Archive for Blue Star

Blue Star transmissions* Consciousness

Blue Star Transmissions began on the internet Dec 12th, 1997
The Blue Star Transmissions are NOT for entertainment purposes

8-25-08 to 10-25-08  



Greetings Earthizens, I am hopeful that you have each and all been becoming more relaxed with yourselves, more comfortable with the Earth Star’s planetary Ascension process and her intense desire to rid herself of all malignant energies. I bring this to your attention now because this planet has been busily acquiring new energies and absorbing massive amounts of highly charged ionic streams while welcoming the arrivals en masse of new old Souls, both of the human species and the various Star Keeper races. This is not an easy time for her in one sense yet it is indeed the best of times. Isn’t evolution wonderful!! Now, because each person living on the Earth Star planet is being subjected to the continuous bombardment of healthy, glowing energy streamers that have begun an incredible “layering effect” which effectively removes the previous superimposed artificial and toxic layers of devious dark energies, you each were bound to not only feel the effects of this massive Cosmic undertaking, but to benefit from them as well. Tis why I had selected this chronological timeline as the right one to discuss my topic of “Consciousness” with all of you ones.


Earthizens long, long ago lost their innate ability to understand consciousness. Your races have forgotten to use this ability and how and when to move levels of consciousness into higher forms than the previous levels you had as you yourselves have progressed in other areas as so-called “civilized peoples.” Civilized indeed! As you have moved forward at least technologically, your “Awareness Factor” has suffered great defeat. This defeat was brought upon you ones by you, yourselves. Now, think of consciousness as: awareness, awakened to mind-thoughts, sensitivity to mind-matter and the intangible union between you as the physical aspect of Soul Voice and the union between you each to Divinity. Well of course you have not been taught this in your schools, they are not “in AWARENESS” of this truth. Hmm, tell me again why you attend schools? All life is predicated upon levels, stages and degrees of Awareness. It is a matter of being “in the know” or being “in the no.” You see? Consciousness is not adding 1 + 1 and getting a false “2,” it is adding 1 + 1 and getting the answer of “1” and knowing that it is not mathematically correct but it is a SuperConscious reality far outweighing the mundane mathematical equation. The intangible union I spoke of KNOWS that the natural manner of giving and receiving information is through telepathic processing. The pragmatic and archaic method is to verbalize thoughts but not to LIVE them.


Now, think of all forms of awareness as a parachute. Now visualize it as wide-open and in flowing, beautiful wind-driven motion; you are the one in the parachute. With arms extended in upright manner you and the parachute function as one complete OPEN entity. If you are not yet in the chute then it remains rolled up and quiet, unable to accomplish its mission because IT IS NOT IN USE. IT IS CLOSED. The type of “knowing” that is all forms of consciousness encapsulated within a mass of fluid, mobile in this sense, energy cells is a part of each person here. Each cell produced by this mass then gravitates to the personal magnetic alignment produced by your mind and Spirit and enhanced through your bodily responses to the cell-matter. Because consciousness exists on so many levels it can only be received as truth by the mind when it correlates with an individual’s personal belief systems and their honed ability to perceive truth. Awareness cannot exist for long in a mind that is in disuse; a mind that is blanketed with unilluminated “cotton batting,” so to speak. I do not speak of the unilluminated blanket in reference to the Illuminati now, I speak of the mind that has become suffocated by the personality’s either intentional disregard for learning truths or the personality’s unwillingness to alter what they have been conditioned to believe. These are the blockages which Create the individuals’ inability to perceive the deceitful mundane myths. As this happens the peoples stop searching for the Greater Truths and personal individual Greatness.


Now, just as Soul exists in various stages and levels of development so does Awareness. Consciousness is a healthy, evolved form of energy which radiates from within the individual Soul; The Soul causes that type of radiance to expand upon itself by permeating the entirety of the physical vehicle and thus lights up the persona of the person as well as all aspects of that person’s “humanness.” Consciousness does not enter into a Being’s presence loudly. Rather, it enters subtly; sometimes bringing with it sensations of tingling, unusual warmth, and a sudden need to express yourself either verbally or non-verbally. Everyone here on the Earth Star planet bandies the term “consciousness” about without really understanding it or even wanting to understand it. The majority of peoples are content to think, “I am conscious of such and such a development; I am conscious that I am doing the right thing.” This type of “knowing” is quite limiting for it remains in the realm of less evolved thinking and “doing.” Yet it has been “mainstream” reality for hundreds of years. For the millions of peoples who only “know” what they “know” they do not realize that their lower state of awareness or knowingness, has effectively become integrated with their intellect to such a degree that over a period of time they cannot separate one from the other. So essentially they have subjugated their consciousness to their intellect.


If you feel that this is not a bad thing then you are probably one of those millions who is not evolving because you have short-circuited “the Consciousness Factor.” Now, for the sake of expediency I shall simply refer to consciousness as “the factor.” Your five senses and all of your sentience correlates to individual layers and stages of the factor. Those who have tantrums because they cannot utilize their sentience or because they cannot soar to great heights with their sentience are either not yet ready for more evolved layers of the factor, or possibly too many lackadaisical periods in their lives have not yet been “gutted.” The factor is of course a multidimensional stream of energy. As such it LITERALLY is magnetized to you, by YOU yourself. The factor follows the ionic and anatomic trail of the molecules of energy which comprise the whole of “you” as a unique individual. The anatomic properties of yourself can easily be seen as a mass of colored “pixels;” with each different coloration denoting not only the physical “you,” but the essence of “you” as Soul walking in human form. Now, the ionic properties which govern you are seen as either a mass of similar or same (equal) colorations as the pixel image or as small clusters or isolated “beads” of colors which can show displacements or a void where a mass or cluster should be. During transitional periods that an individual is experiencing it is not uncommon to see areas that resemble fog or mist accumulating throughout the ionic range. In time those misty areas will alter and a coloration will replace the mist. Your own individual free expression can be viewed as a sparking white coloration IF that individual has not given in to the constraints of religious, governmental or societal lifestyles and beliefs.


Each level of free expression bears a mark; it is a hue and a “musical note.” Although the mark may match with many other peoples‘ marks, it is still a singular identification marker which correlates to your intangible BUT quite visible indelible fingerprint. This fingerprint declares YOU are YOU and no one else. Your own personal magnetic field commonly known as “the aura,” is a dedication to the layers and stages of the factor which you possess. The aura of course exemplifies the totality of yourself. As such the aura CAN alter its coloration or hues constantly. As the factor is assimilated by you in the various growth stages of yourself it can further your determination to succeed in spite of yourself and your self-imposed blocks to success. Unfortunately millions of Souls here are as afraid of success as they are of failure. Therefore, they choose to not do anything that could cause them to question their beliefs. When this occurs the factor closes down. You are where you are and nowhere else. Now, the great importance of the factor is that it is predicated not only upon the Spiritual conduct of you as individual Soul, but that the individual Soul which clusters in mass groups with the same like-minded expressions of Soul Self, impact tremendously on the planet as well. You see, it is not necessary to be physically around other groups of peoples such as yourself as this occurs. The impaction of which I speak occurs naturally as energy magnifies itself to same energy bundles all over the planet. This is why very young Souls: Souls who have many, many journeys to make through the rebirthing process, cannot receive evolved levels of the factor.


So much chatter here on the planet about “reaching out to others; sharing individual consciousness with others; displacing old, worn-out and untruthful beliefs with others,” yet all you need to do is send your level of the factor across the globe without any expectations that any receivers will know it was you. The factor cannot be forced, it cannot be bought or sold YET it is priceless. The factor is a personalized version of all of the Creation in one sense. Although the Creation exists in highly developed, highly refined geotropic forms as degrees of Matter, it is as Matter without body rotating around each life form. The Creation processing filter systems touch each individual, EVERY life form here through the degrees of the factor. It is the degrees of separation between you and the factor which designate your life path here; your whims, dreams, fantasies and ability to BE the Soul you truly are. Now, the factor is in ONE sense relative to an individual’s successes or failures in personal evolvement. Each level and stage of your factor, your personal factor that is, correlates to where you are as an individual in any manifestation of Soul Growth. Whatever level each Soul is on during ANY of the Growth periods reflects back to that One’s Soul Cluster as varying degrees of Illuminative matter or substance. If you or others are relying on and patronizing the conscious level of the factor-that is to say, if you are dealing with life and Spiritual issues only through the 1st. level of the factor which is “awareness of the practical world and everyday issues,” to such extent that you are subjugating the other forms of the factor-then you cannot rise above the mundane and “teleport” yourself to other layers of the factor. You see, those who insist upon first and second dimensional thinking, or perhaps do not know any better and are living in the practical world only, cannot be receivers of other layers and stages of consciousness. Therein lies the degrees of separation. It is ONLY when an individual, or at times a cluster of like-minded Souls, congregate with the intent of lifting their awareness to higher levels of perceptions that a further step in the factor is mandated for the role of “prime time player.”


Now, with each level that a person consciously ascribes to come certain challenges which are automatically set into place as an aspect of the higher form of the factor. At times it may be a requirement for understanding others around you with a different perspective than you may have had before. At times it will most definitely require a continuing expansion of the understanding of yourself. Sound easy? I think NOT! The greatest capitulations by individuals and groups of same-minded peoples I have seen is when they are forced in spite of themselves, to say, “ I was wrong.” Ironically those 3 words are felt by the personality as the most damaging to the individual’s ego than any other words. Perhaps the words are considered “ PERSONALIZED foul language.” All successes just as all failures are in a major way relative to the individual factor which you ones each possess…to one degree or another. Your conscious self will direct you to all which needs attention in the practical world. BUT, those who are not willing or able to slowly assimilate all of the other forms of the factor experience the lesser successes in life. For most of them, it is ok with them. God forbid they should be “risk takers!” Now, YES of course there are “risks” here; for many among you ones it means leaping into the void and trusting that someone will be there to catch you if you need help. Then there are the millions of people who are too much in fear to step outside of themselves and “get a life.”


The factor begins to heighten a person’s senses, to increase their levels of empathy, to demand in a sense that outmoded beliefs and ways of dealing with others must be changed for the betterment of the individual and all those that person comes in contact with. All that is required to get the proverbial ball rolling is to very seriously ask yourself as your own Soul Voice which you are anyway, to raise your Spirit Self, to elevate you to the next factor level. Needless to say this must never be done in jest. I do not speak of success in any monetary manner; rather I speak of success for you personally as a Child of God climbing the ladder which leads to the Spiral Staircase. I speak of success as I see you ones beaming and glistening in the Light of All Lights which will ensure that your Earthbound walk here will ever be regretted by you. Nor should it! What so many among you ones fail to understand is that as you evolve in the manner of accumulating AND USING high levels of the factor, all which you still do not have here on Earth, all which you still seek to make your lives easier, will be sent to you. Failures in the Earthstar walk are predicated upon unwise decisions, unfortunate choices in friends and of course the ogres of greed and lust. When you are living in the inside core of your factor those things may attempt to happen, BUT it is the level and stage of your consciousness which will alert you to high-risk situations and people. If you ones think and BELIEVE that life is no more than what you make of it, then think again! Life is a grand journey replete with the evidence of the factor at work in everything you do, everything you say and everything you think. Failures enter when you Create dramas in your lives, when you accept others’ dramas as your own and when you lose touch with your high-level factor.


Now, when you as Soul Ascend in each moment by living within your factor it needs to be understood by you ones that even though an individual may rise to the next level, the next stage, a person CAN temporarily lose that position by being afflicted with the lower factors of others. It does not necessarily mean that the other persons are bad people; they could be having a bad day, their personal lives may be running amuck and so forth. BUT my point here is that yes, it can impact upon your own factor simply because the energetics are so vastly changed, or they are already different and you did not even know it. You see, the factor rises (ascends) with you as YOU. So it is that as you expand exponentially your body and mind react in a most wondrous manner to the elevated levels and degrees of the factor. Should you encounter the instances which I spoke of above, being around peoples who are stuck in one-dimensional and two-dimensional thinking, and I assure you…you WILL…then the best route to take during those times is to get away from them. I hear you thinking, “how can we get away from them if mass consciousness is stuck in lower vibrations, lower frequencies, and lower forms of consciousness?” Spend more time with your best friend, you, and as little time as possible among the wanton zigzag energetics of others. Do not forget… you yourselves have been there, done that.


Should your professions, families, lifestyles etc., throw you into that maelstrom of energy, hold tightly onto yourself and all those others you know or shall meet who are on the same wavelength as are you. You see, one of the benefits of traveling up the steps of the factor is that those around you who are “not there yet,” will really not want to continue to be around you..nor you around them. So it will come to pass that you will either leave their presence or they shall leave yours. It is the way it is. Oil and water you see, they will never mix. In either case there is no failure here; it took you long enough to “get there” and the others will meet up with you at one time or another. Now, it is true you can lose touch with the factor during periods of extreme tiredness, illness, melancholy and so forth. BUT as soon as you bounce back from those extreme situations the advanced factor will be awaiting you. The factor flows slowly in one sense, yet rapidly in another. The integration between yourself and the factor takes shape in an asymmetrical form which seeks to encapsulate your Spirit, heart and mind in an extraordinary Light. It is wondrous for us to behold!! As this energy flows through you all Infinite doors and windows of possibilities and probabilities open for you. Your inner “knowing” begins to expand without any self-imposed or conditioned constraints laid upon it.


You find that all that you think you knew will pale in comparison to all that you are now aware of without you necessarily understanding how you know the things you now know. All your forms of sentience correspond with the levels and stages of the factor you are now in alignment with. At times it may seem a tad painful for your clairaudience will be so heightened that noise distortions may bother you. You see, there are valid reasons why not all forms of the factor can be assimilated by any one person all at one time. Your physical vehicle cannot tolerate that much energetic movement coursing through it. Your mind cannot either, you would end up in “la-la land.” Now, the most common experience that an individual on the Earth Star planet has when he or she is suddenly moving up the rungs of the factor ladder is an overwhelming need/desire to share all which is happening through body, mind and Spirit with EVERYBODY ELSE. I do ask you please, restrain yourselves; the human language lacks the adequacy to explain certain things in understandable language to others. Simply be happy for and with yourself; be firm in the belief that in time all others will also have what you do. Now, an anomaly takes place when the person who is suddenly “in bloom” with the factor in the initial stages which MAY confuse the blooming Soul. I will try to keep my explanation as simple as possible, but some things are difficult for the human mind to comprehend.


When the advanced flow of the factor begins it proceeds with EACH new level and stage of connecting with the individual in either a subtle flow or a rush of sudden movement. It is then that the person begins to consciously or unconsciously incorporate this massive “new” energy into the totality of themselves. Then the mind reacts in surprise, then pleasure and finally acceptance that something major has altered, that a high level of expectancy of “something” has now been achieved. The intellect is at this stage mostly running in the mode of “observer.” It senses no danger so it does not try to interfere. The heart feels a surge of relief which it then immediately broadcasts to all parts of the physical vehicle. The Spirit of the individual dances; It soars and releases certain types of molecular energies which float effervescently to the Higher Dimensions. Soul feels ItSelf unfettered and KNOWS It is advancing just as It desired to be. HOWEVER, when the initial phase is passed and new levels of energetic motions begin anew the same feeling you had experienced before becomes passé. In other words, you have accepted on a Higher level of Consciousness than you are aware of that this has occurred. The more levels you ascend, the more normal or commonplace it will feel. Some peoples are disappointed, they had been looking forward to that initial “high” feeling. For many individuals it is not a sensation they have ever experienced before.


You see, this is actually a good thing; it is not necessary or even recommended that you ones re-experience that first “newborn” feeling. The more “everyday and normal” it seems to you the more you can be assured that you are moving forward and upward at Light Speed, at the right pace at the right time. The idea is for you to move forward and upwards but in an “ordinary” way, do you see? Now, although I will not name all the levels and stages of this Consciousness growth, suffice it to say that all roads there lead to the epitome of the Super Conscious. Contrary to many beliefs the Super Conscious is not merely a “one,” it is a “many.” No, not all may attain all levels of the Super Conscious while they are in mortal form. BUT if each individual cherishes, relishes and desires to continually expand upon whatever their own level is, then miracles are wrought…for the good of all. Now, all forms of the factor can and will remain with a person for the duration of their Earth Star life span. When Soul departs this dimension the factor is firmly entrenched within the Soul Matrix. Tis an aspect of the building blocks called “Soul Growth” needed for future evolved incarnations. There are certain instances as a Soul is transforming ItSelf through the factor processing when “Displacement Issues” occur. All right, yet again I will try to make this as simple and understandable as possible without needing to become too technical. As Soul traverses the factor streams, it (the factor) CAN cause disruptions that MAY be annoying, although to many peoples the disruptions themselves are comical and not clearly understood.


Now, I am going to use an analogy here that MAY assist your understanding of what I am about to tell you ones. If you are working on a sand painting and using different colored sand and you are doing this outside for instance, it only requires a small bit of wind to blow over the sand and move the different colorations to other places, even if you did not intend for it to be that way. BUT as the sand is moved from one place to another a new design can take place. The original picture you were designing has been altered. Perhaps you can see that it is a better, clearer picture with a whole different meaning. YET the original foundation of the painting is still the same…but different. It is still your own Creation yet something more, something “unexpected” has been added or changed. You then have a choice to make; do you return it to how you originally Created it or do you allow the Winds of Change to be the guide and the instrument for reshaping the painting? This is essentially how the factor employs its own magnetic currents and directs them through your Sacred Orifices. When your levels and stages of Consciousness alter it can and does disrupt certain things in your life without interfering in your life choices. The factor then is a mass of such highly evolved matter that when it encounters anything that is of a lower or denser stream occupying certain areas of space within you, it temporarily displaces that substance until the incoming level and stage of the factor have achieved their destination.


Now, this having been said I will give you a few practical examples of what can happen when the former matter is displaced by the evolving factor. Memory loss is most common; these instances are quick lapses of memory, sometimes referred to here as, “I just blanked out.” Forgetting where you placed things, seeing things that were not there a moment ago and may not be there when you look again in another minute, physical fluctuations of the nervous system which CAN include brief periods of rapid heartbeat, up and down feelings of fatigue etc. The “new” factor which I will now call “A,” is replacing OR converting your previous factor “B” into a higher more refined version of itself. Annoyance usually enters a person’s attitude because they are concerned that they are simply becoming forgetful or aging. Although it is not true it IS the intellect’s method of dealing with something it cannot understand. The intellect cannot understand it until YOU yourself do and accept it as “normal-under the circumstances.” Of course if a person is an airhead then this is not the case, they are just “an airhead.” If you can teach yourself to simply roll with the upsurges of energy and deal with the sometimes but not always, feeling of “coming down,” then you can simplify the process for yourself. I will say that at times peoples resemble bouncing balls as the surges course through them BUT the reward is worth it.

Dreams and the Factor


Now, the factor is in constant motion; it is fluid, its mobility is not hampered by external forces UNLESS you yourself are giving in to or have already succumbed to another’s lesser form of consciousness. Although there are exceptions to what I am about to tell you, this is what occurs during your sleep and dream times. As I have stated many, many times before, when you sleep and/or dream the conscious mind-the practical, “I see what is in front of me because I know it is there, therefore I believe it is there“-rests and is quiet as is your intellect. It is during these times as well as times of deep meditation that the factor dances like a leaf on the Wings of Spirit. It is here that the factor can raise itself to the next stage and level without any undue interference by YOU. Think of it as a “ Spirit Transfusion.” Although all dreams are symbolic in nature YET quite real in the story they are telling, it is WHILE the dream state is imaging or telepath-ing important information to you ones that the factor itself functions as the motivating force which it truly is and can be seen behind each dream as well as interfaced with the dreams. Their combined goal is to inform, warn, transmute negative information and further instill your determination with the realization that you are more than you believe you are. The factor “kicks in” big time during these defining epochs of your life THROUGHOUT your mortality.


As the factor continues on its explosive journey while it is defining you and encircling all aspects of you, it is also infusing you with inspirations, ideas, and HOPE for a better you and a better tomorrow. It is then while you sleep that the same forces who deride all that you ones do Spiritually, make their attempts at restraining you from moving forward. The most common and heinous practice is by attempting to interfere with the information you should be receiving in dreams and images. You see, these insidious creatures do NOT want the factor to replace your previous levels. They FEAR the factor greatly! So it is that a person can be assaulted nightly because they are achieving success. Now, I did tell you ones that there are exceptions to this invasive assault. There are Souls here who are so highly evolved and have such spectacular destines to fulfill in one way or another, that they are not under siege while they sleep. You see, Soul Identity is known to the opposing force as well, not merely to all of us. Because you have all “been around the block” many times, who and what you are is not a secret. Souls who are the most evolved and have proved their dedication to just cause and are loyal in ALL ways to the Creator, to God and to the Universe as a whole, cannot be broken. Their presences in mortal form do indeed cause great consternation to the dark forces. These dark ones’ first impulse is “ok, let’s see if we can kill them instead.” That opposing force knows well that these industrious Souls are not going to capitulate, so why waste time on something that will not happen. They are however attacked in many other ways. It does tend to be the Souls who have cast away their former degrading lifestyles, their former addictions and their former disbeliefs who are being targeted while they sleep. The dark force does not like it at all when those who they have compromised, those who they have held in their grasp, decide to break free and “keep on trucken.” This does NOT sway the factor however; if anything it only increases the magnetic flow to the ones under attack. In time, the attacks cease. However it is a time-honored process of wearing a person down, I WARN you very seriously about this! Now, everyone DOES dream although not everyone remembers their dreams CONSCIOUSLY. That is all right too. Dreams are kept in “cold storage” in these cases and may interact with a person as simply an idea.

The Factor and the id.


Now, as I prepare to end my transmission for this time period I would like to do so with a brief discussion of the “id.” It has been said that the id is nothing more than a theoretical proposition of something that COULD be, but not necessarily IS. Let me state for the record: that the id not only IS, it has always been. The danger here to the silly and untruthful supposition regarding the reality of the id is that this untruth was designed so that peoples would not believe in its existence. The id is a primal force within the human psyche. Now, I speak not of any psychobabble; I speak of a driving force that is an absolute necessity for the mind, body and Spirit of an individual. The id also houses the factor so I ask you ones, can you yet see the WHY there are those who do NOT want this information to be understood by the peoples of the Earth Star planet? Remember what I said earlier, there are multitudinous layers of the factor which are designed to forge an unbreakable bond with you ones. So it is that the id and the psyche can either be healthy, glowing, evolving luminous beams of an aspect of yourself AS an individual, or it can be reduced to a situation where the factor cannot move forward, it is at a standstill. The human psyche itself IS a force to be reckoned with. Within the psyche there are many “rooms” which hold information relative to previous incarnations. If a person has had enough of previous experiences that were not in their best interests or if the id itself desires to move forward in conjunction with the desires of the Soul, then the id and the factor form a formidable team; one that is quite difficult to crack by the dark energies. The id itself CAN be a great tool to use for your advancement Spiritually.


The psyche is not some subterranean area best left alone. It receives its nourishment from mind, body, Spirit and the factor. Without the factor the id would decay in a sense. When the id is damaged and in an unhealthy mode then the factor CANNOT push forward. Whatever level and stage a person is on with the factor AT THAT TIME, is the place they will stay….unless they fall even further down the black hole of the unjust. You see, when invasive assaults upon you ones occur it is not always physical. The physical injuries can heal BUT the most vicious attacks are upon the id-which then CAN be devastating to the factor. The conscious mind can run in circles, dealing with situations in a logical, pragmatic fashion. This does NOT make the information that the conscious mind accepts as truth, actually truth. It simply is a placebo of sorts; one that may calm the intellect and thus reassure the conscious mind. The factor however cannot be compromised that way. The same dark forces that are now learning to “duck and cover,” that is the ones still remaining here on the planet, are aware of the great danger that the id and the factor represent to their own misplaced alliances. I will not speak this day of the damaged psyche or transmit long information about the psyche and the id because I believe that God covered all of that is His wonderful presentation of “the Psyche and Psychosis,” featured in one of the chapters of “And then God Said..then I Said..then He Said.” My mission this day was to attempt to enlighten you about learning as much about yourself as you are able to accept. Now, in your present year of 2008 it is the id and the factor which although once not as severely attacked, which have become the primary focus of the unilluminated forces.


When I and other mentors have told you ones again and again that you HAVE all the tools you need to defeat these beings who are counting coup, we all meant what we said. And we still do. You see, the greatest successes these beings have had have been possible because peoples were not aware of the need to fight nor of the abilities they have to not only fight, but to WIN THE WAR. So now tell me Earthizens, what other excuses do you have? Now, because the dark ones still left here are in dire need of victories, even small ones will do, their own scenting of impending danger has awakened them even more to the juxtaposition of the factor and the id. They are focusing a mass attack on all evolved Souls AND all initiates’ factors. Regardless of how clearly you may see, think or feel, do not assume you are invincible…NO ONE HERE IS! The forces of the remnants of what was once a gargantuan dark energetic mass are targeting your factor and id because they are at a loss as to what else they can do that they have not already tried. Disruptions of your id, not the ones I spoke with you about in above paragraphs, can easily be identified by you when it is a disreputable force attempting to subjugate your level and stage of consciousness. Irritability, personality changes, confusion, anger and unjustified hurt feelings occur when your factor is under attack.


Lashing out at others is also not uncommon when this occurs. Please do not think of it as a compliment when your id or factor is attacked. Do not challenge those beasties by stating, “my id can beat your id up.” If you do not choose to be in awareness of what is occurring and why, if you do not choose to stand in defense of yourself then you will have to suffer the consequences. When these attacks occur they enter your consciousness like a horde of locusts, devouring all that is healthy and diminishing the Spirit of the host body. It is then that the Soul of the person begins a downward spiral, cast into the long journey which is the dark night of the Soul. If you ones remember that when you “catch-on,” when you are aware that you are being attacked then you can stop the assault. Keep your intellect out of it and remain strong in your Spirit; remain firm in your beliefs and you will be fine. The assaults will stop as soon as you recognize them for what they are. You are each so well-loved, so cherished by us and the God of this Universe. Is that not in itself the most formidable armory you can have? I wish for you and your factor to be in continuous stages of harmony. In this manner you and the factor can dance as you have never danced before, sing as you have never sung before, and BE as you have never BEEN before.

Good day, I am signing off for now…..

Salude….Blue Star the Pleiadian



“There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side
and that which is religious stands on the other side.
In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation.
In time, all shall be as one…I shall meet you there.”
….Blue Star……*** NOTE ***Click below to read Transmission #2 for 8-25-08 to 10-25-08
Private Wars – Public WarsEmail Celest at; 



©Copyright 1997, 2008 –




Blue Star Speaks:”Reincarnational Themes and the “Gate Keepers”

Blue Star Transmissions began on the internet Dec 12th, 1997


The Blue Star Transmissions are NOT for entertainment purposes. 



Please note, the Blue Star Transmission Topics for 2008 and 2009
are listed after this transmission.
Special Notice:
I have deleted all the email that I have not been able to answer. I simply do not have any time left to answer emails. Please do not email me unless it is extremely urgent.
Do not email me until after Sept. 2008. Thank you, Celest 


“Click here for information on Blue Star’s Book one of the Trilogy
“Song of the Third Millennium”

Reincarnational Themes and the
“There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side
and that which is religious stands on the other side.
In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation.
In time, all shall be as one…I shall meet you there.”
….Blue Star……


6-25-08 to 8-25-08 


“Reincarnational Themes and the “Gate Keepers”


Greetings Earthizens, I have chosen this day to speak on a topic that is not only close to my heart, but I also consider it to be of paramount importance in myth-busting ancient religious concepts which were original created by the unilluminated forces, those legions of bastardizations. There will always be times when I will repeat specific information in my transmissions that you may have already read from me before. I do this when I feel certain issues have great need to be reinforced. By the way, for those among you ones who feel that I am not “cutting you any slack,” I suggest you start seeing your lives through MY eyes. Now, I shall not waste a moment of your time here, so lets get to it.


The religious texts which call for virgins to be given to men after the men pass over as part of some great holy honor they will receive for work they have done here on the planet, which is usually evil, diabolical and murderous attacks on other peoples in one form or another, has as much truth in them as the texts that churches, ministries, temples and synagogues, to name but a few “ministerial institutions,” PREACH to their congregations. I could be subtle about this BUT in truth, in case you have not noticed, it is NOT my way. Religions were banned from ever speaking of reincarnation many, many eons ago by the very creators of religion who were and are the Illuminati. One of the most fragile “mind control” aspects of the human races that the dark ones discovered was this: if peoples on this planet could be convinced that their life experience was a “one time only” event, they would not attempt to exceed their own expectations of themselves in their lifetime. They would believe that they would live, die, and turn to ashes or some such substance without hope for their future selves, without daring to dream, without daring to visualize a “better life at a better time.”


Now, as the Illuminati forces and their multitudes of followers and hordes of “cells” geared to attack humanity in every way possible on ALL levels of understanding, the creation of all the religions factions was synchronized to develop and merge with every different race of peoples and each culture. Each of the groupings of races and cultures of peoples had to have their OWN religious beliefs. Even though it was indeed all orchestrated by the dark ones it was simplicity itself to integrate these clans of people into the Illuminati created beliefs through indoctrination and the blatant murder of many, many helpless peoples. So, each religion was given a name, one that separated it from all other religions; each had an overseer in the beginnings of this mess who was an Illuminati member usually of high-ranking status. It was foreseen that there should be one specific religion that would be the dominating one; after much discussion the first days of the roman catholic church was birthed and the first scorpion king was set upon the throne of the church. Each religion was tied to the other religions without the conscious knowledge of those in attendance as ministers etc., nor with the conscious knowledge of the “parishioners.” JUST AS THEY ARE TODAY. England played a great part in this infamous duplicity; as did Rome, Greece and Spain. Rome of course was and still is the greatest fortress held by the Illuminati. Although there was not really a country that did not pander to the Illuminati some were “much better at it than others.”


Although time passed and many peoples would eventually pull away from one religion in order to try a different one the only massive and true holdouts were the indigenous tribes in the land masses now known as, America, Australia, India and Tibet. Of course the Illuminati then forced missionaries, unbalanced and dangerous preachers, and straight-laced Christianity dogmas upon these ones and you KNOW how well that went! Now, each religion although different in their worship and customs were organized with great prowess to follow certain sets of rules; certain strictures that HAD to be adhered to, no matter what. Yes, peoples had to be told there was a God; variations of each religion created needed a God by another name however. God also had to be described as wrathful, vengeful, judgmental and just about anything else you can think of that is the antithesis of the true God of this Universe. Peoples had to be conditioned to believe that if they did not conform to the rules of their various churches that they would have to answer to God. Little did anyone know that they were simply swaying and cooperating with the Illuminati and the purest of evil. Now, a god was projected and imaged to each culture. This ensured that each colony of peoples would remain dependant upon the early rules of the culture. This effectively kept humanity confined within an all encompassing state of fear. Then came step #2 of the devious plan; enforcement mentally and Spiritually and if deemed necessary physically, of a non-existent one life only experience. Once again, most indigenous peoples shirked from that great lie.


Of course there were always Spiritually aware Souls arriving to the Earth Star planet who unceasingly rebuked the liars and the lies and struggled mostly without great success to re-educate the human race as a whole. These intrepid Souls were and still are as great a pain to the unilluminated forces as are the indigenous peoples who still today hold on to what they know to be truth. You see, step #2 reinforced not merely a one life existence it inevitably provided either a heaven or a hell for people to expect after leaving this existence. (Celestial, please to italicize my following long sentence.) If the peoples had known about the reincarnational theme which exists for ALL Souls, regardless of their past, present or future religious choices, RELIGIONS could never have been born; within the hearts, the minds and the Souls of EACH individual would have lived and thrived the awareness that no matter what they may have succumbed to in a life experience, no matter what poor decisions they may have made, THEY WOULD ALWAYS HAVE ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO SET THINGS RIGHT. Now, are you following this horrendous trail which the Illuminati set into motion back then and what is still occurring now? You see, without the conscious knowledge that reincarnation exits what reason did the peoples have to CHOOSE to personally evolve? Remember please, “evolvement” was never taught then because evolvement must include rather than preclude reincarnation. Instead, some religions spoke at great length about “pearly gates,” the devils lair, Allah’s gifts and so forth. People were taught that these were the “events” awaiting them when they died a physical death. Of course they believed it; they didn’t know that they shouldn’t.


The oscillating beauty of reincarnation and the individual reincarnational themes would have blinded people to the schematic lies being perpetrated by the dark intruders. It would have left the dark “in the dark.” Furthermore the less the peoples knew of reincarnation the less opportunities there would have been for any type of personal or planetary evolvement. The peoples of this planet would not have chosen to exercise their free expression to explore other options that would have enabled them to live life differently in ANY life experience. You see, it is what you DON’T KNOW that can kill you and diminish the very Spirit of your Soul. A PART of the dark intruders’ plans was for the gradual devolvement of the planet…meaning, the moving of the human race BACKWARDS, not forward. As each Soul moves forward even if but a smidgen so does the planetary rate of movement which I term “the pulse” adjust to the forward momentum.


Now, what I personally find so astounding is that even yet today millions of peoples refuse to believe or acknowledge that reincarnational themes are not only truth in manifestation, but these same peoples decry with gross impudence the true teachings of those other peoples who attempt to re-educate humanity about this Sacred process. Tell me Earthizens, is it easier for you ones to sleep at night secure in the absolute knowledge that the process of being reborn again and again provides you ones with unlimited opportunities to set things right, or is it easier to sleep thinking that this may be the last actual day of the rest of your life? That your “life” as you perceive it cannot be extended, cannot prolong itself BY itself for your own greater good? Can you ones not see beyond today into your individual tomorrows? You see, as each of your days progress into your tomorrows all that you have accomplished or tried to accomplish, or conversely ignored in your complacency, dictates quite literally what you can expect in your next tomorrow of life. Nay, I speak not in riddles here. You ones define “tomorrow” as the day following your present day. I define it as “your next rebirth; your next reincarnation on the Carousel of God.”


Now, another unspoken and forbidden aspect of nearly all your religious texts is that reincarnation literally adds to the Creativity of God. Yet again this information has been intentionally kept from you ones in order to defuse a situation that could possibly be catalytic to people who WANT to add to God’s Creativity. If the peoples knew of this it would infuse each Soul’s determination to BE an enhancement for God. This enhancement would then release enormous and beauteous prisms of molecular energy streamers from that person and the streamers would travel well beyond this dimension and become as ONE with God. For those among you ones who would wonder why it is important to add to God’s Creativity because after all “God is perfect,” I must tell you, no, God is not perfect. Shocker, eh! God is an ancient Aspect of Divinity; as such He must always remain in a continuous state of growth and constantly accrue knowledge AS advancement in wisdom. Furthermore, His expressions of HimSelf which exist and co-join with Him are ALL life forms who have ever been and will ever be. These ones must also evolve so that each of YOU as well can function wherever you travel throughout this Universe as “God I AM.”


As you expand and freely express yourself as advanced Beings who are God whether incarnate or discarnate, God HimSelf views, feels and senses life experiences in a grander, more exulted fashion. The Constellation of Himself then CAN attract even more Highly evolved Souls to “BE as He.” Now, please to remember: God must continue to always expand HimSelf in His CREATIVE matter in order to further evolve as the Caretaker of His Universe. This is Universal Law. It applies to all life forms; God is a TYPE of life form so there can be no exceptions. God evolves through each of you just as you each do through God, remember? Perhaps, just perhaps, there are those of you ones reading this writing who can now see the truth without the blinders on. PERHAPS. If not, oh well, there is always tomorrow. It is imperative that you who are dedicated to bearing the Light of All Lights understand the rebirthing system; it is equally important that your understanding encompasses the true roles of manipulative religions which are ALL religions and the “how and why” all this came to be. It is worth your SOUL to understand this. Those among you ones who may think I am bashing only the catholic church, the catholic religion, I must tell you I am not. I am bashing ALL religions, but equally.


Now, I shall seek this day to explain in some detail the reincarnational themes you ones may not be aware of. I will try to encapsulate some aspects of this for the sake of expediting the information. Oftentimes when I am speaking in public to groups I refer to “new Souls” being birthed on this planet. It is a true statement but one that is rarely understood. Earthizens everywhere use the term” new Soul,” yet I realize their meaning is far different than mine. In the Greater sense of the term, a “new Soul” is one who has been birthed into reality here BUT is a product of Its own reincarnational theme. The central part-the matrix of a Soul does indeed have the birthright, one that is a well- balanced central theme which is a shared one with all other Souls. When the Creator, the God of this Universe and the Creation Created the rebirthing plan it was for both the individual Soul, the Soul Cluster which each Soul is indigenous to and the main OverSoul or Soul Cluster which holds all other Soul Clusters. As God HimSelf had great need to feel and experience ALL aspects of Creativity it was deemed most necessary that each Soul should also have the same right because each Soul birthed here is God in physical manifestation. So it was and still is that each Soul birthed here has unlimited opportunities to rebirth ItSelf in order to live a life experience which COULD be of grand assistance in garnering knowledge, transmuting the knowledge into wisdom and thusly accelerating the progressive movement of “Soul Elevation status.” A humorous aspect to reincarnation which you ones do not yet understand is that even when you reincarnate here regardless of how many times you do this, you do not know who you really are! This is true for all but a handful of Souls.


Now, of course because the Earth Star planet is the “school house planet” it also means that each new incoming Soul entity has the option to either fulfill whatever Its personal destiny is, which is designated by the individual Soul ItSelf, or to recant and indulge in far less Spiritual matters. Those who choose the lesser option soon become “lost in time.” These are the ones who are or have been either becoming enthralled with the everyday, practical world, or even worse they turn to the dark for sustenance. Each Soul can and does however, even if they have arrived here from visiting or learning on other planets, arrive in Its SAME SOUL ESSENCE IT HAD WHEN IT LAST DEPARTED THE PHYSICAL LIFE. Although some Souls choose to bear some of the physical characteristics which They may have had here before, tis a matter of fondness for the most part, their genders may be changed, their belief systems enhanced for the better, their names will be different, BUT their Soul Cluster remains the same. Souls from one Cluster CAN visit another BUT their own Cluster is in this sense, their family.


Now, one of the most foolhardy speculations here is that Souls who were preyed upon and those who were the predators ALWAYS have a role reversal. Many psychics believe this…. unfortunately. There are many cases where victims were and are Souls who volunteered to aid a great cause here on Earth. Without their sacrifices many good events would not have easily taken place. In this case the victims are sometimes referred to as “the white hats” and the ones who struck them down as “the black hats.” Now, should it come to pass that two Souls who were in opposition with Each Other during an incarnation here feel and desire to repeat their previous stances with one another, They then have the right to petition the High Court for approval of their future clash until they feel that they have arrived at a mutual closure. Sometimes this is referred to as “unfinished business.” At some future time They may decide to join together as allies at some point during an incarnation,


You see, there is indeed a complexity to the “why” Souls reincarnate here that for the most part is vastly misunderstood on Earth. What does “theme” mean to you? In my expression it is a concurrent energetic stream with slight variables which may alter some aspects of a story, BUT the central part of the story is either unchanging or unchangeable. This is relative to the individual Matrix of each Soul. The past “you” is aware within the matrix of the Soul of all which occurred before and what CAN or MAY occur in the present “you” lifetime that can either eradicate former misjudgments or bring into fruition “new” concepts for Soul to relish, cherish and grow from. The future “you” which also dwells within the Soul Matrix is aware that when Its time to be conscious of the present “you” activities occurs, that the future “you” will have opportunities or challenges predicated upon the past “you” and the now present “you” which soon will also be an aspect of the past “you.” Do YOU see? Now, I will give you ones a very brief explanation on you as Soul that is actually a complicated issue.


Because the human mind is not aware enough to assimilate large quantities of SOME types of information you ones would not be able to understand what you would perceive as the complexities to this issue. Because of this fact I must always be careful that I do not give you ones too much information. If I gave you too much information I would indeed be doing you a great dis-service. Now, all Souls possess a special ability that is not taught in your religious texts. This ability manifests as Soul of your past life (you) being able to receive information from you as Soul in the present life and the present life Soul (you again) can impact upon Soul (you still) of your next future life. Remember, just in case you have forgotten, you ARE multidimensional Beings; as such you each have the unique ability to speak with yourself on a “past life plane.” So it is that what you are doing in your present life experience CAN change traumatic or even joyful events you had in a past life for YOU as the PRIMARY SOUL, yet not for another. Obviously how you interacted with others during those times COULD possibly affect them to a lesser degree for the most part. Of course there are always exceptions. I did tell you ones it is a complex issue.


And furthermore, all that you do, achieve, surpass, fail to do, ignore, dis-like, CAN change YOU in your next future life. You can actually address yourself as the past Soul by simply telepathically speaking to the former you that you were. All you need do is call upon “my past self.” Then without any great formalities needed simply say whatever you feel is the right thing to say when addressing your past you. You can also when you feel the time is right, also address your future you in the same manner. You see, YOU are YOU, but because everything outside of this dimension of density exists in the “eternal now,” EVERYTHING IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING IN A FLUID, SIMULTANEOUS FASHION! So, in reality the past you and the present you and the future you are all as ONE. Here on the Earth Star planet even though you are still as one your perceptions are jaundiced; you see more than ONE element of yourself. You see yourselves split into past, present and future. By practicing the simple method I have given to you ones you MAY if you so desire, bring all aspects of yourself into Spiritual and mental harmony. Now, we shall delve further into “themes.”


The theme that is set into action is one that each Soul may choose prior to Its next rebirth. Tis why teachers teach, thespians act, plumbers plumb and so forth. Whatever area of a life experience here on the Earth Star planet that is the one which has called so intensely to the individual Soul and identified itself as the modus operandi of the Soul‘s true desires, then compels BY DESIRE AND INTENT that particular individual Soul to WEAR as a form of Its expression to Create and/or expand upon Its past Creation, is the one or ones that the personality inhabiting the human form will be drawn to. In some cases many old but evolved Souls MAY choose to combine several of their favorite life expressions. Example: A person may be both a warrior and a teacher yet be a Healer as well. This will continue until that individual has had enough of the experience OR has elevated themselves to yet another level of learning/knowing. Now, those Souls who have said, “ok, it is time for a change now,” MAY use a professional experience they have been working from as a base, a central core of living and working in a specific profession as a stepping stone to moving on to a different profession using the previous ones as a crutch.


The crutch then is known as “previous work experiences.” Those among you ones who seem to go from job to job rarely feeling the satisfaction they had hoped for have “given over” their previous expectations of finding a profession they can be content with, one where they can foresee expansion for their own Soul growth. This is fine too; life is the “freedom of exploration” which you all do need. How can you know what you like until you know what you do not like? Of course one of the quirkiest change-overs we observe is when thespians choose to become politicians. These ones then only THINK they are changing professions, however they are merely broadening their acting abilities by my count! Now, each Soul is content with ItSelf during the resting period following the leaving of the physical body. They are content with whatever They have accomplished while in mortal form. Whatever They did not accomplish They do not fret about, for They KNOW the opportunities are limitless for Them to continue with “The Sojourn of a Soul.” And so it is indeed. Now, Those unilluminated Souls who have been rapidly leaving this world…and will continue to do so also have the same opportunities for rebirth, growth and variable personal theme choices as do you. The main difference lies with their ABILITY to heal, listen and desire to alter their circumstances. Without these issues being dealt with They cannot change. This is a problematic issue yet it is as real as are you. BUT, the difference here lies with the opportunities offered to these tainted Souls; yes, They can rebirth again and again, however if They do not CHOOSE to alter their choices to regain Their “lost” Light, if they continue to follow and/or lead others into the dark then it is only a matter of time before Their own Light is so diminished that They can no longer be permitted to continue as individual Souls. Tis indeed a sad sight to bear witness to. However, it is what it is.


Now, a matter which is foremost on my mind has to do with what is going on within the minds and hearts of many Light Workers. Although Soul is in awareness of when to arrive on Earth and when it is time to depart even with amended Soul Agreements there still must be a departure time. We are hearing far too many voices in HUMAN form in self-imposed distress. They are the ones wishing at times in desperation to leave this planet and return home. I MUST CAUTION YOU ONES….stop thinking with such idiocy! You are here either because you needed to be, your Soul specifically requested to be, or you were selected to be by the God of this Universe! Why is it when things become difficult these Souls want to pick up their marbles and go home? All of you ones were well aware this would be a journey fraught with many dangers, many inconveniences, many frustrations. I want to be standing by God’s side when one of you faces Him and says,“ I am so sorry, but remaining on Your Earth was inconvenient for me.” The voices asking to leave because of the increased violence, economic upheavals and personal failures is now tantamount to a screeching wail. I speak of Light Workers who are doing this, what does that say about taking a STAND? You see, life’s journey here MAY technically begin at the moment of your physical birth BUT the TRUE journey is HOW you live the life. Now, if you care enough about yourself as an individual Soul, as a Child of God, as a Being who IS an aspect of God, then TOUGH IT OUT! Each one of you IS a difference here; we do not ask that you build monuments, climb mountains, stretch yourself on a rack or bastardize yourself in any way. Simply stated JUST DO WHAT YOU CAN, WHEN YOU CAN AND ABOVE ALL BE THE FAITH.


I do give fair warming here: those among you ones who feel you cannot endure anymore conflicts whether planetary or self-Created cannot simply “go home” and expect that you will not have to “pick up where you left off” in your evolutionary growth in your next reincarnational journey. You cannot run away from yourself. In reality you will not have accomplished the goals set by Soul for Its own Greater Good. Although I have much more to say about reincarnation, I will do so in a later transmission this year entitled, “Contactees, Soul Contracts of Soul Clusters and the relativity of Each to the Other.” As for those who staunchly choose to believe that reincarnation is a myth, a lie, a silly supposition which holds no truth at all, to you ones I say as I have many times over these past years:“ it does not matter if you believe in reincarnation or not, it is going to happen anyway!”


Now, it is time for a bit of discussion about the Gatekeepers; just as you each have an ample number of Spirit Guides, mentors from other planets and your own Master Teacher, so do you ones each have Gatekeepers. These ones are unique Beings in their own right; they are fierce in their protection of the Sacred part of yourself which may accidentally journey to places that could be injurious to you and they also must protect certain portals from any unwanted incursions by humans who follow the unilluminated, as well as the hard-core unilluminated ones themselves. Gatekeepers are also responsible for maintaining special places which exist in other dimensions by using the Universal Law of Non-Interference. It means they adhere to this Law by refusing entry to citadels of knowledge, expanding protection to those Souls residing in the in-between-life realms and activating or “magnetically” drawing Souls INTO certain realms that are awaiting the arrival of these specific Souls. Just as you each have been assigned or chosen by mutual agreement your own Guardian Angel you each have the Gatekeeper as an awesome ally. These Beings are much in evidence throughout the Higher Dimensions. They are observed racing to and fro at tremendous speed in order to keep up with all their myriad duties while ever-maintaining a constant and vigilant watch over their charges.


Of course they are androgynous so when their guardian child encounters them consciously the Gatekeepers may choose to wear whichever gender guise they wish OR feel is most appropriate at that time and FOR that time. Now, these Beings do not HAVE TO telepath to the child explaining who they are, nor do they need explain their function in the child’s life. They have been known to do so however when certain circumstances prevail. I will not reveal those specific conditions because YOU DO NOT HAVE A NEED TO KNOW. Gatekeepers are highly regarded by us all for they have a tremendous responsibility to fulfill at all times and do so without any complaints. In other words, they are not human. Some Gatekeepers have “always been.” From the moment of their birthing into themselves as Souls they immediately chose the Guardian Role for all of Eternity. Other Gatekeepers have at one time or another walked upon the Earth plane and chose the incredible life as Gatekeeper simply because of their experiences of having “been here-done that.” They feel their expertise can be far more beneficial to all other life forms in need of defense of a certain type which the Gatekeepers provide in the role as “Prime Defender.”


Now, please do not act too human and start calling to your Gatekeeper to ask, “are you there?” There are indeed millions of peoples on Earth who encounter these special Beings every day and know it naught. If your Gatekeepers wish for you to know more about them they will definitely let you know. They will do so in their own way, in their own time. One of the more mundane and tiresome aspects of their duties is attempting again and again to bring a Soul to a certain realm. This “realm” is a “transitory- thought place.” It is here within this realm where a Soul can be encouraged to come to visit in an effort for Soul to retrain the human personality’s manner of thinking into a pattern where the personality begins to see the errors of their con-ditioned thinking and REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER. The mundane part of this training is that unfortunately, countless numbers of Souls living in human form simply refuse to accept anything that is not convenient and EASY. This you see is the personality of the individual at work..or should I say..”at wreak.” For may individuals it requires many, MANY trips to the transitory-thought place before the information there is truly assimilated BY the individual…again. Again I tell you ones that all citadels of knowledge, all “special” places are well guarded by different life forms, BUT the Gatekeeper assigned to a specific area and those guarding their child charges must be fierce in their defense of that place or person and adamant in their refusal to allow entrance to the person or place by “just anyone.”


Each Gatekeeper guards well the entry place which leads into the Sacred Soul area. So even if the individual’s mind and/or physical body is under attack by invasive forces the Soul Space is well-protected. Your other Guardian Beings are constantly watching over you to curtail as many attacks upon you ones as is possible and to provide inspirational information to you directly, AS NEEDED. Gatekeepers are also much in evidence while you are sleeping. Assaults upon you ones during the sleep state would in fact be much more vicious if the Gatekeepers or your other family members were not so vigilant. Now, Gatekeepers are always in attendance when a Soul is deciding which physical form it will assume for the upcoming reincarnational journey. Of course the Spirit Guide contingent and those of the Angelic Realm who have each decided to participate with you is there along with selected members of your Star Keeper families. Regardless of what planet the Star Keepers may be assigned to in the interim, those ones are there who have each chosen to accompany you on your journey.


Each constellation preparing to embark to the Earth Star planet again is excited and pleasured by the seemingly unending numbers of accompanying Beings. Now, each Gatekeeper has assiduously studied the past performances of their Guardian Charges and can accurately base a probability ratio of successes that the departing Soul will experience in the upcoming lifetime. That, combined with the Gatekeepers’ prior knowledge of the individual Soul the Gatekeeper is with, can pretty accurately determine what stances the Gatekeeper will have to take, what problematic issues he or she will have to deal with as a result of antics that the individual may indulge in and so forth. I must tell you these ones do not have an easy task! You see, throughout each incarnation their Charge has experienced here the Gatekeeper is one who must studiously study WHAT to expect and WHY. Old patterns that are not being eradicated by a Soul or ones that are being dealt with….but slowly, are a beacon, much like a trail of bread crumbs that the Gatekeeper has become used to observing….REPETITIVELY. It is indeed part of a tiresome pattern; even though the Gatekeepers are aware of the necessity of repetition until a Soul has had enough of the experience, it is not a “fun time.” Rumor has it that the Gatekeepers have been muttering something about, “needing to drink strong, black coffee.”


Now, I feel it is incumbent on me to offer to you ones a simplistic look of how a Soul Incarnate CAN be refused entry to a Sacred Area and WHY. So as not to offend or violate anyone’s privacy, I have asked my Celestial daughter if I may use an experience she was involved in to better demonstrate what the Gatekeepers are up against. Since she has agreed, albeit reluctantly, she will simply and briefly write about that account. Once upon a time several years ago, Celestial befriended a man who was in many ways a hippy throwback. Come to think of it, he still prefers the 60’s. I shall call him “John” although that is not really his name. Celestial had been working with John for 12 months before he came to see her one day with a dream he had just awakened from. Now, the irony you will soon read about also has to do with the fact that Celestial knew well John had been regressing for many months and she KNEW she should have just stopped working with him. BUT she was hoping fervently that he would alter his lifestyle and really begin to Create good changes rather than the “same old, same old.” Celestial, please begin now:


John–Good morning, Celest, I just had this puzzling dream and I want you to explain it to me.
Celest–Well, tell me what the dream is first, John. I told you to start figuring things out for yourself and stop asking me. I have given you a lot of time to get your act together John.
John–Ok, I dreamed I was standing in a beautiful green yard; there was a beautiful house on the hill about 200 hundred yards from me and a big white wooden fence surrounded the house and it had large swinging gates that were closed. I really wanted to go into that house Celest, I knew there was something special inside. I walked up to the gate and realized that somehow there was a big man standing in front of the gate holding a HUGE staff. I don’t know why I did not see him until then, but somehow he materialized and seemed to be a rather fierce fellow.
I walked right up to the front of the gates, ignoring him, and he yelled “stop.” He looked at me and said, “you can’t go in there.” I was shocked, he looked rather angry for some reason. I asked him why I could not go in through the gates, I told him I really wanted to go visit that house. The man said very emphatically,” NO, I WILL NOT LET YOU IN.” I said to him, “why not?” The man said rather fiercely, “YOU KNOW!” Celest, I didn’t know, but I knew this fellow would not let me pass. I was afraid he would attack me if I tried to run through the gates. So in my dream I said to him, “I’ll give you $400.00 if you let me through the gates.” The man said, “YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, I’VE HEARD THAT BEFORE! THAT’S WHAT YOU SAID THE LAST TIME. NO, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THERE, NOW GO AWAY! “ Celest, what does this mean?
Celest–JOHN! Figure it out for yourself.


Thank you Celestial, I will take it from here. Now, with her final statement to John, Celestial realized she had been right about him all those many months. It was time to “cut him loose” and she silently gave thanks to John’s Gatekeeper for reinforcing her decision through the dream John had. She knew she could not do John’s work for him and that he would not raise himself to a different level unless he was forced to understand things for himself. By the way, as of this writing John, is still looking to others to give him the answers. He has learned nothing. Oh, those Kodak moments! As I have said, Gatekeepers can see the direction a Soul is heading in; those individuals who have a tiresome predilection for wanting things and wanting to be evolved but doing nothing to help themselves are “an easy mark.” Now, it is indeed my great hope that you ones will better understand why and how certain situations are confronted by you in life and why certain situations confront YOU. Mayhap you will also understand why I am constantly hammering away at all of you about the necessity for change and evolution. Evolution requires changes made by individuals; “change” requires the individual’s intent, desire, ability and FOLLOW-THROUGH in order to birth all the necessary alterations. In other words, you do your work and we will continue to do ours. Now, on a final note as I prepare to take my leave for now I shall of course give to you ones something to mull over. Each generation that births itself here on the Earth Star planet and achieves the human chronological stage of puberty ALWAYS and around that puberty timeline looks around at parents, peers, teachers and all others in the “adult world.” It is then that these generations ALWAYS decide that they can do a much netter job on “saving” this world, enhancing this planet and being better human beings than their ancestors have. Little do they realize…. they ARE their ancestors!

Salude….Blue Star the Pleiadian



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