Archive for the Sirian Council

The Merging of Soul Partnerships -Sirian High Council


Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Merging of Soul Partnerships -Sirian High Council

On behalf of the Sirian civilizations of light, we applaud you in your
efforts to transcend human limitations on the path of righteousness.
We acknowledge your challenges and offer insight on your journey of

Surely tough times fall upon the planet and her people. Times that
will certainly require new ways of thinking and interacting with the
intelligence of the universe.

For it is indeed the holy time of global resurrection through the
pulsing Adamantine particles… a noble venture that requires every
human participant possible to act as a collection vessel of divine
love. (for more information on adamantine particles visit The New
Holographic Matrices by the Pleiadian High Council)
What many are experiencing during the ascent into higher consciousness
is the scientific struggle between particles of light and dark, matter
& antimatter… or in more esoteric terms, the struggle between higher
and lower levels of consciousness.

It is in this struggle that those on earth will find the true path of
oneness and it is on this path that the virtuous will begin to rise
and lead humanity to its destination among the stars.

Those on the path to total fulfillment of full human potential are
beginning to awaken to the divine splendor of particle creation and it
is in the process of awakening to this greater potential that much
darkness rises up to seemingly to engulf you in its mire.

But we assure you that this is not the case at all. What is truly
happening is happening around you, not to you and its basis is purely

There is no right or wrong here, not good or bad, only the process of
integrating higher levels of light. In this, it is required that all
lower levels of consciousness be transformed. or transmuted. or
realigned. or reconnected at higher frequencies to ensure the survival
of the planet and her people.

This process, however temporary, can account for the seeming
disconnection that you and others have often felt in your recent time
on earth, and in your relationships. This process is not nearly for
the faint of heart, but we would like to remind you that all is well
and on schedule. and waiting for your arrival at the next stage of
your evolutionary journey, that of reconnection with your divine

What does this mean you may ask, and we will share that the
reconnection to your divine counterpart is the merging of polarities
within you, the proverbial male rod and female staff that will create
the force field of divine creation both within and around you. This is
the merging of the twin flame energy as held and contracted by you and
your soul partner to accelerate the awakening process.

We realize that it is a jump to consider that all of the discord you
are experiencing is in fact a good and beautiful process, however, we
would like you to consider this notion.for surely on a higher level
and by divine decree, your intention was and is to go through this
transition while still in human form.

You are of a giant brigade of warrior souls who decided that you would
come to earth to unveil your true essence as a master of creation and
assist the world in the great ascension of human consciousness.

That time has long passed you by, for you have been making these
changes on a spiritual and cellular level for quite some earthy time.
But what you are now beginning to witness are the changes in your
physical environment that are a reflection of your new and higher
connection to source.

In this we will add that though you are experiencing many levels of
discord in your physical life, know that this is only the result of a
recalibration of energy surging and redirecting the atomic components
of matter to align with your new intentions.

This is a very natural and very necessary part of ascension and though
it can seem rather frightening to witness these changes, we assure you
that the outcome is for your highest good, that which you have
intended for a very long time.

Rest assured that once the finalization of these energies completes
itself you will be well aware of why you endured the uncertainty and
that strife was only a matter of resistance to what will be.

If we could assure you of anything, it would be that you are well
looked after, and well cared for in many dimensions and that
everything you are experiencing is in divine and perfect order.

Chaos is merely a reflection of reorder and reorder is the order of
the day!

All of life on this planet at this time are undergoing an arduous
restructuring process… from the very cells that make up your human
biology to the governing systems of every nation.

This includes those who join you in the conscious brigade and those
who do not.

Regarding Soul Partnerships

We wish to assure you that any feelings of disconnection from your
sacred love and soul partner that you may experience now and again is
in fact, vibrational, for the frequency of your electro-magnet-ic
energy field is being rapidly upgraded and re-attuned to higher levels
of love.

During this expansion process you naturally lose the magnetic
attraction to one vibrational field as you enter into the next. This
loss of connection creates discordance, disagreement and an inability
to see eye to eye, but this vibrational clash is temporary and waxes
and wanes throughout the journey through the upward spiral of
evolution. As you increase in vibration, so too does each and every
life form in and around your field alter to match your newer and
higher resonance.

Are you beginning to see the value in your commitment to love? It is
much bigger and more profound than what meets the human eye, we assure

This attunement process also ensures that the love you are soon to
experience in your life is a love of divine and sacred union. Soul
partnerships in this lifetime have two purposes. to assist each other
in the ascent of consciousness, and to collaborate in new earth
endeavors as a united team of co-creative efforts.

As you are undoubtedly witnessing, any obstacle standing in the way of
these efforts will rapidly dismantle. On the exterior this may seem
catastrophic or less than enjoyable to experience.but again we draw
your attention to the fact that this is purely energetic and as the
elements align to lay the foundation for your new earth’s experiences,
you will come to know the rewards in extraordinary ways.

The process of dismantling is nearly complete and though we would like
to tell you what this means for your next steps, we really couldn’t
say. This is because the next steps will be of your choosing, and from
a place of pure consciousness. Your role will be to create the new
earth with the combined gifts of your sacred labors in union of divine

The elementary way to create life was to be in physical control of
your earthly endeavors while managing the rising levels of discontent
each step of the way.

The masterful way to create life will be quantum in scope and
therefore of your choosing. This next step on the rung of your
evolutionary ladder ensures that you command the elements of your
reality to match the frequency of your desires for the highest good
and the good of all those whom you love.

And this will become the second sacred purpose in divine the
polarities within you merge to become whole again, so too will the
polarities in your sacred mate merge in unification to collaborate
with you in higher ways of love.

What a joyful time awaits you…

For several years you have endured what we would term a trial period,
for you were asked to achieve the impossible and have wholly

Now we ask that you raise your sights to see a new horizon and to
accept your destiny as one of fulfillment, sacred love and joy.

There is nothing left for you to do, for without your interference,
all elements will fall perfectly in place and surrounding you are a
team of beings to ensure this process goes as smoothly and as
effortlessly as possible.

Hold steadfast to your inner knowing that all strife will soon
dissipate under the magnificent light of new creation. The world
around you will continue to crumble in many divine ways but you,
benevolent ones, will remain securely fastened to the foundation of
new earth should you choose to see life through the eyes of divinity.

Be at peace knowing that you are fully protected and supported through
this and every change. All that is love is of divine order and all
that is in divine order would be impossible to destroy.

Eventually, all arrive at truth. All this you already deeply know.

We are the Sirian High Council applauding your endurance in the face
of adversity and already celebrating your success.

Stay centered in your knowing despite all external appearances.

In the blink of an eye, a new day dawns!

Farewell from home commanders.

Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at
Copyright © 2008 – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this
transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in
tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.



The Sirian Council* Nov08 “Garden of Eden”



“Garden of Eden”
Message from the Sirian Council

by Meg Benedicte



Nov. 13, 2008

Well, it has been a significant week for all of humanity, as we witness the dawning of a New Age. As the world reacts to the election of Barack Obama as the new leader of the United States, the shift in consciousness is palpable. The time has come for the karmic cycle to swing into alignment with universal truth and benevolence. As we feel this realization within…we all breathe a sigh of relief!

It was not too long ago when we were caught up in the death-lock of duality. For every forward movement we made in our lives, the opposing counter-force pushed us back. What an uphill battle it was! It came out of the woodwork, hidden, sneaking up on us at unsuspecting moments. There was no way to prepare for the opposition, the crushing blow, the sabotaging wave that wiped our dreams away.
Just as I was beginning to feel broken, worn out and losing hope, the Universe responded with a harmonic display of inter-dimensional activations linking two parallel Earth planes in suspension. We are witnessing at this time the profound groundswell of humanity’s awareness shifting towards the vision of this New Earth. It is sparking alive in millions of awakened minds, a glimpse of One World, a world free of war, disease, hate and separation. It is a new world free of counter-force! It is a world that is free of duality…existing in perfect Union in the Law of ONE.
Many of us on the spiritual path have seen this New Earth for the past several years, and have been actively bridging into this alternate world reality free of counter-motion…a world alive with divine life force! All around us we observe the continuing collapse of the Old World Order…as we become familiar with living in a life space free of duality, humming with glimmering light! We have arrived at the “Garden of Eden”, the original human birthplace. It is alight with brilliant colors and tones, a magnificent, lush garden of abundant creation. It is our birthright! We are awakening and remembering…

eveAs we travel back in time to the “Garden of Eden” and the original human prototype…we can trace our DNA all the way back to Africa. Scientists have been able to determine through the mitochondrial DNA passed through the matrilineal descent, that the most recent common ancestor for all humans alive today is believed to have lived about 140,000 years ago in what is now Ethiopia, Kenya or Tanzania. Based on this evidence, Researchers have given her the name, Mitochondrial “Eve”, representing humanity’s African Mother.
As we spin around and come full circle, we now are witnessing at this propitious moment in time the “return to Africa” and the pure DNA of Mitochondrial “Eve”. Held within the receptor cells of human biology is the memory of divine human potential. And who better to lead the human race back to the “Garden of Eden” than an evolved African-American named Barack Obama. His Sirian lineage positions his “star” power to serve as humanity’s leader into the New World of love, hope and unity consciousness. He carries within his genetic makeup the African link to “Eve” and the American link to the New Age of Sovereignty. He represents the past, present and future. Barack Obama is the “bridge” to the New Earth, the parallel reality awaiting all human souls.
earth hologramWe welcome you to join us in this Unified Field hologram, so that you can begin to experience life without opposition, an open flow of abundance, a heightened feeling of joy and connection, a world reality free of pain and disease. This new world does exist, and you are being called to journey across the bridge. The movement has come to fruition and the wave is swelling, raising us higher and higher to step across the divide.
We’re no longer alone…the Universe has prepared a leader who embodies our African roots and our Divine Human lineage. He will pave the way for humanity to reach a higher vibration of living and loving. We are breaking free of the chains of enslavement, recognizing our divine right to freedom and sovereignty. As our hearts and minds open to new possibilities, we can ride the sea change of hope and sail into the New World of ONE.

Copyright © 2008 Meg Benedicte · All Rights Reserved





The Sirian Council* Nov08 New Age of Hope




ray of hope 





“Ray of Hope”
Message from the Sirian Council





 November 2008

We are moving into interesting times! We are at the brink of a New Age…an age of hope and re-construction. At the epicenter of this New Age is a heart-warming movement of human empathy and unified vision. We are no longer satisfied with building up our egos and feeding the insatiable beast inside. We realize after centuries of war and destruction that we are not any more secure. And it has taken a devastating toll on the human spirit! But now the seeds are sprouting, we are moving into a new direction…it is the beginning of a New Age as we rebirth a New Earth.
So why is this happening now in our history on this planet? Why are we now convinced that something is missing and it has nothing to do with acquiring the latest gadget? What has motivated many thousands of souls to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, and to reconsider how they pursue joy and personal fulfillment?
The new movement is beginning to enter into the mundane thought forms of the masses, by ways of the media and entertainment, in our philosophical dialogues, and in our conversations at Starbucks. sunrise yogaHow else do we explain the influx of awareness regarding health and wellness, yoga and meditation, aromatherapy and organic food, grassroots online organizations, progressive ideas and inventions, forums of individual opinion (blogs)…all rising out of the growing unity consciousness. It is truly amazing to be witnessing this movement and to join its powerful birth!
At this time in human history, we are coming out of a deep sleep of separation from the very essence of life itself. As we wipe away the mental fog of confusion and dissolution, we are being given the opportunity to peer into an alternate path, a human reality unknown to generations before us. It exists in the higher realms of spirit. And it is available to all who pursue union in their hearts – union between the human and the soul. It requires a dedication to the pursuit of Wholeness.

dissolving earthIn this New Age of reconstruction we no longer aspire to join the ranks of the spiritually bankrupt, the emotionally vacant up-and-comers who pursue wealth and power at all cost. It has become unsavory, distasteful. We’re awake now, and watching the greedy grab for more, as the wave of human consciousness cries out “Stop!”
We can feel the injustice viscerally in our bodies, as our hearts ache and our minds recoil. We now realize that we are all connected, in ONE human race, and no one can get away with rapacious, unjust behavior without harming the Whole. The unchecked greed of a few is destroying the world as we know it, and the karmic wave of justice is sweeping through and toppling their “house of cards”.
The New Age is upon us and forming now. As the old World Order collapses under the weight of injustice, we are witnessing the power of the people challenge and demand a new system for human life. You can hear it on the news, see it online, read it in print media, listen to conversations all around you – the people have spoken and they demand a New Earth. The signs of Ascension surround us!
As the world financial and governing systems collapse under the pressure for change, a new hope arises. For those whnew earth hologramo are awakening from centuries of excessive consumption and spiritual dis-connection, the Universe has provided a “perfect storm” for massive human evolution. As the planet aligns within the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, we have within our grasp the seeds for hope and transformation. A New Earth is birthing!
Not only are we being supported by our Universal neighbors at this time, but we also have a powerful particle field of divine light entering our atmosphere. The inter-dimensional pathway opened in the heavens, and the Upward Spiral of Ascension swept into our human energy field in 1987 at the Harmonic Convergence. Since then we have been gradually shedding density and parasitic systems, so that we can disengage from the downward spiral of the human death cycle, and shift into embodying the Universal upward spiral of evolution. This is the path of hope, renewal and rebirth!

I invite all who are drawn to the New Earth reality to join the Ascension movement now. Send love from your hearts into the wave circling the planet as we build a crescendo of hope that supports the New Age. Charge it up in your hearts, picture it in your minds and feel it secure into the quantum hologram, so that we can take back our world and create the change needed to provide for all life on this planet. We are ONE community! Our time is NOW! 

Copyright © 2008 Meg Benedicte · All Rights Reserved


The Sirian Council* Nov08 New Age of Hope




ray of hope 





“Ray of Hope”
Message from the Sirian Council





 November 2008

We are moving into interesting times! We are at the brink of a New Age…an age of hope and re-construction. At the epicenter of this New Age is a heart-warming movement of human empathy and unified vision. We are no longer satisfied with building up our egos and feeding the insatiable beast inside. We realize after centuries of war and destruction that we are not any more secure. And it has taken a devastating toll on the human spirit! But now the seeds are sprouting, we are moving into a new direction…it is the beginning of a New Age as we rebirth a New Earth.
So why is this happening now in our history on this planet? Why are we now convinced that something is missing and it has nothing to do with acquiring the latest gadget? What has motivated many thousands of souls to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, and to reconsider how they pursue joy and personal fulfillment?
The new movement is beginning to enter into the mundane thought forms of the masses, by ways of the media and entertainment, in our philosophical dialogues, and in our conversations at Starbucks. sunrise yogaHow else do we explain the influx of awareness regarding health and wellness, yoga and meditation, aromatherapy and organic food, grassroots online organizations, progressive ideas and inventions, forums of individual opinion (blogs)…all rising out of the growing unity consciousness. It is truly amazing to be witnessing this movement and to join its powerful birth!
At this time in human history, we are coming out of a deep sleep of separation from the very essence of life itself. As we wipe away the mental fog of confusion and dissolution, we are being given the opportunity to peer into an alternate path, a human reality unknown to generations before us. It exists in the higher realms of spirit. And it is available to all who pursue union in their hearts – union between the human and the soul. It requires a dedication to the pursuit of Wholeness.

dissolving earthIn this New Age of reconstruction we no longer aspire to join the ranks of the spiritually bankrupt, the emotionally vacant up-and-comers who pursue wealth and power at all cost. It has become unsavory, distasteful. We’re awake now, and watching the greedy grab for more, as the wave of human consciousness cries out “Stop!”
We can feel the injustice viscerally in our bodies, as our hearts ache and our minds recoil. We now realize that we are all connected, in ONE human race, and no one can get away with rapacious, unjust behavior without harming the Whole. The unchecked greed of a few is destroying the world as we know it, and the karmic wave of justice is sweeping through and toppling their “house of cards”.
The New Age is upon us and forming now. As the old World Order collapses under the weight of injustice, we are witnessing the power of the people challenge and demand a new system for human life. You can hear it on the news, see it online, read it in print media, listen to conversations all around you – the people have spoken and they demand a New Earth. The signs of Ascension surround us!
As the world financial and governing systems collapse under the pressure for change, a new hope arises. For those whnew earth hologramo are awakening from centuries of excessive consumption and spiritual dis-connection, the Universe has provided a “perfect storm” for massive human evolution. As the planet aligns within the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, we have within our grasp the seeds for hope and transformation. A New Earth is birthing!
Not only are we being supported by our Universal neighbors at this time, but we also have a powerful particle field of divine light entering our atmosphere. The inter-dimensional pathway opened in the heavens, and the Upward Spiral of Ascension swept into our human energy field in 1987 at the Harmonic Convergence. Since then we have been gradually shedding density and parasitic systems, so that we can disengage from the downward spiral of the human death cycle, and shift into embodying the Universal upward spiral of evolution. This is the path of hope, renewal and rebirth!

I invite all who are drawn to the New Earth reality to join the Ascension movement now. Send love from your hearts into the wave circling the planet as we build a crescendo of hope that supports the New Age. Charge it up in your hearts, picture it in your minds and feel it secure into the quantum hologram, so that we can take back our world and create the change needed to provide for all life on this planet. We are ONE community! Our time is NOW! 

Copyright © 2008 Meg Benedicte · All Rights Reserved


the Sirian Council* Oct.2008 “Collapsing Systems”


time collapse 
“Collapsing Systems”
Message from the Sirian Council


Well, it’s been a wild past couple weeks, as we witness the dismantling of our government and financial institution’s spending practices. No joke…it is all coming down in the weeks and months to come. And it has been hanging by a thread for some time now. We must remember…all that is from the Old World Order cannot maintain a hold in the New Earth energy. It is ordained by Universal Law of Justice that what does not support the Whole will collapse.

And we can see how this not only adversely affects the well-being of our country, and human consciousness, but it also is directly affecting where we personally are holding old energy of duality within our own being. It poses the question – where have we been engaged in these corrupted practices of greed or envy? How have we embodied these symptomatically? We must ask this question now…for it can no longer remain in the fiber of our being.

All decay from greed and obsessive acquisition is now being exposed in the “high-beam lights” of truth and justice.  No one can escape the intense exposure! All shadow of egoic covetousness is being flushed from our planetary system and washed out in a wave of cleansing recovery. We can no longer accept and adapt to the destructive elements of the human psyche that propel an endless pursuit of money, power and prestige. This must come to an end!

We’ve come to a time in human history that we can no longer tolerate the destructive greed of those in powerful positions. It has been centuries of this pastime installed in the collective consciousness that allows it to take place. We have been passively allowing our elected officials and corporate CEOs to game the system in their own self-interests. The world can no longer ignore the atrocities being enacted upon a free nation, in the guise of personal protection. It is abhorrent!

And so we come to a time in this great nation where we need to stand up and disavow all approval or sanctity for this behavior and allow the natural process of dissolution to take place. We do not need to save this current financial system. It must be demolished, so that the new world can begin. We can no longer expect our public officials in the government to support our best interests. They have a higher power to answer to!

We can no longer count on many of the established systems to provide for our needs or support our personal quests for a meaningful, productive life. It is not there to support us! And so, we need to redirect how we pursue life’s full potential in ways that can be satisfying and fulfilling, but also embodying a deeply profound purpose of re-building a New Earth reality. This is the time to embrace how we can fulfill our deepest needs and desires while re-affirming the greatest quality of humanity – compassion for all life on the planet. When we can effectively step into the shoes of someone who “walks the talk” then we begin to radiate a different reality. It is when we are no longer concerned with how much we own, but with how much can we contribute, that our lives will change and improve!
Now is not the time to be concerned about what is falling down in collapse, but a time to weather the storm knowing the dawn of a new day is near! We are not being asked to sacrifice our joy or happiness during this time of upheaval. Actually, it is the very opposite! The more that we can focus on the New World vision and hold it in our hearts, and feel its power and presence inside our core, than we are entering a realm of true happiness. It is available now! All it takes to achieve this grand transition is to alter what we project into our future. For the very nature of this human world reality is operating as a holographic insert, where all we need to do is determine just what kind of “eye view” we will perceive our lives from. In a sense, our minds and emotions set the tone for what kind of human story we project into the world.

With this knowledge we can begin to sway and influence more and more the way we see the world, and how we can become mornew lifee involved with the nuances and reflections we are looking into. It works like a human filter, this mind view, and it operates as a lifetime repository of all that floats and flows through our minds and emotions. These flowing streams of thoughts and feelings persuade the flavor of our life experience to be loving and powerful, or destructive and hurtful. How we then respond and react to these images in our projection screen will then determine what becomes a “tried and true” pattern of behavior and belief. No longer are we co-creating our lives from a clean slate, but beginning to surround ourselves with outer reflections of our inner state of disappointment, despair and dis-ease.

Our power lies within, and we can begin to recognize just how much our infected minds and emotions are truly affecting the very nature of our existence. When we come into contact with these established mental patterns in a litany of life-long scenarios and subsequent emotional pain, how in the world can we change? How can we break free of the imprisonment that has over-taken our free spirits and creative minds? Where did all the fun go? Why are we still beating our heads against the wall of insurrection and despotism? Why can’t we state that we are tired of this game and want to set it all straight? When did the world become such a tragic drama-queen falling apart at the seams?

We must remember that this world view we are stuck in has come upon us from many centuries of destruction and dissolution, now in its prime! And when we witness the thousands of ways it has destroyed the very fiber of our being, why in god’s name would we strive to save it? Let it go down in the manner it was meant to dissolve! It cannot be saved! So we all must just get on with life, and lift our spirits up into the New Earth hologram with our new visions and projections of life-affirming endeavors.

Not only can we survive, but we can proliferate. We are not tied to what is dissolving, it is already dead. We are no longer dependent on a system that does not sustain human life in its glory. It has already proven it cannot support the Whole! The Universe is not supporting its extension into the New Earth consciousness. It is incongruent! We must realize how much this old system has been destroying the very nature of joyous celebration life was meant to be.

Keep on your spiritual path! Remember we are not only joined in most glorious union… but we will conquer the darkness that permeates the cesspool of government/ corporate greed and power-mongering. It will not be allowed to enter the New Earth, and will be re-directed elsewhere. Not all energies will be encouraged to exist in the time/space continuum of the New Earth hologram. An alternative new energy is waiting for each and every one of us who seek a better existence to walk across the line and enter the field of opportunity. It is welcoming us at a rapid pace and we can bridge over in such a short, sweet time. Don’t look back! Keep on pursuing a better place to live, to love and to enjoy human capacity never seen before!
Go in Peace, Namaste!

Copyright © 2008 Meg Benedicte · All Rights Reserved
