such a simple thing as drinking water can do to your bodies? For the work we do together, that extra water is vital for processing toxins and releasing all forms of blockages.

Nostradamus prophesized that by the year 3000, you will be able you heal your bodies with a glass of water and a prayer. We say, start now! You are so far ahead of the curve, you have no idea how proud we are of you, every single dear heart reading these words. Light a candle or some incense if you wish, say the prayer out loud, and toast our co-creation with that glass of water. As you drink it, imagine yourself as fully healed, as fully One with your own higher consciousness, as beyond all of the strain and strife of your human life. Imagine it done, and give thanks! Feel that gratitude well up in your heart, feel that emotion fill you and heal you, and become that vision you hold of yourself, your new self, your eternal Be-ing seeing through the eyes of your temporary physical body.

So please be aware that your body needs extra water from now on, to ease the assimilation of the higher energies. We gently remind you that soda contains so much sugar that your body must treat it as food. It takes an average of three hours for your stomach to process all that sugar, in which time your body is still craving water. This becomes a vicious cycle for some, who misinterpret their thirst for water by reaching for another soda. The diet versions have their own detrimental effects, filling your stomach with liquid containing noxious chemicals. Again, you may feel full temporarily, but you cannot fool your body at the physical level of process – it still craves water, you are still thirsty, and you reach for another soda. Now that your conscious awareness has been reminded of these facts, we hope you will choose wisely and listen to what your body needs, not what your old addictive patterns may be. We cannot stress this enough – water is vital for your body to make a graceful energetic transition.

Now that you are in the final quarter of the Millennium Shift, each year will bring a new “press” of energies onto and into your planet that will release another layer of lesson and push you into higher and broader levels of consciousness. Remember, 3D and 4D are included in 5D. At this point, we remind you that you’re not going crazy, you’re becoming divine! (Chuckles and a big hug!) The energies of 2007 (2 + 7 = 9, the number of mastery) forced everyone into a tizzy of completion, raising drama to a level where it had to be addressed, dealt with and cleared. Why? Because the energies of 2008 (2 + 8 = 10 = 1, new beginnings) are now expanding to offer you new chances to attain a heightened perspective and function from a new level of spiritual integrity. As your auras become palpable, as you begin to feel the energetic ramifications of physical events, negative energies will truly make you uncomfortable! (Yes, both yours and that of others, chuckles). It will become easier to make “high minded” decisions, and you will clearly feel the lower energies as they swirl around you.

Dear ones, why is the war in Iraq happening? To show you that the old type of war, the 3D shoot first and don’t ask questions, is no longer working. Why are isolated acts of terrorism all the rage? Because the more divine light that reaches your planet, the more isolated pockets of extremism are being brought into that light and exposed. Now that you are all globally connected, can you not see that your good energies and efforts should go to helping all peoples in all distressed lands? This is what you are all waking up to, feeling and facing right now: a heightened level of morality, a new code of ethics for the new co-creative future that you lightworkers are establishing

So, to clearly define the energetic shift that is occurring this year, we would like to use your language, once again, to explain what is happening to you at all PEMS levels. The two words we have chosen are “ethics” and “morals”. What is the difference between the meanings of these words? How are they related? Why are they often confused and confusing? In your dictionary, ethics and morals are described as:

Ethics: the study of standards of conduct and moral judgment; moral philosophy; the system or code of morals of a particular person, religion, group, profession, etc.

Ethical: having to do with ethics or morality; of or conforming to moral standards; conforming to the standards of conduct of a given profession or group.

Ethicist: a person versed in ethics or devoted to ethical ideas.

Moral: relating to, dealing with, or capable of making the distinction between right and wrong in conduct; relating to, serving to teach, or in accordance with, the principles of right and wrong; good or right in conduct or character.

Moralism: moral teaching; belief in or practice of a system of ethics apart from or beyond established religions.

Morality: moral quality or character; rightness or wrongness, as of an action; the character of being in accord with the principles or standards of right conduct; moral instruction or lesson.

These two words, and the higher perspectives they espouse, have been mixed up and misused for so long that there is often a “grey area” of confusion between them. The loss of these words’ original meanings allows the separation of “us and them” to continue to guide your conscience, and therefore your actions. We remind you here of an old joke – a moral person always knows which course to take (the path of right action), while an ethical person defines the right and wrong choices, and then must decide between them.

Do you see the difference, dear ones? Being ethical is being well-versed in what is morally righteous and what is not. At every turn, an ethical person must weigh the good and bad judgment first, before they decide how to act. Because of your free will zone, you have the right to choose what to believe in, and how to express that belief. Being a moral person, dear heart, is one step easier – you distinguish the right from the wrong, and that one determination automatically leads to choosing the higher path.

In other words, an ethical person knows what they should do, but then must decide what they will do. That level of consciousness still defines good, bad, right and wrong as something outside of themselves, as knowledge that they need to apply at every turn. A moral person lives in the energy of the right decision, making it effortlessly because they have internalized those ethics into a code that they think, feel, act and live by. Please remember that Spirit does not judge any of your choices as either positive or negative; we use those terms only because they have meaning for you. As you evolve physically in the last quarter of the Shift, you will feel the energetic impact of those right and wrong decisions in a way that you never felt before! Negative energy will cause an “achy” feeling, a distress or discomfort that you will quickly shy away from. Positive energy will draw positive energy, and you will instantly, clearly feel that as warm and welcoming, often with a feeling of familiarity.

When you flow effortlessly from one right action to the next, you are establishing a new level of spiritual morality, a new code of ethics for all of humanity to live by. Yes, your new evolving comfort zone will help bring in and anchor the energy of the new future you are creating. Your expanding awareness will establish new heights in the collective human consciousness. You lightworkers are “raising the bar” in regards to what is acceptable behavior on your planet, and what is not. When you watch the news, does it make you “feel bad” for all of the atrocities that man is still perpetuating on his fellow man? Do you feel dismayed and depressed by the level of violence and suffering still out there? Then you are truly feeling your aura, which speaks to you in emotions and feelings, not words. Congratulations! You are definitely evolving!

We counsel you gently here, as we have before, to stay positive. If each and every lightworker takes a few minutes each day to “pray peace”, you will see the effects spread very quickly! What do we mean by that? When you pray for peace to come, you are energetically informing the universe that your world does not have peace. We explained earlier how to picture yourself healed and healthy as you drink your water before a Circle of Grace session. You can do the same for your planet! Start by picturing your neighborhood as calm and peaceful, and sit with that image for a while. Project the image of peace, and the feeling of peace. Then expand your image to include your whole country, with all of its citizens happy, healthy and productive. Picture your government following the will of the people, and caring for its peoples. Sit with that image, and project peace from your heart to cover and comfort your country. Finally, expand your image again and picture the earth as a shining blue-green jewel dancing through space. See peace reign over all. See all human beings as happy and healthy, coexisting together on a pristine globe that is also healed and happy to support you.

Dear hearts, be the peace you wish to see in the world, and Spirit will gladly help you co-create it. We love you so dearly!

We are, in All Love, the Brotherhood of Light.
© Copyright 2007 by Edna G. Frankel – Edna G. Frankel P.O. Box 62, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Phone: 215-653-0339 e-mail:
